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Goodbye Jesus

Challenge for Christians - GO and preach!


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This post seems a little weak. Maybe you should direct your comments towards the Christians in the two thirds world who are sending missionaries HERE to the United States. Your view is very ethnocentric. There are more Christians in the rest of the world than America.


This doesn't even make any sense.


Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false. The two/thirds world has the fastest growing amounts of Christians and they are sending missionaries to the US to reach people. The whole challenge of this thread is ridiculous because exatly the opposite is occurring. People of other cultures are coming to us to evangelize, not vice versa.

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Goodbye Jesus
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This post seems a little weak. Maybe you should direct your comments towards the Christians in the two thirds world who are sending missionaries HERE to the United States. Your view is very ethnocentric. There are more Christians in the rest of the world than America.


This doesn't even make any sense.


Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false. The two/thirds world has the fastest growing amounts of Christians and they are sending missionaries to the US to reach people. The whole challenge of this thread is ridiculous because exatly the opposite is occurring. People of other cultures are coming to us to evangelize, not vice versa.

No shit?!?!?


Wow! This might explain a lot of the hysteria and superstition that thrives over here! Not only are we getting bombed with our own nut-jobs, but we're getting a double whammy from more of them coming here! :ugh:

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Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false. The two/thirds world has the fastest growing amounts of Christians and they are sending missionaries to the US to reach people. The whole challenge of this thread is ridiculous because exatly the opposite is occurring. People of other cultures are coming to us to evangelize, not vice versa.


The type of evangelical xtianity practiced in NA is primarily a NA phenomena. Versions of it are practiced in other English speaking countries such as Australia and NZ.


You miss the point of the thread by your charge of ethnocentrism. The OP argued that NAs, living in a nation dripping with xtian evangalism should put up or shut up, follow their stupid book and go share the gospel with parts of the world that are in fact not quite so evangelized. Like you though, they all come here with a belly full of excuses.

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Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false.
Wow. It's a good thing nobody here actually thinks that. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
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Fellow Americans... look at your country! You wonder why other nations choose to sojourn to the safety of our peaceful climes, to a nation founded upon Christian teachings. In truth, this is no longer a Christian nation - if there is such a land to be found, it is in the underground movement of China. By any acceptable standard of morality, America has fallen short - promiscuity is all but encouraged, domestic abuse pervades millions of households... and our youth, our children - they're being drawn to drugs, to alcohol, to despair.


A month ago, a sophomore in my school killed himself. He had been brutally mocked and cut down by his peers, made to feel as if he had nothing to live for - and in this nihilistic culture, did he? Children kill other children, husbands beat their spouses... love has lost its holy meaning, replaced by cheap pleasure. I know all of you have left Christianity for a reason - perhaps you logically eliminated it, were hurt by its followers, anything. Perhaps you feel that this "relgion" - this dependence on an unseen God - is for weak people with feeble capacity for reason. If this is so, then I confess - I am a weak person, for I cannot imagine life without my Savior's love. I know many of you feel that you have grown beyond this unto self-reliance - you are strong enough to make it through 76.5 years without faith. Well, you know, others haven't, and without Jesus they will not make it that long. For the children then, for those who are not strong enough to take on this world alone - Christians will continue to preach the Good News of this peace with God.


America needs the Gospel preached with a power that is not to be widely found within her boundaries. Other nations see that, and come here as missionaries. God be praised - American Christians need this call, this confirmation of our failure.


I recently had the honor of meeting a young missionary recently returned from a year of service. God's call had not led her out of this country, but to urban Philadelphia, to help provide for both the bodily and spiritual needs of the people there. Some are called to stay home, some to the other side of the world - God has a plan for each of us and He will lead His children to where they are needed the most.


With sincerity in Christ,



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I know many of you feel that you have grown beyond this unto self-reliance - you are strong enough to make it through 76.5 years without faith. Well, you know, others haven't, and without Jesus they will not make it that long.

Oh what utter bullshit. I have one word for them: EVOLVE.


