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Goodbye Jesus

Hi My Name Is Aaron And Im A Christian How Are You Today/nite/morning/afternoon?


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Truthfully, it's been a long time since I have seen a woman as stuck on women abuse as you. We had a lawyer come to our place of employment and discuss employment law, harassment, etc to the supervisors in our workplace. She too was a woman with the sole objective of I am woman, hear me roar.


I've read your posts and near every one, if not all of them have the m word. What's up. Why the hell are you so angry at men? And sincerely, what the hell, other that the OT verses makes you think I dislike women. The thing I dislike is your continued arrogance......NOT because you are a woman, but simply because you are arrogant and wonderfully rude on top of that. I tried to break the ice with you and back my attitude down, but you won't go there. If you would like, we can. If you chose no, no biggie. I'm not going to apologize for your rudeness. And hell, I haven't EVEN RESPONDED to your post, but you swear I am a misogynic bastard before you have even heard my reasoning. Amazing.


You know, if you stopped spending so much time typing up insults like this (and responses to what you perceive as insults from others), you would have had plenty of time to respond in a meaningful, substantive way to all of the questions asked of you.


However, I doubt you even know how to respond to the quite legitimate questions that you've been asked. Some very valid points have been brought up, but it seems you'd rather discuss the state of another poster's underwear. That's very telling.


EDIT: By the way, the Bible and much of Christianity (especially in the more fundamentalist sects) are misogynistic. Women in the OT were no more than property, and your Jesus didn't say anything to change that.


To be fair to you, though, end, I don't think you're really strictly a misogynist; I think you're really more of a misanthrope, and just nasty to humans in general, with no real bias toward one gender or another.

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There's a perfectly good reason why "Jesus skeptics" allow for his possible existence (notice that isn't the same as "he was real," but that distinction's likely lost on you).


But I see no reason to waste wisdom upon someone who can't even understand that he's a misogynistic creep. I bug you, don't I? I'm not submitting to your penis AUTHORITAI and I actually keep to the course of a debate and have solid facts beneath me, unlike you, who misdirect, redirect, fluff, and waffle like you're terrified of facing any question whatsoever. When you post, it's to parrot the same tired contorted arguments and logical fallacies we've heard a thousand times. You wiggle out of questions, refuse to answer, and then make some genuinely creepy comments about my qualities as a woman and a wife. Then you not only refuse to apologize but make MORE creepy misogynistic comments and try to make me doubt myself just like any other abusive, controlling, manipulative misogynist. Then you refuse to apologize AGAIN and make even MORE creepy misogynistic comments ("untwist my underwear"? What the fuck is wrong with you?). I'm not being rude--not even arrogant, but face facts: I have way more knowledge about this subject than you do--but all I've done is try to keep you on track. You meanwhile have been the one displaying the stereotypically female behavior in being constitutionally incapable of logic and reason.


Apologize, and I'm happy to enlighten you and we can continue. You are a broken, flailing, defeated little man, End. I see no reason to bother with you if you can't play like an adult. I insist you retract your comments and apologize. ETA: If you're not big enough to apologize, then you can just go read my previous posts. I actually addressed the question of Jesus' historicity already.


The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks in every sentence that you speak, regardless of my efforts to treat you respectfully. And every other sentence you speak has the word misogynist. I can't help but conclude that you have a real problem in that department. Perhaps you might come to the next roping we have here and let me rail on you for lack of expertise in riding or roping. It's logically the same in my mind that this would be ok with you because I probably have more facts about roping than you. Whoever has the most knowledge wins. This, as I stated before, seems like a desparate attempt at reconciling the bad emotional, religious, subjective side. And, it's as common as the extremists within religion.


Most people with abudant knowledge share said knowledge in a loving way. Children for example......do you carry the same demeanor with them or are you loving. If you are loving, ma'am, it points to you potentially having a problem in the adult department.


