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Goodbye Jesus

Get Your Prayers Answered Now!!!


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I started this thread as a splinter-thread from here ---> EASIER to be an EX-C?, wooo hooo freedom


As you can see, we have ourselves another True Christian™ here who states that all of his prayers are answered in the affirmative.


In real life, you want some things to happen, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, sometimes something better happens that you wernt expecting.  Please explain, then, how your praying for things produces better results?

How? I don't know. I pray, it happens. Too amazing for me to believe too. So if I tell you plainly just like now ~ it's unbelievable. Hey co-incidence, chance, whatever. But I'm not stopping my prayers in a hurry.


What better chance could a Holy Disciple™ have to bring someone Home To Christ™ than to take our prayer requests and present them before Almighty God™ in such a way as to have them answered for us?


Here's your chance to shine before The Lord™, Pug.



I'll go first. :woohoo:



My dad needs a healing.

My wife needs a healing.

My sister in-law needs a healing.


And if he can swing it, ask Him™ to bring my other sister in-law back from the dead.


I don't forsee any of this as requiring any more effort than waving His Holy Pinky™, Pug.


Can you get to this right away. Please?

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There are approx 60,000 children in care in the UK at the moment. Last year adoptive homes were found for approx 3,000 children.


I'd like you ask God to find adoptive homes for all his children who are without loving families.


Maybe that's too big a task for God?


I have 14 children on my case load who are waiting for adoptive families, he could start with those. Time is of the essence.


Just a hint - but if God would ensure that all his children are protected from abuse for the next two years say - that would help us address the back log. Then if he thinks child abuse really is a necessary part of his creation he could reinstate it? -


Hopefully - if He cares at all, he'd realise what a big mistake it was to have included it in the first place.

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I started this thread as a splinter-thread from here ---> EASIER to be an EX-C?, wooo hooo freedom


As you can see, we have ourselves another True Christian here who states that all of his prayers are answered in the affirmative.


Here's your chance to shine before The Lord, Pug.


I'll go first.  :woohoo:

My dad needs a healing.

My wife needs a healing.

My sister in-law needs a healing.

Okie dokie. No problem. May I have their names, ages and where they stay please? (you can pm me their details ~ if I can't receive them for this Sunday's service, then next Sunday) Also, state what kind of healing they need. I'll write them down in my prayer requests to my Church's prayer group this Sunday (02-10-2005). It's been whispered they pray 24/7.


AND if God performs a miracle ~ please don't say it's co-incidence ok?


And if he can swing it, ask Him to bring my other sister in-law back from the dead.

Ah... perhaps not, her body will be all errr... quite rotten. Not a sight you'd want to meet. Pray for her soul then?


I don't forsee any of this as requiring any more effort than waving His Holy Pinky, Pug.

Can't do that. I'm merely a despised, wretched sinner. But God can. Alas, in His own time and according to His plan.



Can you get to this right away. Please?

Right away. Need your details first. Please?



we have ourselves another True Christian here who states that all of his prayers are answered in the affirmative.

Not all prayers. Wheeeww, if only. Just little ones. And I'm not a true Christian. I'm just a trying-my-best Christian.



Edited to fix the quote function -Reach

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The Lord's biggest problem child, my roommate, could use some mental and spiritual healing. And while you're at it, pray for his mother to return from the dead. Actually, if she comes back, the first prayer's solved, since that's where all of his damn problems come from. PRAY for your fellow Christian!

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There are approx 60,000 children in care in the UK at the moment. Last year adoptive homes were found for approx 3,000 children.


I'd like you ask God to find adoptive homes for all his children who are without loving families.

Shouldn't you be praying for them?


Can we do a little at a time? Perhaps if you can extend the 14 names and ages of those children under your care... we can start with that?

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Okie dokie. No problem. May I have their names, ages and where they stay please? (you can pm me their details ~ if I can't receive them for this Sunday's service, then next Sunday) Also, state what kind of healing they need. I'll write them down in my prayer requests to my Church's prayer group this Sunday (02-10-2005). It's been whispered they pray 24/7...