I think you grossly underestimate the human will to survive. If anything, it is religion that contributes to this idea that we cannot live without imaginary friends.

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Fellow Americans... look at your country! You wonder why other nations choose to sojourn to the safety of our peaceful climes, to a nation founded upon Christian teachings. In truth, this is no longer a Christian nation


For a nation that was founded on christian nation, the founding fathers certainly usurped the god established kingdom of King George


America's God-mocking Christian Founders


Since fundamentalist Christians are fond of claiming that America was founded and established by God-fearing Christians, they are left with the problem that these "Christian founders" were all rebels and workers of evil in the eyes of the Almighty. The Christian founders of America were actually a bunch of insolent, rebellious, God-mockers.


The Bible makes it clear that those who rebel against God's established authority are not doing His will at all.

Rom 13:1-5

Let every soul be subject to the authorities(human rulers) that are above him. For there is no authority except from God; and those that exist are set up by God.

So that he that sets himself in opposition to the authority resists the ordinance of God; and they who thus resist shall bring sentence of guilt on themselves.

For rulers are not a terror to a good work, but to an evil one. Dost thou desire then not to be afraid of the authority? practise what is good(obey authority), and thou shalt have praise from it;

for it(a human ruler) is God's minister to thee for good. But if thou practisest evil, fear; for it bears not the sword in vain; for it is God's minister, an avenger for wrath to him that does evil.

Wherefore it is necessary to be subject, not only on account of wrath, but also on account of conscience.


The same mandate to obey human authority is echoed in the following:

1 Peter 2:13-15

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:


The commands for Christians to obey all human authority, which has been established by God according to his will, is clear and unambiguous.


You can bet that Christian fundamentalists won't quote these verses when they chirp about the Christian founders of this nation. The Christian founders were all guilty of resisting God's authority.

The servant and authority who God established, Old King George III of England, is in heaven right now, pointing his finger at all the rebellious Christian founders of America telling God, "Yup, that's the rebel bunch who refused your authority on earth. Let them burn."

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Fellow Americans... look at your country! You wonder why other nations choose to sojourn to the safety of our peaceful climes, to a nation founded upon Christian teachings. In truth, this is no longer a Christian nation

Ruth... it never was!
if there is such a land to be found, it is in the underground movement of China.
What "underground" movement? You realise that the whole problem with Chritianity in China is not because it's a religion, but because they are preaching obedience to something other than the State. They are instructing people to chose religion over and above the laws of the country, and that is illegal... except in theocracies. (ones like Afganistan when the Taliban was in charge...)
By any acceptable standard of morality, America has fallen short - promiscuity is all but encouraged, domestic abuse pervades millions of households... and our youth, our children - they're being drawn to drugs, to alcohol, to despair.
By any acceptable standard of morality, the US has always fallen short...


Slavery, Witch hunts, Segregation, Organised crime, legal usage of Heroin, Cocane and Cannabis, Domestic abuse, (which has been going on for centuries, thanks mainly the anti-woman attitude of Christianity) Demonization of natural bodily functions... shall I go on?


All those are part of what the US was like when it was "a Christian country"...

A month ago, a sophomore in my school killed himself. He had been brutally mocked and cut down by his peers, made to feel as if he had nothing to live for - and in this nihilistic culture, did he? Children kill other children, husbands beat their spouses...
So, just how is it different to before? Answer... it isn't, but that isn't going to stop you trying to preach that it is.
love has lost its holy meaning, replaced by cheap pleasure. I know all of you have left Christianity for a reason - perhaps you logically eliminated it, were hurt by its followers, anything. Perhaps you feel that this "relgion" - this dependence on an unseen God - is for weak people with feeble capacity for reason. If this is so, then I confess - I am a weak person, for I cannot imagine life without my Savior's love. I know many of you feel that you have grown beyond this unto self-reliance - you are strong enough to make it through 76.5 years without faith. Well, you know, others haven't, and without Jesus they will not make it that long. For the children then, for those who are not strong enough to take on this world alone - Christians will continue to preach the Good News of this peace with God.
Good news??