A relationship has pushes and pulls......which is fact as you enjoy. You are way heavy on the push from my perspective and culture, hence my comments. As I have tried at least two or three times to get this across by suggesting respect and then by less than adult terms, I am asking you for a relationship that has less push on your part so that we might move forward. You have asked for an apology from me. I apologize.


Btw, "put your big girl panties on", "your panties are in a wad" are all regional expressions here. You probably wouldn't enjoy Texas. But, so that you will know, I foster my wife's interests, I work like hell to provide for her and our children and would gladly defend her to the death or take her place in death. I don't know what today's woman wants more.


Seems logical that the faults men have married to the faults women have might make a decent balance.....key word balance.....but one running rough-shod over the other makes for a mess, much like we have here.


I can't remove my comments as Christians have a time limit on editing. A mod would have to do that.

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To be fair to you, though, end, I don't think you're really strictly a misogynist; I think you're really more of a misanthrope, and just nasty to humans in general, with no real bias toward one gender or another.


Yes, I spent 25 years developing hate after my father left our family.....essentially growing a tree of hate. I think it largely a miracle by God that I understand this now, as all the educated therapists couldn't tell me that.....or wouldn't. The Good News is, I am working on it. So yeah, I am an expert in that department.

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The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks blah blah blah blah...


And you still haven't addressed a single point brought up by Akheia.

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What is one's religion worth if it is simply used for supporting ones own social and cultural ignorance? That's not a worship of God, but of self. What's up with this End? Has your momentary insight grown so distant and dim you've replaced it with a idol of yourself? I suggest you go back and find that inside yourself again and let it open you to your own self, so that through it you can see others again.


You know the problem End? You have made the mistake of putting it outside yourself, externalizing God, and as a result you have failed to look inside which is where that really is. You've never listened to me because you place your beliefs as your security blanket, rather than finding yourself as was opened to you in that brief moment. Apparently looking outside you isn't the right place to look.


Maybe so, that I could change to what once was seems like a constant struggle in the face of what is. But we shall see. This post is particularly insightful....just so you know.

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The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks blah blah blah blah...


And you still haven't addressed a single point brought up by Akheia.


Yes I did. I asked her about the historicity of Jesus. I somewhat know what I have read about it.......that it seems likely that the man lived. What is going to be enough for you? Should I cut and paste stuff from the articles. You people won't accept that. You already have a pat answer for Tacitus et al, I am sure.

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As I have tried at least two or three times to get this across by suggesting respect and then by less than adult terms, I am asking you for a relationship that has less push on your part so that we might move forward. You have asked for an apology from me. I apologize.

Thank you End. I appreciate hearing this, for her sake, and your own.


To quote the Buddha for you, "The only way to bring peace to the earth is to learn to make our own life peaceful."


Start within yourself. Respond from that place, speak from that place, live from that place, and those of good heart will hear you.

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The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks in every sentence that you speak, regardless of my failed efforts to treat you respectfully.


End: The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks - be the change you want to see. This is a forum for Ex-Christians. If you are going to be bold enough to come here and attempt to engage, then you need to toughen up a little bit and know your audience. People spar in academic debates. If you have a lack of knowledge in areas where we aren't lacking, you are going to feel condescended to - just like you did with that "female" lawyer. And maybe that lawyer was condescending to you, but is it possible she was just an ass in general and it had nothing to do with her sex? It seems to me that you made it about her being a female because you have issues with strong, educated women.


And every other sentence you speak has the word misogynist. I can't help but conclude that you have a real problem in that department.

Very astute. Women have a huge problem with misogyny? Hmmmm, I wonder why? You can't help but conclude that because you can't get the log out of your own eye. You don't like hearing the word misogynist because you prefer to live in a world where you are allowed to make degrading comments to women & still believe that you are not a sexist. Sir, your language is sexist & misogynistic. Maybe take a look at that first, before coming on here and essentially saying, "Whaaah, whaah."


Perhaps you might come to the next roping we have here and let me rail on you for lack of expertise in riding or roping. It's logically the same in my mind that this would be ok with you because I probably have more facts about roping than you.

