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Goodbye Jesus

Truth About The Unpardonable Sin


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There may be fewer than a thousand or even a few hundred??? truly chosen (and sealed with The Holy Spirit) saints in this world today. .


Be glad that you had never had The Holy Spirit. If He openly poured out His Spirit on humanity today, there would be many in this eternally damned state as myself.

What a shame, my dear friend, that you would even want to serve a monster god that will chose this few people........I'd like to hang every person who shoved this doctrine down your throat and did this to your beautiful 'thinking mind!! What a shame!!

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I know how crazy it seems that I would be the ONLY person who seems to be in this situation. And how I WISH that I'm just crazy, that this is all in my mind, but it's not. You can't understand the power of God if you have never had the Holy Spirit, which few have.


.... I always have said the mental mind fuck of christianity was FAR harder to get over than the physical beatings I took in the name of religion!

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I know how crazy it seems that I would be the ONLY person who seems to be in this situation.


But you are not the only person in our situation. In fact Christianity is designed to scare every Christian this way. It's suppose to keep you loyal and keep you paying your own money to the church.


And how I WISH that I'm just crazy, that this is all in my mind, but it's not. You can't understand the power of God if you have never had the Holy Spirit, which few have.


Just say it. Say that Jesus Christ is imaginary. Say that God is imaginary. Say that hell is imaginary. You have nothing to lose.


Yes it does feel foolish to know that you were tricked. I know I felt that way. But that feeling will pass in time. We are here for you. We have been there and can help you get through it.


Jesus Christ is imaginary. Hell is imaginary. Fear is real but you can gain control over it and work through all the things Christians did to you.

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I know how crazy it seems that I would be the ONLY person who seems to be in this situation. And how I WISH that I'm just crazy, that this is all in my mind, but it's not. You can't understand the power of God if you have never had the Holy Spirit, which few have.


Do you want to live a life full of fear, guilt and self-hatred or do you want to be free of all that? It's up to you to make that choice. In case you choose freedom, you can learn, study and the more you will know the more clearly you will see and the more your fears will dissolve.

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I know people think it sounds judgemental to say that most who are ex-christians were never really Christians, but it really is true. "Many are called, but few are chosen." There are mysteries that the Bible doesn't expound on, like the fact that only 144,000 people are the firstfruits unto God. In other words, only 144,000 up until the Rapture will have received the Holy Spirit. That does not mean that most won't be saved. In fact, the truth is that the vast bulk of humanity will be saved in the Resurrections, though they will not have honor or glory of The Lord. They will, however, enter into the earth to live forever. "As in Adam all die, even so, in Christ shall all be made alive." Jesus said "I will draw men unto Myself." The claim by many "christians" that once you die, there is not chance for forgiveness is not Biblical. It is a fabrication by people who don't rightly divide the Word of Truth and by others who say it in order to give urgency for all to be saved and to not give license to sin. If many people knew that, they would sin away and just say to themselves "oh well I can be saved later."


So, if only a few are going to be god's little special group, and the rest of humanity that worships him is NOT going to get gods approval in the end, why bother dedicating your life to this god? It sounds like a bad infomercial, "If you are one of the first 100 callers we will also include this handy orange slicer!"

There are too many conditions that are confusing and contrary to each other in this religion to make any sense. The basic message is, everyone is doomed, everyone is bad, only god is good, his followers suck. That's basically the message IN the bible.




I know how crazy it seems that I would be the ONLY person who seems to be in this situation. And how I WISH that I'm just crazy, that this is all in my mind, but it's not. You can't understand the power of God if you have never had the Holy Spirit, which few have.


If I send you an email saying that I need $10,000 to rescue my royal inheritance, and ask you to send me that amount of money, and in return I will return your money x10 when I get my money... would you send me the money??


No, you would not. That makes no sense and we are aware of the money scams going around.


So why spend your life (your $10,000) trying to appease, live up to, an unproven god (my royal inheritence), when in the end the promise of eternal happiness (return x10 your money) is also unproven.

You have just been robbed of your ENTIRE life because a group of people promised you the biggest reward ever. You lived your entire life unhappy 95% of the time.


The only thing worse than not getting the happy afterlife we were promised, is being robbed of the current life we have to live now.