This god doesn't have that information yet is the creator of all things? :scratch:


After breathing life into mud I would think that a god could find a name and address without help from a mere mortal.



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Shouldn't you be praying for them?


Can we do a little at a time? Perhaps if you can extend the 14 names and ages of those children under your care... we can start with that?


I see - your God is easily overwhelmed? He likes to work his miracles a little at a time?




For most of my social work career I have been a christian. I have spent hours praying for each and every child on my case load. Sometimes good things have happened for them - sometimes they haven't.


Even now - even now that I'm not really sure whether or not any great and good deity really exists or not - I say the names of those children I know and cry out - 'please make life better for these children, please protect them further harm'.


If God answers these prayers - sometimes his answer is NO. What kind of God fails to answer a prayer to protect an already hurt and damaged child?


This should be enough information for God, shouldn't it?


'Please provide loving adoptive parents for the fourteen children on the case load of the exchristian forum member known as 'Hesitent' (remember her? - she can't spell for tofie) in time for the next matching panel - November 30th'


Thank you - much appreciated'


p.s If this happens I will go back to my old church and share this with them. I will also tell each of my collegues at work and will formally request an opportunity to pass this information onto the Adoption Team in my area. I will write to Childrens Minister. Our current parliament is committed to reducing the number of children in care and if God really does care about children and is able to assist in this way I will bring this to their attention.


If this works - it will be headline news. I'll ensure that every case worker across the UK finds a Christian to pray for the children on his or her case load. If my fourteen children are found adoptive homes by the next panel I will not cry coincidence. I will challenge other case workers to try this - and ask that when it works they do not cry coincidence either.


I will not rest until this phenomena is brought to the attention of the media. This would be so amazing - every child waiting for a loving adoptive family would be found one in a matter of months.


It shouldn't be so hard for god - because he knit each of these children together in their mother's womb didn't he? he knows each of them by name already - even the number of hairs on their heads. He cares about the vulnerable doesn't he? He has a plan for them - and if he is a loving god - then it will be a loving plan right?


These are not idle words of mine - this is my passion. I am evangelical about this. If God will help - I will shout his name from the roof tops. I will fall down and worship him. I will tell the world and I won't stop until everyone knows the wonderful incredible power of prayer.



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Are you taking personal requests or group requests?


I need to sharpen some pencils first.

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I see - your God is easily overwhelmed? He likes to work his miracles a little at a time?




I pray:


"Oh Lord, please provide loving adoptive parents for the fourteen children on the case load of the ex-christian forum member known as 'Hesitent' in time for the next matching panel - November 30th. Oh Lord, I commit these unfortunate orphans into Your hand. I pray for your compassionate favour. I pray in Jesus's name, for your will to be done. Amen."



p.s If this happens I will go back to my old church and share this with them. I will also tell each of my collegues at work and will formally request an opportunity to pass this information onto the Adoption Team in my area. I will write to Childrens Minister. Our current parliament is committed to reducing the number of children in care and if God really does care about children and is able to assist in this way I will bring this to their attention.

Do it quietly. Don't gloat. Don't be too smug.


If this works - it will be headline news. I'll ensure that every case worker across the UK finds a Christian to pray for the children on his or her case load.  If my fourteen children are found adoptive homes by the next panel I will not cry coincidence. I will challenge other case workers to try this - and ask that when it works they do not cry coincidence either.

Be humble. Do not be boastful.


I will not rest until this phenomena is brought to the attention of the media. This would be so amazing - every child waiting for a loving adoptive family would be found one in a matter of months.

No, no, no. Do not let the media mock it and drag it through mud. Let it be. If it happens, just continue with it. Remember when Jesus restored the sight to a blind man? He specifically told him not to shout in the streets. Yet he did. Try not to displease God.