Who cares? Akehia didn't come to your little roping seminar, you came here. She's not interested in roping. She likes to debate religion. You pretend to like to debate religion, but what you really want to do is condemn people who don't see with your "spiritual eyes" by telling them they just had a bad emotional experience. It's boring, we've heard it before. You came to Ex-Christian.net & now you are admitting that we have more facts regarding Christianity than you. Why are you here?


Most people with abudant knowledge share said knowledge in a loving way. So, Akheia doesn't have abundant knowledge because she doesn't love you? Waah, waah? Children for example......do you carry the same demeanor with them or are you loving. If you are loving, ma'am, it points to you potentially having a problem in the adult department. This is sexist and condescending. Akheia needs to talk to you with love because she is a lady??!! But you can talk to her like an asshat because you are a Christian male from TX. What is the point of bringing up children? This is an adult forum. You don't know Akehia in her personal life, it's not your call to make to question how she relates with children. Would you prefer we start treating you like a child because you act like one on this forum? Maybe this isn't the right place for you and you need to go back to Sunday school. Once again, you aren't acting "loving" either so - be the change you want to see. You want someone to treat you like a gentleman, act like a gentleman. You want someone to treat your knowledge of religion as equal to hers, well, you'll have to back it up, you haven't.


A relationship has pushes and pulls......which is fact as you enjoy. You are way heavy on the push from my perspective and culture, hence my comments. As I have tried at least two or three times to get this across by suggesting respect and then by less than adult terms, I am asking you for a relationship that has less push on your part so that we might move forward.

Okay, you are not in a relationship with anyone on this forum. You are asking her to be less than she is because you are uncomfortable getting your ass handed to you by a woman. Face the facts, dude. Ask questions, answer questions. If you want to debate religion by all means, get back to the conversation at hand. If you want to discuss relationships between men & women, may I suggest the forums at Oprah.com?


You have asked for an apology from me. I apologize. You apologize, for what? Would you mind being more specific? Otherwise, I may have to interpret this as a non-apology apology.


Btw, "put your big girl panties on", "your panties are in a wad" are all regional expressions here. You probably wouldn't enjoy Texas. Yeah, "hike up your skirt" is a regional expression here in NY. You probably wouldn't enjoy NY. But, so that you will know, I foster my wife's interests, I work like hell to provide for her and our children and would gladly defend her to the death or take her place in death. I don't know what today's woman wants more. Loving your wife and providing for her, while noble do nothing to defend the comments you have made that are degrading to women on this board.


Seems logical that the faults men have married to the faults women have might make a decent balance.....key word balance.....but one running rough-shod over the other makes for a mess, much like we have here. I'm sorry, is this a forum to discuss male/female relationships? No one on this board seems to have much faith or trust in the positions you have put forward & cannot defend. Are we supposed to now take relationship lessons from you? I mean, what is the point of this? A woman should not run rough shod over a man?? WTF?? Waaa, waah, more bullshit posturing.


You are on a board where Ex-Christians come to support each other. You are going to have to expect push-back if you come here. If you can't handle the push-back, don't come.


I can't remove my comments as Christians have a time limit on editing. A mod would have to do that.

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What is one's religion worth if it is simply used for supporting ones own social and cultural ignorance? That's not a worship of God, but of self. What's up with this End? Has your momentary insight grown so distant and dim you've replaced it with a idol of yourself? I suggest you go back and find that inside yourself again and let it open you to your own self, so that through it you can see others again.


You know the problem End? You have made the mistake of putting it outside yourself, externalizing God, and as a result you have failed to look inside which is where that really is. You've never listened to me because you place your beliefs as your security blanket, rather than finding yourself as was opened to you in that brief moment. Apparently looking outside you isn't the right place to look.


Maybe so, that I could change to what once was seems like a constant struggle in the face of what is. But we shall see. This post is particularly insightful....just so you know.