"Slavery, Witch hunts, Segregation, Domestic abuse, (which has been going on for centuries, thanks mainly the anti-woman attitude of Christianity) Demonization of natural bodily functions..."


You really think that is good news? :ugh:

America needs the Gospel preached with a power that is not to be widely found within her boundaries. Other nations see that, and come here as missionaries. God be praised - American Christians need this call, this confirmation of our failure.
Yes, because it'll make life so much better for everyone if we return to a life where "Slavery, Witch hunts, Segregation, Domestic abuse, (which has been going on for centuries, thanks mainly the anti-woman attitude of Christianity) Demonization of natural bodily functions..." is the norm, instead of a life where it's a lot less common...
I recently had the honor of meeting a young missionary recently returned from a year of service. God's call had not led her out of this country, but to urban Philadelphia, to help provide for both the bodily and spiritual needs of the people there. Some are called to stay home, some to the other side of the world - God has a plan for each of us and He will lead His children to where they are needed the most.


With sincerity in Christ,




Hebrews 6:4-6 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.


We've heard it, we've rejected it, we can't go back, you're wasting your time trying to get us to go back...


The US has heard it, either accepted it or rejected it, those that rejected it can't go back, you're wasting your time trying to get them to go back...



Listen to your holy book and stop trying to save the unsavable.

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Fellow Americans... look at your country! You wonder why other nations choose to sojourn to the safety of our peaceful climes, to a nation founded upon Christian teachings. In truth, this is no longer a Christian nation - if there is such a land to be found, it is in the underground movement of China. By any acceptable standard of morality, America has fallen short - promiscuity is all but encouraged, domestic abuse pervades millions of households... and our youth, our children - they're being drawn to drugs, to alcohol, to despair


It never was a Christian nation. Open up a history book. The Founding Fathers were influenced by The Great Enlightenment NOT religion! Not all the states were founded by Christians either, only some of them were.

How do you know what China is like, have you ever been there? Are you part Chinese and have relatives there like some on this board?


A month ago, a sophomore in my school killed himself. He had been brutally mocked and cut down by his peers, made to feel as if he had nothing to live for - and in this nihilistic culture, did he? Children kill other children, husbands beat their spouses... love has lost its holy meaning, replaced by cheap pleasure. I know all of you have left Christianity for a reason - perhaps you logically eliminated it, were hurt by its followers, anything. Perhaps you feel that this "relgion" - this dependence on an unseen God - is for weak people with feeble capacity for reason. If this is so, then I confess - I am a weak person, for I cannot imagine life without my Savior's love. I know many of you feel that you have grown beyond this unto self-reliance - you are strong enough to make it through 76.5 years without faith. Well, you know, others haven't, and without Jesus they will not make it that long. For the children then, for those who are not strong enough to take on this world alone - Christians will continue to preach the Good News of this peace with God.


How do you know we don't have faith, just because we don't believe in Christianity anymore? We are not all Athiests! Your opinoin is based on assumptions without any knowledge.


America needs the Gospel preached with a power that is not to be widely found within her boundaries. Other nations see that, and come here as missionaries. God be praised - American Christians need this call, this confirmation of our failure.


I recently had the honor of meeting a young missionary recently returned from a year of service. God's call had not led her out of this country, but to urban Philadelphia, to help provide for both the bodily and spiritual needs of the people there. Some are called to stay home, some to the other side of the world - God has a plan for each of us and He will lead His children to where they are needed the most.


With sincerity in Christ,




Um...what kind of Gospel is not preached widely in the US? Is there some kind of preaching that we haven't heard of that isn't widely known? Do you practice a type of Christianity that few people know about?

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Guess the North Koreans and the Iranians don't need god's children very much since there is hardly any Christian ministry in those countries.

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America needs the Gospel preached with a power that is not to be widely found within her boundaries. Other nations see that, and come here as missionaries.


Oh Ruth, it is sad to watch such a bright young mind be brainwashed with such utter tripe. I do hope you fill your thoughts with some positive material to ballance out against all this negativity you are being exposed to. And by positive I do not refer to the bible.