It shouldn't be so hard for god - because he knit each of these children together in their mother's womb didn't he? he knows each of them by name already - even the number of hairs on their heads. He cares about the vulnerable doesn't he? He has a plan for them - and if he is a loving god - then it will be a loving plan right?

This is the hard part. Yes He is a loving God but His plans we do not know. A plan may look quite ill-conceived in the beginning and when it pans out finally we will just say ahhh co-incidence. Let's just keep on praying.


These are not idle words of mine - this is my passion. I am evangelical about this. If God will help - I will shout his name from the roof tops. I will fall down and worship him. I will tell the world and I won't stop until everyone knows the wonderful incredible power of prayer.




I'm serious too. But do calm down.


When it happens and you barge in here wide-eyed and spouting "believe, believe!!" I very much doubt you will impress or convert any body (not that we want to). They still have one word to slap you with: "co-incidence".

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Are you taking personal requests or group requests?


I need to sharpen some pencils first.


I'm not taking any prayer requests. Fwee is mocking me by setting up this thread. But if you need me to pray on your behalf ~ happy to.


But I must warn you, the outcome is from God. Also remember you may, at first, not like what you receive from Him. Or He may not even answer. Or He may bless you with more than you prayed for.



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I'm not taking any prayer requests. Fwee is mocking me by setting up this thread. But if you need me to pray on your behalf ~ happy to.


But I must warn you, the outcome is from God. Also remember you may, at first, not like what you receive from Him. Or He may not even answer. Or He may bless you with more than you prayed for. 



So, it's the same as random chance...? :scratch:

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But I must warn you, the outcome is from God. Also remember you may, at first, not like what you receive from Him. Or He may not even answer.

That he might not even answer has got to be a very hopeless situation for many who cry out to him for help! As a parent, I answer my children's requests even if the answer is, "No."


That seems heartless on the part of your God. Do you not see it that way, Pug?

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But I must warn you, the outcome is from God. Also remember you may, at first, not like what you receive from Him. Or He may not even answer. Or He may bless you with more than you prayed for. 




How do you know that YOUR god is the one answering?


Couldn't it just as easily be another god or goddess?


Do you have to pray "in jesus' name" or can you just simply ask the big guy?



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That he might not even answer has got to be a very hopeless situation for many who cry out to him for help! As a parent, I answer my children's requests even if the answer is, "No."


That seems heartless on the part of your God. Do you not see it that way, Pug?




Yes, He can be.



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Does god only answer on Sunday's?



He answers whenever He wishes to answer. Sunday included.


I mentioned Sunday because I'm going there (Calvary Church) this Sunday ~ to fill in the prayer request form for Fwee.

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How do you know that YOUR god is the one answering?


Couldn't it just as easily be another god or goddess?


Do you have to pray "in jesus' name" or can you just simply ask the big guy?




He's not my God. He's Jesus Christ. Yes, I need to pray in Jesus's name. I'd rather not refer to Him as da big guy.


I pray in Jesus name you do not mock Him. Amen. :thanks:

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I pray in Jesus name you do not mock Him. Amen.  :thanks:


I'm sure that there are more important things to pray on than my mocking the bastard child with a foot fetish.



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I'm sure that there are more important things to pray on than my mocking the bastard child with a foot fetish.




You are important to Him too Purple Rhino. :HappyCry:

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You are important to Him too Purple Rhino.  :HappyCry:


Pug the PR is important to everyone! I don't have a problem with Jesus it's his supposed followers that are the trouble.



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Oh, but she needs no one to make an apology for her.  She isn't a Christian and therefore those commands do not apply to her, me or anyone else who doesn't believe in your myth. :shrug:


It is you, the Christian who sinned, not Hesitent.




Sweet Heaven!




You are right again.



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Pug the PR is important to everyone! I don't have a problem with Jesus it's his supposed followers that are the trouble.




IF you don't have a problem with Him, why do you make fun of Him?


His supposed followers are not only trouble for you, they are for Him too. More so IMHO. I'm one of the worst.



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