Right now is the only reality. Take your right hand and touch your left hand. Did you feel that? You just touched reality. Now take your right hand and touch the guarantee of your eternal happiness. When you can feel that with your hand let me know what it feels like.


Religion does not want you to feel. Religion is designed to make you have "faith" and "hope" in the ether. When you touch another human, feel the soil in your hand, grow a plant, build a skyscraper, you connect to reality. When you close your heart to the world religion is allowed to rape your mind. A violent, denigrating, bloody, bone crushing, emotion shredding, anti-logic, inhuman, abusive mind rape.


Religion tells you that thinking about sex with your neighbors wife is a sin. THINKING about it is a punishable sin. Mind crime.


Yet religion itself is a mind crime.


No one deserves to be raped, EVER.

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How I regret that I had ever been born. I'm EXTREMELY afraid. There is nobody who can help me. God has shut off His ears from me, and will not hearken.

Sucks to be you. I guess that free gift was more of a loan?


Seems your only option now is to stay alive as long as possible and enjoy things while you can.



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This is no way to live. Do yourself a favor and read the bible from cover to cover. Read it again with critical eyes if you read it once or twice or ten times before with uncritical eyes. Keep track of the contradictions. When the new testament cites OT prophecy, look for it, and if you find it, read it anew in context in the OT. When the bible makes a claim, look back at what we know about history from extra-biblical sources and from archeology. When the bible makes a claim, weigh it against what we have firmly established based on science. Study up on it as much as you need to: you may need to read quite a few books. While you're at it, read up on psychology. On the experience of the multitudes who are convinced that they uniquely know the truth. How they are every bit as convinced as you are that they are True Christians or True Muslims, or The Elect of any religion. How they think they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they commune directly and personally with whatever god they believe in. The christians, that are TOTALLY, FULLY, 100% COMPLETELY CONVINCED that truly understand the power of God, and KNOW that they have the Holy Spirit indwelling in them. They are not 100s. They are not a thousand. They are legion. Such is the human mind. That you believe you are convinced of something beyond a shadow of a doubt does not make it true, especially if it has it's basis in indoctrination and subjective experience. You believe you are different from them. Now that you have nothing to fear losing, you will see that you are not any different from them after all.


Other christians may have the hurdle of fearing that they will sin and go to hell if they question. Assuming you have accurately reflected your condition, you have no need to fear losing your salvation, since you believe you have already lost it. It is a tremendous hurdle to clear. From there the conclusion should be academic: the bible and the claims of christianity do not hold water. Do it. You have nothing to lose and your life to regain. It may take a lot of effort, but it will be a lot better than living out the rest of your life erroneously believing you're going to burn in hell forever after you die.

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I agree with Shackled. Read it cover to cover. That book will be a major part in why you finally see the truth. And the sad truth is, it's a book of tall tales. And not very good ones either.


I might suggest finding a version that contains modern english so the reading goes faster. All that "thy" "begat" etc. is like Shakespear to me, who wants to constantly look up outdated lingo.


Anyone have a suggestion for a very modern english version of The Book™.

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I agree with Shackled. Read it cover to cover. That book will be a major part in why you finally see the truth. And the sad truth is, it's a book of tall tales. And not very good ones either.


I might suggest finding a version that contains modern english so the reading goes faster. All that "thy" "begat" etc. is like Shakespear to me, who wants to constantly look up outdated lingo.


Anyone have a suggestion for a very modern english version of The Book™.


I've found the Contemporary English Version to does a very good job of translating into clear, modern English. It is the most readable translation that I have seen.

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I know people think it sounds judgemental to say that most who are ex-christians were never really Christians, but it really is true.

I disagree, Jason. Anyone who sincerely believes that they're a Christian, is a Christian until that belief is no longer there. If you feel otherwise, we're going to need first-person testimony from the mouth of your god to definitively identify the Real Christians™ once and for all.


And I hope I'm not being overly facetious when I say this, either. It's just all too common -- And all too convenient -- for believers of a particular school to disenfranchise those who don't believe as they do. It gets tiresome.

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Concerning the 144,000, these are all Jews so you are stuffed if you think you need to be in "that number"


You really have been exposed to real bad doctrine. The unpardonable sin is that relating to folk crediting the devil (beelzebub) for any alleged holy spirit actions, you did not do that so by all accounts you are not condemned.