I can make some recommendations for you but you need to be open to hearing them. Clearly what you're doing isn't giving you that. Let me know if you'd like my suggestions.

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Some more quotes for you End....


As we cultivate peace and happiness in ourselves,

we also nourish peace and happiness in those we love.


~Thich Nhat Hanh



You must rise above the gloomy clouds covering the mountain top.

Otherwise, how will you ever see the brightness?


~ Ryōkan



There is nothing to practice.

To know yourself, be yourself.

To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be

this or that.

Just be.

Let your true nature emerge.

Don't disturb your mind with seeking.


~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj



And finally........


Beware of the anger

Of the mind.

Master your thoughts.

Let them serve truth.


~Siddhārtha Gautama



May you find Peace, End.

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No Dean, the fact is that it IS a relationship between two different entities....which is reality. You are defining the relationship in certain terms of how one side or the other should be treated. Ultimately, to create a balance, a unity, there has to be sacrifice on both sides. You are alluding to no sacrifice by one half of the relationship......essentially no feelings, again, which doesn't represent reality. Facts only, the mantra. But you are right in the fact that this website is bias benefitting ex Christians. The problem there is somehow it is ok for "abuse for benefit" or as therapy for recovery if YOU are distressed or offended.


And the kicker is we don't have all the facts regarding the other person. which leaves us woefully short in our approach to reality. My point.

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The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks in every sentence that you speak, regardless of my failed efforts to treat you respectfully.


End: The problem is you can't stop yourself from making derogatory, condescending remarks - be the change you want to see. This is a forum for Ex-Christians. If you are going to be bold enough to come here and attempt to engage, then you need to toughen up a little bit and know your audience. People spar in academic debates. If you have a lack of knowledge in areas where we aren't lacking, you are going to feel condescended to - just like you did with that "female" lawyer. And maybe that lawyer was condescending to you, but is it possible she was just an ass in general and it had nothing to do with her sex? It seems to me that you made it about her being a female because you have issues with strong, educated women.


And every other sentence you speak has the word misogynist. I can't help but conclude that you have a real problem in that department.

Very astute. Women have a huge problem with misogyny? Hmmmm, I wonder why? You can't help but conclude that because you can't get the log out of your own eye. You don't like hearing the word misogynist because you prefer to live in a world where you are allowed to make degrading comments to women & still believe that you are not a sexist. Sir, your language is sexist & misogynistic. Maybe take a look at that first, before coming on here and essentially saying, "Whaaah, whaah."


Perhaps you might come to the next roping we have here and let me rail on you for lack of expertise in riding or roping. It's logically the same in my mind that this would be ok with you because I probably have more facts about roping than you.

Who cares? Akehia didn't come to your little roping seminar, you came here. She's not interested in roping. She likes to debate religion. You pretend to like to debate religion, but what you really want to do is condemn people who don't see with your "spiritual eyes" by telling them they just had a bad emotional experience. It's boring, we've heard it before. You came to Ex-Christian.net & now you are admitting that we have more facts regarding Christianity than you. Why are you here?


Most people with abudant knowledge share said knowledge in a loving way. So, Akheia doesn't have abundant knowledge because she doesn't love you? Waah, waah? Children for example......do you carry the same demeanor with them or are you loving. If you are loving, ma'am, it points to you potentially having a problem in the adult department. This is sexist and condescending. Akheia needs to talk to you with love because she is a lady??!! But you can talk to her like an asshat because you are a Christian male from TX. What is the point of bringing up children? This is an adult forum. You don't know Akehia in her personal life, it's not your call to make to question how she relates with children. Would you prefer we start treating you like a child because you act like one on this forum? Maybe this isn't the right place for you and you need to go back to Sunday school. Once again, you aren't acting "loving" either so - be the change you want to see. You want someone to treat you like a gentleman, act like a gentleman. You want someone to treat your knowledge of religion as equal to hers, well, you'll have to back it up, you haven't.


