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Goodbye Jesus

God's Mighty Plan Of Salvation


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Fungi: "The Prof's a lousy father, but god ain't"


Ex-C Chorus:  "That's a poor comparison."


Fungi:  "No it ain't."


Ex-C Chorus:  "Yes it is; and it ain't even true."


Fungi:  "F*** this place.  I'm outta here."


This is what makes Fungi such a special treat for us.  His flaws and fallacies are so easily demonstrable to the lurkers.  In this exchange, his opening argument was a personal attack against me and my family.  I let that slide so that the discussion could go on, rather than attacking him right back (turn the other cheek... forgive and forget... all those godless atheist morals).


However, rather than justifying the comparison (or the attack, for that matter) Fungi just kept insisting that I was evil for bringing a child into a cruel world, but that god was good no matter what he did or why he did it.


Then, when every single point he could possibly make had been soundly refuted, he just cut his losses and quit.


Lurkers, especially those of you who are still believing christians, take note of this and ask yourself, "Is this really the best your religion has to offer?"

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What is amusing is that, upon his return, when I asked why he had come back, he said something about making amends and maturing as a believer, but he was more dishonest than before and he was quite a bit more aggressive too. He was like the return of a cancer that had gone into remission.


If that is what maturing as a believer does to a person, then praise the Holy Milk Jug that we got out.

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I left and came back,arent you glad we even come back at all?  Do guys love to feed off the energy we give dont you? How does it taste?

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I left and came back,arent you glad we even come back at all?  Do guys love to feed off the energy we give dont you? How does it taste?


No, I wouldn't say that I enjoy having believers around on the site, but I'm not going to speak for everyone else. Everything that Christians say when they come to this site must be challenged because Christianity is a virus of the mind; much like Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, and every other sick cult out there.

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I left and came back,arent you glad we even come back at all?  Do guys love to feed off the energy we give dont you? How does it taste?


No, I wouldn't say that I enjoy having believers around on the site, but I'm not going to speak for everyone else. Everything that Christians say when they come to this site must be challenged because Christianity is a virus of the mind; much like Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, and every other sick cult out there.


It's all a virus of the mind CG...even your belief...so pick one you like.

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Heyyyyy! End3! i heard about you Another Soldier for God. I have a shield want my sword? These guys i dont need a weapon

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I left and came back,arent you glad we even come back at all?  Do guys love to feed off the energy we give dont you? How does it taste?



It's not like that.  This is the one place where we can actually say the truth without being punished for it.  It is nice to be able to be honest.  In the real world I have to keep all this bottled up or else Christians would turn my life into a living hell if they realized I wasn't one of them.

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mymistake I wasnt serious i dont always put lol at the end because its too obvious lol. well just now i did but you get my drift. But yea I know what you mean. My Atheists friends create separate facebook profiles because of family and friends, and to protect them as well because people are mean and same with Me as a christian i created a separate facebook profile to protect my family and to avoid unneccesary drama

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This is why i am writing a book with REAL dialogue and real scenarios so people in the theaters can see BOTH sides the REAL sides and not the fake one

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So, Fungi, now that you're back, perhaps we could have your take on this topic?

From your first post, what would you want my take on first?


Good?  Evil?  God creating evil?


I think I remember you saying you had children.  Right?  Why didn't you just buy some Ken and Barbie dolls and call them your kids instead of bringing kids into this imperfect, increasingly immoral, violent world?  Spare them the pain of this cold, cruel and twisted world.  Why did you have kids then?  Are you some narcissist that takes pleasure in the suffering of others?


I think you know, or should know where I am going with this.  Calling God cruel and sick for knowing we would sin and would face a lifetime of misery when he created us, is the same as calling you sick and demented when you brought children into this fallen and harsh world.  You know the world's present circumstances, and you still went along and did it anyways.  Why then?  Maybe because having children is an outward expression of our NEED to have purpose, to show and give love, to have the image of us and our spouses living for subsequent generations.  Maybe that is why God created us, so he could love us and we him.


That's my take.




Please justify your comparison of God and the Prof, Fungi, remembering the following points.



God has perfect foreknowledge and the Prof doesn't.



God has all power and can create universes by speaking them into existence - the Prof is just a man.



God creates people just to show His glory - but the Prof is just a man.



God is perfect and never makes a mistake - but the Prof is just a man.



God created evil - but the Prof is just a man.



God punishes billions with eternal hellfire - but the Prof is just a man.




So, the Prof deserves to be called cruel and sick, but God doesn't?

Ok then, justify your comparison, Fungi.


Both are Fathers.  And I don't use that term lightly.  Both love, care, adore, and would DIE for our own children.  We are more like the bible God then what we want to admit.  Calling what you call this so called God sick, evil and twisted for creating us for a lifetime of misery, is the same logic then we would have to look into ourselves for bringing children into this world knowing there will be pain and death for our children. 


If you can't see the deeper meaning to the point I am drawing instead of getting hung up on the minor details, then I cannot communicate any more clearer and will have to bow out of this discussion.



Just deal with the ****ing points!


Don't dodge them!


Nice to see you again to BAA.


The point is this, over my time here previously, maybe not by yourself, but by a good majority of the other members here criticize this God they don't believe in, and mock and bewail about why this God created us KNOWING there would be pain, anguish, sorrow, heartache and every other miserable condition one can think of, yet go ahead with it anyways.  He has been charged and convicted for narcissism, tyranny and evil for creating a world that has brought forth the horrible conditions in this world, past, present and future.  Yet we continue to reproduce knowing there will be wars, knowing some of our children will get raped, knowing some will turn to drugs and alcohol, knowing some will have mental illness, knowing some will murder, lie, rape, cheat, steal, so why do we continue to produce children knowing the above is what they are facing?  If you want to charge and convict God for the above crime, be prepared to turn that finger around back at you and do the same for every man, woman and child who has ever brought anybody into this world.