As for your statement above, AMERICA HAS HAD THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO IT UNTIL AMERICA IS FAIRLY DRIPPING WITH THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. Appearantly it's not working. Even Jesus knew that you can't force it on anyone. He told his disciples that if the message was rejected that they should dust off their feet and move on. Where in scripture do you find yourself compelled to change society? You are to live in the world and not be of it. You are to be salt by your example. There is not one person over the age of 5 in the US who has not been exposed to the gospel in some shape or form. Scripturally it is only your job to present it. It has been presented so move on.


It is my hope though that you just let all this go and move on with your life. Go to college. Challenge your mind with new thoughts and ideas; even those you disagree with. You are obviously a smart young woman. Don't throw your life away.

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Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false. The two/thirds world has the fastest growing amounts of Christians and they are sending missionaries to the US to reach people. The whole challenge of this thread is ridiculous because exatly the opposite is occurring. People of other cultures are coming to us to evangelize, not vice versa.


Riiiiiight, because nobody EVER sends missionaries to other countries from the US....


Fellow Americans... look at your country! You wonder why other nations choose to sojourn to the safety of our peaceful climes, to a nation founded upon Christian teachings. In truth, this is no longer a Christian nation - if there is such a land to be found, it is in the underground movement of China. By any acceptable standard of morality, America has fallen short - promiscuity is all but encouraged, domestic abuse pervades millions of households... and our youth, our children - they're being drawn to drugs, to alcohol, to despair.


America has always been short of morality, even in its foundations. A little point, though:


Promiscuity is not a question of morality, but a value.

Domestic abuse has always pervaded households, even in biblical times, there is nothing new.

Once again, drugs and alcohol have ALWAYS been around, and in the past even more readily available.

A month ago, a sophomore in my school killed himself. He had been brutally mocked and cut down by his peers, made to feel as if he had nothing to live for - and in this nihilistic culture, did he?




love has lost its holy meaning, replaced by cheap pleasure. I know all of you have left Christianity for a reason - perhaps you logically eliminated it, were hurt by its followers, anything. Perhaps you feel that this "relgion" - this dependence on an unseen God - is for weak people with feeble capacity for reason. If this is so, then I confess - I am a weak person, for I cannot imagine life without my Savior's love. I know many of you feel that you have grown beyond this unto self-reliance - you are strong enough to make it through 76.5 years without faith. Well, you know, others haven't, and without Jesus they will not make it that long. For the children then, for those who are not strong enough to take on this world alone - Christians will continue to preach the Good News of this peace with God.


Good for you, Ruth...boring evangelism, meaningless appeals to emotion...no wonder Christianity is so popular, all you do is try to make people cry about how shitty everything is and then say "BUT WE HAVE A SOLUTION!" Good deceptions.


I recently had the honor of meeting a young missionary recently returned from a year of service. God's call had not led her out of this country, but to urban Philadelphia, to help provide for both the bodily and spiritual needs of the people there. Some are called to stay home, some to the other side of the world - God has a plan for each of us and He will lead His children to where they are needed the most.


More bullshit.

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It's amazing how all the apologist arguments only reinforce Grinch's original assertion. An incredible effort to get away from the topic - if you're a xtian, why aren't you off preaching the gospel where it's needed the most?


We got plenty of preaching here in the pro-xtian USA - what about Korea or Iran? After all, God says he'll protect you long enough to get your message across. After that, you get martyred, go to heaven and everything is groovy! You get to boss around lesser xtians and praise Jesus all day long! Your life is expendable to god's plan, so who needs it? :shrug:

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Let me clarify. The concept that Christianity is only a North American phenomena is completely false. The two/thirds world has the fastest growing amounts of Christians and they are sending missionaries to the US to reach people. The whole challenge of this thread is ridiculous because exatly the opposite is occurring. People of other cultures are coming to us to evangelize, not vice versa.


The type of evangelical xtianity practiced in NA is primarily a NA phenomena. Versions of it are practiced in other English speaking countries such as Australia and NZ.