A relationship has pushes and pulls......which is fact as you enjoy. You are way heavy on the push from my perspective and culture, hence my comments. As I have tried at least two or three times to get this across by suggesting respect and then by less than adult terms, I am asking you for a relationship that has less push on your part so that we might move forward.

Okay, you are not in a relationship with anyone on this forum. You are asking her to be less than she is because you are uncomfortable getting your ass handed to you by a woman. Face the facts, dude. Ask questions, answer questions. If you want to debate religion by all means, get back to the conversation at hand. If you want to discuss relationships between men & women, may I suggest the forums at Oprah.com?


You have asked for an apology from me. I apologize. You apologize, for what? Would you mind being more specific? Otherwise, I may have to interpret this as a non-apology apology.


Btw, "put your big girl panties on", "your panties are in a wad" are all regional expressions here. You probably wouldn't enjoy Texas. Yeah, "hike up your skirt" is a regional expression here in NY. You probably wouldn't enjoy NY. But, so that you will know, I foster my wife's interests, I work like hell to provide for her and our children and would gladly defend her to the death or take her place in death. I don't know what today's woman wants more. Loving your wife and providing for her, while noble do nothing to defend the comments you have made that are degrading to women on this board.


Seems logical that the faults men have married to the faults women have might make a decent balance.....key word balance.....but one running rough-shod over the other makes for a mess, much like we have here. I'm sorry, is this a forum to discuss male/female relationships? No one on this board seems to have much faith or trust in the positions you have put forward & cannot defend. Are we supposed to now take relationship lessons from you? I mean, what is the point of this? A woman should not run rough shod over a man?? WTF?? Waaa, waah, more bullshit posturing.


You are on a board where Ex-Christians come to support each other. You are going to have to expect push-back if you come here. If you can't handle the push-back, don't come.


I can't remove my comments as Christians have a time limit on editing. A mod would have to do that.


And the award for Least Sincere Apology of the Year goes to End3.

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And the award for Least Sincere Apology of the Year goes to End3.


This goes hand in hand with non-belief. Regardless of what I do, it is not good enough. Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff. Regardless of what God did for Israel, it wasn't enough, Regarless of what Christ died for, it isn't enough.


So very blind sir.

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And the award for Least Sincere Apology of the Year goes to End3.


This goes hand in hand with non-belief. Regardless of what I do, it is not good enough. Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff. Regardless of what God did for Israel, it wasn't enough, Regarless of what Christ died for, it isn't enough.


So very blind sir.


No Jackass,


If you had not gone cheap personal misogynist attacks on Akheia, that would have been good. If you had immediately deleted them when you still had time that would have been good. If you had said "Sorry I lost my temper" instead of whining about how you are mistreated here that would have been good.


You were actually doing fine for a couple of days here. I thought maybe you had learned something and changed. But then you stopped being good. When it comes to your religion it would have been good enough if there was as much evidence for it as there are for real things. South America is a real thing. There is evidence that it exists. When it comes to your religion there isn't any objective evidence. Now that too would be good enough if your religion didn't threaten others with hell and didn't demand that others adopt it as Da Truth. But together the threats, world dominating ambition and lack of objective evidence is bad.


You are a liar. When you were behaving yourself that was good enough for me and I interacted with you in a polite and respectful manner. You try to paint me as bias against you when the reality is I gave you chance after chance. Stop telling lies and that would be good. If you believe your own lies then you should begin by not lying to yourself.

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No Jackass


You going to apologize for losing your temper here? Please make it sincere. My body is objecitvely real.


Thx, maybe you will get nominate for an award provided you factually succeed.

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No Jackass


You going to apologize for losing your temper here?




Please make it sincere.


I am being sincere. I'm having trouble putting my disgust into words. But it is sincere.

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No Dean, the fact is that it IS a relationship between two different entities....which is reality. The "reality" is we are having an internet discussion. You and I are not in a relationship. You are not in a relationship with Akehia. We are strangers discussing religion on the internet. And now we are not even discussing that. The language you used above was in regards to male/female marital relations. It is quite out of place in this forum. And doesn't defend that what you specifically said regarding Akehia's assumed by you marital relationship and is offensive to the women who come here.