Knowing that we do not have foreknowledge like God then, is it even more irresponsible to bring forth children not knowing what tomorrow will bring?





By the logic of your initial comparison, the Prof is exactly the same as an amoeba - because both have contributed genetic material to their descendants.  That's one and only one point of contact between two things that are being compared.


Before you can make a valid comparison between God and the Prof and before you can draw any conclusions, - you have to demonstrate that the comparison is valid on more than one point of contact.  I demonstrated just one point of contact with my Prof / amoeba comparison.  THAT was not valid.  Nor is your Father-God / Father - Prof comparison.


Justify the comparison or withdraw it.


The Prof said something to the effect of he loves his son more than he loves his own life.  Essentially saying he would die for his son if he had to.  Where or where have we heard that before?  Isn't the greatest act of love is to lay down one's life for somebody else?  That's the same thing the bible God says and the same thing the Prof says.  So the comparison is very valid.  Wonder why the saying is God the Father?



I don't require the Prof saying he'd torture his son forever and ever and ever if he doesn't love him back sufficiently.



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What is amusing is that, upon his return, when I asked why he had come back, he said something about making amends and maturing as a believer, but he was more dishonest than before and he was quite a bit more aggressive too. He was like the return of a cancer that had gone into remission.


If that is what maturing as a believer does to a person, then praise the Holy Milk Jug that we got out.

Yeah, I noticed he was a lot more aggressive and a lot less patient than he was the first time around.  I was thinking last night that maybe he had some personal issues going on in his life, family or career stuff, maybe, and that not only prompted his return, but also his aggression.  I certainly hope he's doing okay, bless his heart.

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I don't require the Prof saying he'd torture his son forever and ever and ever if he doesn't love him back sufficiently.


See?  God was invented to justify authoritarian government.  A king doesn't seem reasonable on his own.  Bronze Age kings could torture you but it still wasn't enough.  That is why these kings needed an imaginary Super King in the sky.  The king would pretend to obey the Super King.  And everybody would tell you that the king was appointed by the Super King.  So that is the real reason we obey the king.  Oh and you better do what the Super King says or else He will torture you forever and ever.  The Super King's punishment makes the king's punishment look like a picnic.  So obey the king because of the Divine Right Of Kings.

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On the subject of faith, 1AAT1...


Do you still have faith in antonymic pairs to tell you anything reliable about the stars, the galaxies and the entire observable universe?


Do you still have faith in logical absolutes to tell anything reliable about the origin of the universe?


Do you still have faith that the universe originated from an initial singularity?

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"Heyyyyy! End3! i heard about you Another Soldier for God. I have a shield want my sword? These guys i dont need a weapon" 1AcceptingATheist


No, but using your brain would help.    bill

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"This is why i am writing a book with REAL dialogue and real scenarios so people in the theaters can see BOTH sides the REAL sides and not the fake one" 1AcceptingATheis


Great. But you have to see and understand both sides first. Wait. No you don't.  bill

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I left and came back,arent you glad we even come back at all?  Do guys love to feed off the energy we give dont you? How does it taste?


Sometimes it's fun. Other times it's boring. The Xians here are rather predictable.

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WIlliam7davis I dont make up dialgue i will be using real dialogue from my atheists friends in real life and clubs i go to so that it is authentic and real, I dont use too much online people try to put up a front and be brave. Some talk alot of junk online but in real life they are a shy little caterpillar. So real life dialogue and interviews is the ebst way for genuien atheists feelings and dialogue unedited and uncut conversations i hope to make the book a presentation to christians letting them know that Atheists arent some barbaric giants stomping around in anger, they are normal people who are intelligent who care and who know hwo to have fun and joke just like normal people

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WIlliam7davis I dont make up dialgue i will be using real dialogue from my atheists friends in real life and clubs i go to so that it is authentic and real, I dont use too much online people try to put up a front and be brave. Some talk alot of junk online but in real life they are a shy little caterpillar. So real life dialogue and interviews is the ebst way for genuien atheists feelings and dialogue unedited and uncut conversations i hope to make the book a presentation to christians letting them know that Atheists arent some barbaric giants stomping around in anger, they are normal people who are intelligent who care and who know hwo to have fun and joke just like normal people



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yes just like normal people and not crazy people like christians think to paint Atheists to be. 90% of my friends are atheists. Coolest people i ever met.

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Oh, I guess you don't get what you indicated with your statement. Nevermind...

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yes just like normal people and not crazy people like christians think to paint Atheists to be. 90% of my friends are atheists. Coolest people i ever met.

It's almost like atheists are people too!


So what do you think about 90% of your friends being destined for eternal torture by your god?

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Well, best of luck with your effort,but I'd be surprised if you convince very many Xtians. Most Xtians I have encountered on a serious basis don't want to hear anything that doesn't support their faith as they understand it.  bill

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me and my friends play video games some watch porn and i dont. I watch Blues clues, and they dont. We haev different tastes. We chat like everybody else do. No one feels disrespected. If they did they would have left years ago and converse with other atheists isntead of the likes of me

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me and my friends play video games some watch porn and i dont. I watch Blues clues, and they dont. We haev different tastes. We chat like everybody else do. No one feels disrespected. If they did they would have left years ago and converse with other atheists isntead of the likes of me

You should devote a chapter or two in your book about this stunning and important information.

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not a bad idea, its actually an audio book, im hiring real atheists to play and christians to play certain roles, I myself is playing an atheist certain roles and parts its more like a play but in storyform but with real dialogue there going to be 22 chapters im only on chapter 2 jsut started because most of the time went to developing the plot for all 22 chapters. once i get to chapter 5 i will release the first two

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