You miss the point of the thread by your charge of ethnocentrism. The OP argued that NAs, living in a nation dripping with xtian evangalism should put up or shut up, follow their stupid book and go share the gospel with parts of the world that are in fact not quite so evangelized. Like you though, they all come here with a belly full of excuses.


Really? You really believe that!? Come on. The largest churches in the world are in Korea, China etc. These nations are the ones reaching out to their own people and to areas that are unreached. You can accuse people of being scared of risking their lives for something but what are you spending your life for? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Its a lot easier to criticize than it is to do something.

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Really? You really believe that!? Come on. The largest churches in the world are in Korea, China etc. These nations are the ones reaching out to their own people and to areas that are unreached. You can accuse people of being scared of risking their lives for something but what are you spending your life for? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Its a lot easier to criticize than it is to do something.

You seem to be blissfully unaware of the repeated claims that China is continually clamping down on Christianity, and the religion only survives by being an underground movement.

The number of times we've been told, in this very thread, that Christians risk their lives in China and now you're telling us that China also contains some of the largest churches?


Someone, somewhere, has been lying to us...




Meanwhile, why should any of us risk anything to spread the Gospel? It's not our religion, not our belief, not our duty to God. It's yours!

Are you spreading the gospel where it's not been heard before? NO! You're playing it safe and DISOBEYING YOU GOD!


What is being criticised is your hypocrisy in only obeying part of the commands your God has given you... and for you, I criticise your "but what are you doing" defense. :nono:

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There is a huge difference between Republic of Korea [south Korea], which has large churches and Democratic People's Republic of Korea [North Korea] which pretty much forces people to worship Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung.

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Really? You really believe that!? Come on. The largest churches in the world are in Korea, China etc. These nations are the ones reaching out to their own people and to areas that are unreached. You can accuse people of being scared of risking their lives for something but what are you spending your life for? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Its a lot easier to criticize than it is to do something.

You seem to be blissfully unaware of the repeated claims that China is continually clamping down on Christianity, and the religion only survives by being an underground movement.

The number of times we've been told, in this very thread, that Christians risk their lives in China and now you're telling us that China also contains some of the largest churches?


Someone, somewhere, has been lying to us...




Meanwhile, why should any of us risk anything to spread the Gospel? It's not our religion, not our belief, not our duty to God. It's yours!

Are you spreading the gospel where it's not been heard before? NO! You're playing it safe and DISOBEYING YOU GOD!


What is being criticised is your hypocrisy in only obeying part of the commands your God has given you... and for you, I criticise your "but what are you doing" defense. :nono:


I always find it ironic when non-Christians like to tell Christians what they are supposed to do. I don't know what God will do with my life but I know I will go anywhere he leads me. You may want to check your facts beyond what you hear on tv and radio. The Christian church in China is in the millions and exists underground because it is illegal outside of state regulated forms of gathering. There is a man at my seminary who was jailed for that very reason. I am not being disobedient and it is somewhat presumptuous of you to assume other people's relationship with God to tell them what they should be doing. What if one could be much more effective reaching students studying in the US who will return to their countries in positions of significant influence? Wouldn't it make more sense to train and send back indigenous people who will be insiders to their people group and culture. The fact is, the world is coming to the US for many reasons, and one no longer needs to go to those countries primarily to reach people with the Gospel. That is always a possibility, but there are so many more ways to do it now than the ethnocentric version you seem to use as a prooftest for spirituality.


My point is, what do YOU believe? Are you willing to go the extra mile? What are you spending your life for?


I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt. Which man are you?


It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat



There is a huge difference between Republic of Korea [south Korea], which has large churches and Democratic People's Republic of Korea [North Korea] which pretty much forces people to worship Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung.



Your point is? Its a non-North American country practicing what is purportedly a North American phenomena. Either the premise is wrong or it is wildly exaggerated.