You are defining the relationship in certain terms of how one side or the other should be treated. Huh? Ultimately, to create a balance, a unity, there has to be sacrifice on both sides. Who is looking to create a balance and a unity with you? You are alluding to no sacrifice by one half of the relationship......essentially no feelings, again, which doesn't represent reality. Look, I am sorry your feelings were hurt. It seems to me that you have a case of I can dish it out, but I can't take it. If your feelings are hurt and then you respond by making personal misogynist attacks, I am going to call you out on them. Facts only, the mantra. But you are right in the fact that this website is bias benefitting ex Christians. The problem there is somehow it is ok for "abuse for benefit" or as therapy for recovery if YOU are distressed or offended. If you really feel you are being abused, why do you come here?



And the kicker is we don't have all the facts regarding the other person. which leaves us woefully short in our approach to reality. My point. Yes, so what is your point. You don't know anything about Akehia personally, so therefore it is within your rights to fill in the blanks?

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No Jackass


You going to apologize for losing your temper here?




Please make it sincere.


I am being sincere. I'm having trouble putting my disgust into words. But it is sincere.


Sincerity would be moot as it is factual to you but subjective. Get your shit straight man. I factually apologized to A, and now you want something nonfactual with it.

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And the award for Least Sincere Apology of the Year goes to End3.


This goes hand in hand with non-belief. What does, calling you out for your non-apology?


Regardless of what I do, it is not good enough. It is not good enough. You do not understand what you are apologizing for - you would be better served to just own that your comments are misogynistic and stop pretending you are apologizing for them when you are not.


Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff. This sounds like a personal self-esteem issue to me. Has anyone else on this board mad broad generalization regarding men or women?


Regardless of what God did for Israel, it wasn't enough, God didn't do anything for Israel because the Torah is mythology.


Regarless of what Christ died for, it isn't enough. Also, mythology.


So very blind sir. Personal attack.

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Sincerity would be moot as it is factual to you but subjective. Get your shit straight man. I factually apologized to A, and now you want something nonfactual with it.


You said, "You asked for an apology. I apologize."


Once again, what are you apologizing for? Enquiring minds want to know, I want to know.

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Sincerity would be moot as it is factual to you but subjective. Get your shit straight man. I factually apologized to A, and now you want something nonfactual with it.


You are lying again. I don't want something nonfactual with it. I do recognize that you apologized. Whether or not your motives were because you actually thought you had done something wrong would have to come from inside you. I don't expect you to fake it. However it is fact that your apology was worded to the effect of {because you asked for one} and padded with a whole bunch of complaining about the one to whom you were apologizing. It indicates that your motive was something else and I recognized that fact as well.


You are the king of nonfactual. You made false witness against me in post 293 and 288. You made false witness against A in numerous posts where you made up stuff about her personal life to distract away from the fact that she outsmarted you in a debate. That is what all this mud slinging is about isn't it? While we are talking trash we have stopped talking about God and the Bible. And that is good because you had painted yourself into a corner and had no legitimate way out. That is when the personal attacks began.

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Jesus, listen to you people. If I stated only the facts, then one, you couldn't handle it, and two, you continually complain it's unjust. Regardless of my actions, the fact is A is guilty of rude behavior.....and none of you can live with it. I stated it, and bam, it's offensive.


Now listen closely. As Legion has made mention to numerous times.....entaliment. I don't know shit about entailment, but the facts themselves don't seem to adaquately define who we are or what we need. YA RECON?????


So stop the whining yourselves, and TRAPPED, aren't you going to tell MM that he got handed his ass?


And y'all say I'm insane. Jesus.