It is really sad when ex Christians have to teach you the "correct" doctrine


All of it is still imaginary anyway and even the holy spirit anointing you think you experienced, it was all made real in your mind because you wanted it to be real.

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It is really sad when ex Christians have to teach you the "correct" doctrine



Such a true statement. It's like having a group of detectives converge on your life, only to tell you that you have been duped by major corruption.

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Ehhh. After I fell away and then tried to find repentance, a falling star shot over my head which I believe was a sign from God that I had fallen from Grace, just as the angels who are now lost and damned as devils fell as stars from heaven. You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God. I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.

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jason, please read the first 2 paragraphs.



If there is a god (and I don't believe there is), he clearly has no interest in the inhabitants of Earth. We have had to explain everything by seeking answers on our own. That's what humanity does. The people at Nasa know that because they can answer your "sign" from god question.

You have not fallen from Grace, unless Grace is the name of a girl you no longer date, then it's not really my place to advise here.


I know you don't believe me. And I'm not trying to convert or convince you.


I just really believe that you don't, deep down in your heart, believe in xianity.

Something happened in 2005, you wanted something more meaningful an fulfilling, and something let you down. I'm simplifying here.


People don't usually have a little doubt and come here. People have huge doubts and show up here, lurking in the background reading. People who post have more doubts than beliefs.


I really do suggest what others have said. Read the whole bible again, cover to cover. Not just the parts you like.


No matter what happens, I really hope you stop feeling like you are doomed. You're not doomed.

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Ehhh. After I fell away and then tried to find repentance, a falling star shot over my head which I believe was a sign from God that I had fallen from Grace, just as the angels who are now lost and damned as devils fell as stars from heaven. You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God. I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.

Please tell me you are not serious!

You only have to realize the difference between things in our minds and reality. Once you start to understand how the human mind works, you can separate yourself from your unfounded beliefs. You are so heavily indoctrinated with one particular kind of christian theology that it alters your perception of reality.

Think of a little boy who learned his native language from his parents. It was not even a conscious learning process. He just got so exposed to that language, that it became one of the main tools of his mind to interpret reality. He is doing all his thinking and dreaming that way. Languages are pretty flexible systems so he has a lot of freedom in his thinking, however he is still limited by his language to express his emotions and to explain reality.


Now in your case I see that this christianity of yours as a really simplistic, crude and inflexible language that you have learned. You are not able to think another way, you are explaining your emotions and your surroundings through that really messed up filter of religion.

You have all these far fetched ideas that have no connection to reality whatsoever. You came to a great place, because everyone here can relate to your problem one way or another. We are not condemning you, nor laughing at you. I personally feel your agony, but can only encourage you to start to look into the nature of reality. Start thinking outside of the box. Even early in your journey, you will find that the Bible is so obviously not true, there is no such thing as sin and probably no creator as well. The sacrifice of Jesus does not make sense to a modern man who did not grow up around constant animal sacrifices to please the sun/moon/sky/water/earth gods. I could go on, and on...

Christianity is exactly as fake as buddhism, scientology, mormonism, islam, hinduism, astrology, dowsing and the wondrous magic of that David Copperfield guy. (Yeah, I know that he banged Claudia Schiffer, but even that was not due to magic, probably just his charms and wealth.)

Best of luck, listen to these guys here!


(sorry if the language metaphor does not make sense)

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(sorry if the language metaphor does not make sense)


I thought it was great and personally, it answered some questions, or at least framed better for me some ideas I've mulled, related to how people perceive reality. Thanks.

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You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God.


Why? Seriously you should try it. Say "There is no God" a hundred times. Say it until your believe it. What more do you have to lose?


I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.


Then there is no reason for you to continue kissing up to God. Cut that loose. Be free to live your own life now.

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Ehhh. After I fell away and then tried to find repentance, a falling star shot over my head which I believe was a sign from God that I had fallen from Grace, just as the angels who are now lost and damned as devils fell as stars from heaven. You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God. I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.