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I always find it ironic when non-Christians like to tell Christians what they are supposed to do. I don't know what God will do with my life but I know I will go anywhere he leads me.
This is an evasion. We can read the Bible just as well as you can, and we can see what God's marching orders are. You don't follow them. That's CT's entire point.


I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt. Which man are you?


It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat

The hypocrisy of astounding. Are you actually criticizing critics? Do I even have to explain the irony?


Look, is there a point to this, or are you saying that it's better act first and think later? Do we even have to explain why nobody with an ounce of sense would agree with that?


And why do you agree that the critic is not to be given credit? Is the critic not devoted to his own arena? Does he not have his own purpose? Is there something wrong with objecting to attrocious thinking, even if we're not physically going somewhere and doing something?


I fail to see what point you're trying to make.

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Really? You really believe that!? Come on. The largest churches in the world are in Korea, China etc. These nations are the ones reaching out to their own people and to areas that are unreached.


Not only do I believe that, I know that. I have spent the last 10 years of my life traveling and spending my time with people from other cultures. The form of xtianity in the US, that I am all too familiar with, does not exist in any measure elsewhere. Korea and China pfft! Christianity has hardly made a dent in these two countries. Those large churches you bring up make up a very small percentage of their populations and I am willing to bet that the form of belief varies significantly from the mainline protestant US churches. Religion adapts to culture, even across the US. The fundy evangelical churches that dot the bible belt are few and far between in NE. Hell, when I moved to DC I couldn't find the types of churches that I grew up with back in Idaho. Most xtians there are of the more traditional, liberally minded stock like Episcopalians.



You can accuse people of being scared of risking their lives for something but what are you spending your life for? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Its a lot easier to criticize than it is to do something.


Don't be an idiot. We don't believe and frankly we would rather you keep your fat ass right on the couch eating chips where it has been as well. Nobody needs you running around the world making a shit of yourself trying to convert them to your form of mind poison. On the same token, we are calling a hypocrite a hypocrite and that's what you are when you justify your lack of evangelistic efforts in those areas of the world that have not heard. Don't forget, you are the believer not us.

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My point is go to fucking North Korea and preach you idiot. Your just pathetic and scared. You don't love your god enough to really put your neck on the line. Just admit it.

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I always find it ironic when non-Christians like to tell Christians what they are supposed to do. I don't know what God will do with my life but I know I will go anywhere he leads me.
This is an evasion. We can read the Bible just as well as you can, and we can see what God's marching orders are. You don't follow them. That's CT's entire point.


I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt. Which man are you?


It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat

The hypocrisy of astounding. Are you actually criticizing critics? Do I even have to explain the irony?


Look, is there a point to this, or are you saying that it's better act first and think later? Do we even have to explain why nobody with an ounce of sense would agree with that?


And why do you agree that the critic is not to be given credit? Is the critic not devoted to his own arena? Does he not have his own purpose? Is there something wrong with objecting to attrocious thinking, even if we're not physically going somewhere and doing something?


I fail to see what point you're trying to make.


Let me think about that one for a minute. You like to tell people what they are supposed to believe? Right. Isn't this the same thing you accuse Christians of?


My point is you still haven't said anything you are willing to spend yourself for. You are resigned to break down others and their pursuit of what they believe to be right. What do you believe? What are you doing with it ? Should I worry about the criticisms of someone who has no beliefs?

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Let me think about that one for a minute. You like to tell people what they are supposed to believe? Right. Isn't this the same thing you accuse Christians of?


Where is anyone telling others on this site what to believe?


My point is you still haven't said anything you are willing to spend yourself for. You are resigned to break down others and their pursuit of what they believe to be right. What do you believe? What are you doing with it ? Should I worry about the criticisms of someone who has no beliefs?


Why should we do anything of the sort? We are not bound by any doctrine to do so, so your point is moot.


Everyone has beliefs, for you to say any of us don't is ignorance to the extreme.

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Really? You really believe that!? Come on. The largest churches in the world are in Korea, China etc. These nations are the ones reaching out to their own people and to areas that are unreached.