I factually apologized but the only one that knew I was being sincere was Antlerman. Why you ask. Because he KNOWS me from a past RELATIONSHIP. Might I take this opportunity to witness. That Jesus' goal that was we have GOOD RELATIONSHIPS. And if you boneheads would take tjhe blessed time to look at how nature works........it's the same GD thing.


And you claim SUCH righteous intellligence because you can spell and write well....because you know the facts.


YOU LACK WISDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And the award for Least Sincere Apology of the Year goes to End3.


This goes hand in hand with non-belief. Regardless of what I do, it is not good enough. Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff. Regardless of what God did for Israel, it wasn't enough, Regarless of what Christ died for, it isn't enough.


So very blind sir.


Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff.


Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff.


Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff.


Regardless of what men do for women, they want more stuff.


Wow. Just... wow.


That was actually nice of you to write, because I'd had some lingering questions about whether or not you were a troll or just ridiculously dense. You gave about the most passive-aggressive "apology" I ever saw, and it was couched within further misogynistic comments. I'm not sure how else we're going to communicate from here, because I don't feel that you really understand a damn thing anybody reprimanding you is trying to say. So here it is in very plain speech:


No. I'm not holding your hand any further. You say you want to know about the historicity of Jesus, but you're just trolling. I know this because you didn't actually read any of my previous posts, where I addressed that question and others regarding the historicity of the Bible in so much detail that it made you show your true colors as a Grade-A Fundie Asshole. I already answered that question, and you ignored it to address the condition of my putative marriage and my panties and to whine about things any Mens' Rights Activist would cheer. So go read http://jesusneverexisted.com/, because I cannot be arsed to condense--AGAIN--why we know Jesus did not exist in the form the Bible posits for someone who doesn't actually read for comprehension anyway, and won't actually be able to analyze anything I say because he's so poorly-educated in critical thinking. You haven't yet actually addressed a thing I wrote earlier, so writing more is only going to give you more opportunities to wiggle and weasel out of facts. Address what I wrote already about how your religion is made-up and subjective and why you still feel your subjective experience is enough to lord your faith over everybody else's made-up subjective faith and everybody else's experiences.


I'm not going to proceed to the next chapter till you've well and truly absorbed what I've already written and fully addressed the bolded question above.


For 10 extra credit points: In your rush to whine about mean ol' Akheia reminding you of a feminist lawyer who clearly didn't do enough to make you realize what a snake you behave like toward women, you've once again spent quite a bit of time writing all sorts of bullshit trying to justify your misogyny. And yet you still haven't answered my questions at all. So my extra credit question is: Why do you not fundamentally care about people's souls, but do care oh so deeply about a (GASP) woman having the nerve to kick your motherfucking ass up one side and down the other in a debate?

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end3 you should be ashamed of wasting the time of some of these very insightful and intelligent posters. You know in your thick skull already that no one elses experience *backed up by evidence and a genuine, clear, non-fluffy approach* is going to get your head out of your ass.




The crap you spill out for Christianity can be done for any other religion. You also keep saying "it is written" refering to only the bible.... This is how we see you are in a cult mindset; just you're your own leader. That's what all cults do. Make supernatural claims that can't be proven, then pretend they are the humble followers.


And please, for everyone's sake, stop saying we are denying your experience. We know you feel deep and fuzzy wuzzy feelings about your particular god. We know you think you saw him. Or communicate with him somehow. We know you chalk any mystery up to god. They (not me anyway) have known what it's like to actually live believing it was real.


The difference is they all got off the faithamphetamine. end3, you are still tweaking high as balls. They all see exactly what's going through your head.


If all accounts should be considered as attached to the real, what of all the highly spiritual accounts of schizophrenics and others deemed mentally ill? Why don't we listed to them. They truly believe what they say too.


You need to actually learn something about biopsychology. And....well just about everything else you know really nothing about but choose to wash over with your faith wand. Your whole approach is one of ignorance and laziness. Everything comes down to "oh we can't prove this, so that gives me room to claim that" and that's the end of it.... Very intellectually dishonest.