How many times does everyone here have to say this to you? YOU HAVE NOT COMMITTED THE UNPARDONABLE SIN! Saying "Oh my God" is discouraged, but it is forgivable. Calm down. From the Christian point of view, you are still going to heaven.


I need to know...why the heck would you continue to love and worship someone who has basically told you that you're going to burn forever because you said something they didn't like? To me, that is so unbelievably wrong. Besides, did you ever think that a falling star is just that? A falling star? That there is no deeper meaning to it? I think you're trying to stick God into every situation you experience to convince yourself that it is some sort of divine message. I know that I won't get through to you, but hey, I tried. I wish that you could understand.

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I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away.

Well, aren't you special!


If you're not a troll, I again suggest you take the advice you have received. You are quite disturbed over your misunderstanding of your religion and reality itself. Get some help, as you seem to be delusional. There are no psychiatrists that I know of on this site.

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If you're not a troll,


... I had wondered that too!


As Florduh has said ... if you are not ... get help!

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Ehhh. After I fell away and then tried to find repentance, a falling star shot over my head which I believe was a sign from God that I had fallen from Grace, just as the angels who are now lost and damned as devils fell as stars from heaven. You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God. I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.


Hello Jason.


If you can possibly remember, what was the date on which you saw that falling star? Knowing this may be of some help. If you can't recall the exact date, the week or month would be useful.





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Ehhh. After I fell away and then tried to find repentance, a falling star shot over my head which I believe was a sign from God that I had fallen from Grace, just as the angels who are now lost and damned as devils fell as stars from heaven. You all are mistaken in thinking that there is no God. I'm damned like antichrist, like judas, like the devils-- those third of the angels who fell away. But blessed be all of you that you never had THe Holy Spirit to be able to fall away.


At first, I took great pity on you, thinking you really wanted help,but I now believe that you have just come here to try and 'rowl' us up a little.........not going to work until you show that you are listening a little to what we are trying to say to you!!


You take what I highlighted in red above, and shove it up your pompas arse!!

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If you're not a troll,


The thought has crossed my mind too.


Trouble is, trolls (or parodies) can read darn near identically to the truly deluded. Thus far, I assumed he was genuine when I posted to this thread, thought that may or may not be the case. I dunno, I hope there is value in this to someone, maybe to a lurker? It's certainly not uncommon for christians to fear they blasphemed the hs, but it's unusual, not to say impossible, to firmly conclude you've done it merely by saying "Oh my god," especially since it's pretty hard to build a case for biblical justification from that--even as a xian who reaches dubious conclusions.


At this point, Jasonother, I would say the same thing to you as I would to the other christians at this site who believe themselves to be saved: Dude, if you're going to just flatly assert that the christian god exists as advertised, you need to justify it. A lot of people on this thread have given a lot of good reasons why despite your feelings, you were not filled with any holy spirit, you did not blaspheme any holy spirit, and you've been had by the god con just as much as others who call themselves christians are, and just as much as we were. There was no "You're wrong because..." followed by an attempted argument based on why you believe. There were no "yes, but's." You've said not a word to defend such a belief.

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If you can possibly remember, what was the date on which you saw that falling star? Knowing this may be of some help. If you can't recall the exact date, the week or month would be useful."


I don't know the date. I know it was a few days to maybe a week after. So, probably like Oct 7-11 or so. As far as being an atheist, all you have to do is look at the perfect circle of the globe and how the sun rises and sets perfectly, without erring at all out of it's prescribed times to know there is a Supreme Intelligence behind the universe.

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Guest Valk0010

I'm EXTREMELY afraid. There is nobody who can help me. God has shut off His ears from me, and will not hearken.


Jasonother, Here is some very good news (that's what the bible is....isn't it?) on the unpardonable sin.

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the unpardonable sin was the Pharisees' unforgivable allegation that Jesus was doing the work of Satan and not of God.


I think you can start praying right away to jesus as soon as you read this. Best wishes to you, my friend!




And the same explanation here:



A theologian uncle of mine once told me,that if your worrying that committed the unforgivable sin, you haven't committed it. When I asked him how did he know that he said "The pharisee's never worried that they committed it." If you have to put the label of unforgivable sin on anybody it would be us exchristians. Not you jason, who apparently still believes in the stuff otherwise they wouldn't worry about it.
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