Not only do I believe that, I know that. I have spent the last 10 years of my life traveling and spending my time with people from other cultures. The form of xtianity in the US, that I am all too familiar with, does not exist in any measure elsewhere. Korea and China pfft! Christianity has hardly made a dent in these two countries. Those large churches you bring up make up a very small percentage of their populations and I am willing to bet that the form of belief varies significantly from the mainline protestant US churches. Religion adapts to culture, even across the US. The fundy evangelical churches that dot the bible belt are few and far between in NE. Hell, when I moved to DC I couldn't find the types of churches that I grew up with back in Idaho. Most xtians there are of the more traditional, liberally minded stock like Episcopalians.



You can accuse people of being scared of risking their lives for something but what are you spending your life for? Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? Its a lot easier to criticize than it is to do something.


Don't be an idiot. We don't believe and frankly we would rather you keep your fat ass right on the couch eating chips where it has been as well. Nobody needs you running around the world making a shit of yourself trying to convert them to your form of mind poison. On the same token, we are calling a hypocrite a hypocrite and that's what you are when you justify your lack of evangelistic efforts in those areas of the world that have not heard. Don't forget, you are the believer not us.



What point are you trying to make here? Are you saying fundamentalist churches are the phenomenon that is restricted to the U. S.? That wasn't what I got from your post. It seemed you were lumping all of Christianity into that category. If you mean fundamentalism, then you may be right. But I don't think that is a very large percentage of the Christian churches in America.


Again, its funny how you seem to presume to know my life or anything God has called me to .. Frankly I could care less what you think of my evangelistic efforts. I know I'm being obedient to God and I don't have to prove myself to you. Coincidentally, one of my close friends just accepted Christ. Guess I'm totally wasting away here not evangelizing or anything. The real irony is the ethnocentric, myopic view of evangelism you are critiqueing. Thats what I find funny. You don't even realize the world has changed so dramatically those categories don't even apply any more.

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What point are you trying to make here? Are you saying fundamentalist churches are the phenomenon that is restricted to the U. S.? That wasn't what I got from your post. It seemed you were lumping all of Christianity into that category. If you mean fundamentalism, then you may be right. But I don't think that is a very large percentage of the Christian churches in America.


Again, its funny how you seem to presume to know my life or anything God has called me to .. Frankly I could care less what you think of my evangelistic efforts. I know I'm being obedient to God and I don't have to prove myself to you. Coincidentally, one of my close friends just accepted Christ. Guess I'm totally wasting away here not evangelizing or anything. The real irony is the ethnocentric, myopic view of evangelism you are critiqueing. Thats what I find funny. You don't even realize the world has changed so dramatically those categories don't even apply any more.


I don't know about you guys, but aside from his overuse of big words to make him sound smart, spumoni seems to say a whole shitload of nothing.

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Let me think about that one for a minute. You like to tell people what they are supposed to believe? Right. Isn't this the same thing you accuse Christians of?


Where is anyone telling others on this site what to believe?


My point is you still haven't said anything you are willing to spend yourself for. You are resigned to break down others and their pursuit of what they believe to be right. What do you believe? What are you doing with it ? Should I worry about the criticisms of someone who has no beliefs?


Why should we do anything of the sort? We are not bound by any doctrine to do so, so your point is moot.


Everyone has beliefs, for you to say any of us don't is ignorance to the extreme.


Ok, how about the thread title "Go and preach". Sound like telling someone what to do?


You don't have to do anything. Its actually fine with me if you sit on the couch. My point is its ironic someone critizes other people for failing to do something they can't fulfill themselves.


If everyone has beliefs, then why aren't we hearing any here? Are people afraid of the same kind of testing to their worldviews? I'm just inviting people to put up what they see as so much more convincing and persuasive.



My point is go to fucking North Korea and preach you idiot. Your just pathetic and scared. You don't love your god enough to really put your neck on the line. Just admit it.


Who's the idiot here? I don't presume to tell you what to do with your faith. I mean, if you;re a nihilist why don't you go kill yourself? Show us all your commitment. If its something else, then please put it forward for discussion.

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