I also made a post on page 5. Reply to that....


yes I realized I just wasted 10 minutes of my life...but whatever I'm about to get hammered anyway


The problem T......is for the extremism I potentially show, there is equal that if not more in the "intellect and logic is the only truth" department. The predictable backlash to a bad spiritual reality. Oh yeah, none of y'all believe in that.....I forget.


You are so full of shit! You are a grown adult and you actually think that's a healthy way to look at things?!


You are practicing the basics of human reasoning capacity by (dare I say) flexing your brain (to the minimal extent required for communication of a thought) and your intent with it is to try and speak against that very mental faculty??


Intellect and logic take time and effort and HONESTY. You propose this fluffy fairytale pony ride of another realm not using intellect and reason....faith. Faith so that....you don't actually have to fucking think, be critical, and re-think things with an honest approach.


This is child's play. If we ask for evidence of this other 'realm' you cite your own experience. If we ask you to explain it, you act like a 5 year old cross your arms. And if things are unexplainable, they are unexplainable. Attributing whatever god/supernatural beliefs to it you want IS an effort to explain it; though a shitty, easy, make-it-up-as-you-go explination.


A child also thinks they know all they need to know for the longest time. So does any grown idiot who carries around a bible to "explain" everything.


I really get the suspicion you're a troll. A sick, twisted one to have made it to thousands of posts too. Whatever the case, it's not something noble to waste one's life doing (faith or troll)

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Wow. Just... wow.


That was actually nice of you to write, because I'd had some lingering questions about whether or not you were a troll or just ridiculously dense. You gave about the most passive-aggressive "apology" I ever saw, and it was couched within further misogynistic comments. I'm not sure how else we're going to communicate from here, because I don't feel that you really understand a damn thing anybody reprimanding you is trying to say. So here it is in very plain speech:


No, the fact is that the majority of women don't use their vaginas to get what they want. I'm wrong, totally wrong. You're going to deny this certainly as less than factual.


No. I'm not holding your hand any further. You say you want to know about the historicity of Jesus, but you're just trolling. I know this because you didn't actually read any of my previous posts, where I addressed that question and others regarding the historicity of the Bible in so much detail that it made you show your true colors as a Grade-A Fundie Asshole. I already answered that question, and you ignored it to address the condition of my putative marriage and my panties and to whine about things any Mens' Rights Activist would cheer. So go read http://jesusneverexisted.com/, because I cannot be arsed to condense--AGAIN--why we know Jesus did not exist in the form the Bible posits for someone who doesn't actually read for comprehension anyway, and won't actually be able to analyze anything I say because he's so poorly-educated in critical thinking. You haven't yet actually addressed a thing I wrote earlier, so writing more is only going to give you more opportunities to wiggle and weasel out of facts. Address what I wrote already about how your religion is made-up and subjective and why you still feel your subjective experience is enough to lord your faith over everybody else's made-up subjective faith and everybody else's experiences.


I'm not going to proceed to the next chapter till you've well and truly absorbed what I've already written and fully addressed the bolded question above.

Your choice, I was factual by your standards and sincere by mine. You wouldn't have a clue if I were sincere, because you won't make yourself vulnerable to being hurt. I was sincere.


For 10 extra credit points: In your rush to whine about mean ol' Akheia reminding you of a feminist lawyer who clearly didn't do enough to make you realize what a snake you behave like toward women, you've once again spent quite a bit of time writing all sorts of bullshit trying to justify your misogyny. And yet you still haven't answered my questions at all. So my extra credit question is: Why do you not fundamentally care about people's souls, but do care oh so deeply about a (GASP) woman having the nerve to kick your motherfucking ass up one side and down the other in a debate?


Check the Christian stats here dear. More facts. I am probably one of the most persistent if not the most to have ever mananged to stay active(not permenently banned) from this website.......explaining my take on truth. Sure some of it is trolling mean in my personal moments of distress, but I also would care for people to say, hey, I never looked at it like that......I'll consider that. Take it as you wish.

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