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I'm Here To Provide Answers To Your Questions ... Please Try Me


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@Midniterider: loving your signature!


I see what you did there wink.png

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Doug, if you would go through the trouble of actually following your book handed to you by ancient pagan sheep herders, you would find this passage:

11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.

12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting.

13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.

14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

For some reason, Christians who come here have a lot of trouble understanding this passage,

even though this supposedly was spoken by Jesus himself.


Not everyone here has made me feel unwelcome.

Not everyone here has refused to listen to my words.


As to the others, they are described herewith ...


Matthew 7:

6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine,

lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.


You're not a bad guy, only your trying to convert me to your religion is bad. Love the deluded, hate the delusion, I like to say.

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I don't know, but it's on the Internet




It was worth reading all of that just for that golden nugget.



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Guest Xtech
P.S. I used to be an evangelist, so no amount of persecution, etc. will faze me in the least.


It's not just questions or debate or yes ridicule but its 'persecution'.

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Yeah, like he wouldn't have a zillion links to his nuggets of shit wisdom to spam us with. Didn't LL discover that this amazing "testimony" of our new pet had been deleted from some board? Nailed it!

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I'm sure this is dealt with, but I saw this and had to reply before I read any more of this long thread.


I do not believe someone who has been born again (from above) can just up and stop believing.


And with this you've lost my attention. You come here to bug us and yet can't take the time to read the extestominies from many of us here?


Lots of us here were devout god fearing jesus loving christians, many of us here spent our lives revolved around god, many of us here thought about it / were / or were studying to be pastors. Many of us here left christianity kicking and screaming and this left us in long deep depressions.


Who are you? What you do you now about us? Can you read our mind? Do you not realize your arrogance? Do you not realize that many of us here WERE just like you.


How is hard it it to believe that someone who was born again, thought they knew jesus only later had their faith ripped apart when they realized that the bible had contradictions, that the science in the bible is completely wrong, that god tricked the jews with jesus (there is no way he's the expected messiah), that there are some moral difficulties with god, ect ect.


I can promise you that many ex-christians wanted nothing more than to serve god but only had to finally drop the cognitive dissonance and finally just finally be honest with themselves. If I thought for a minute god was real or jesus was his son, I'd spend my life devoted to him, but you know what its not true, I'm pretty sure of that and with my one life to live I'm going to do the best I can and leave as few regrets as possible when I go.


Now bugger off, I don't have time for your condescending tone.

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This one's even more boring than the last dozen or so. Praze Jaysus and pass th' pertaters.

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  • Super Moderator

This one sucks. I miss Thumby and her mud encrusted lady bits. Mmmmmmud Rasslin'!!!

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I'm sure this is dealt with, but I saw this and had to reply before I read any more of this long thread.


Okay, I've just finished this entire thread and it was a complete waste of my time, I no longer think Doug is anything but a troll, surely a real christian who used to "evangelize" would be better at arguing than these poorly rehashed arguments.


Doug, go watch a video of the earth compared to jupiter compared to the sun compared to betelgeuse compared to VY Canis Majoris.....then our solar system compared to our galaxy compared to other galaxies compared to ect ect ect. What you'll see if that the earth is a tiny meaning less speck of dust, a grain of sand on all of the beaches of the earth. Now you really expect me to believe that you actually believe that god created the vast cosmos with billions upon billions of galaxies with a billion stars each, many (most?) of those with planets around them, and this god cares about communion with and worship from us?? There's no way anyone actually believes that!

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Okay, I've just finished this entire thread and it was a complete waste of my time, I no longer think Doug is anything but a troll, surely a real christian who used to "evangelize" would be better at arguing than these poorly rehashed arguments.


Doug, go watch a video of the earth compared to jupiter compared to the sun compared to betelgeuse compared to VY Canis Majoris.....then our solar system compared to our galaxy compared to other galaxies compared to ect ect ect. What you'll see if that the earth is a tiny meaning less speck of dust, a grain of sand on all of the beaches of the earth. Now you really expect me to believe that you actually believe that god created the vast cosmos with billions upon billions of galaxies with a billion stars each, many (most?) of those with planets around them, and this god cares about communion with and worship from us?? There's no way anyone actually believes that!


You been out of the cult too long. I still think he might be legit. Sounds like a typical evangelist to me.

I was taught in church that "nonbelievers" just hated god because of some bad experience. I believed that...till I met one. Perhaps he really thought he could come on here and help us poor heathens.

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It is strange to me to see people stop in and feel they have some amazing overlooked nugget of theology that no one on this board has seen. As I xian I never DARED debate or try to evangelize because I knew that xian 'logic' and 'reason' was some different version than that of non believers.


Reading these 'debates' only confirms that. I have a hard time following along or contributing because they don't even follow any logical progression of thought. They are so all over the place.


Looking back at my xian days I think I was doing so many mental gymnastics to hold onto my own belief that when confronted with contrary information I couldn't spend a second hearing it out because I was too busy doing back flips in my brain trying to confirm my own belief before responding. The back flips took all my energy and I never did find a way to answer those logical and very relevant questions posed by unbelievers... well, until I deconverted that is. :D

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3 cheers for deconversion. Hip hip

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Yes, to have a personal relationship with God, one needs to be born again (from above),

which means God's Spirit comes INSIDE and stays there forever.

Would you like a Scripture verse that explains this?


Dough, does this mean you subscribe to Calvinism and the "once saved, always saved" mentality? Why, or why not?

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3 cheers for deconversion. Hip hip



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Instead, why not just ask questions?


Brother Doug....why won't god help us??



Brother Doug..... we beg - please don't you desert us like god did !! You never did answer our question!! woohoo.gif

Tell us why god won't help us young, innocent children!! Where are you Brother Doug..........? sad.png


......you left us too.......wink.png

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Instead, why not just ask questions?


Brother Doug....why won't god help us??




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I'm sure this is dealt with, but I saw this and had to reply before I read any more of this long thread.
I do not believe someone who has been born again (from above) can just up and stop believing.
And with this you've lost my attention. You come here to bug us and yet can't take the time to read the extestominies from many of us here? Lots of us here were devout god fearing jesus loving christians, many of us here spent our lives revolved around god, many of us here thought about it / were / or were studying to be pastors. Many of us here left christianity kicking and screaming and this left us in long deep depressions. Who are you? What you do you now about us? Can you read our mind? Do you not realize your arrogance? Do you not realize that many of us here WERE just like you. How is hard it it to believe that someone who was born again, thought they knew jesus only later had their faith ripped apart when they realized that the bible had contradictions, that the science in the bible is completely wrong, that god tricked the jews with jesus (there is no way he's the expected messiah), that there are some moral difficulties with god, ect ect. I can promise you that many ex-christians wanted nothing more than to serve god but only had to finally drop the cognitive dissonance and finally just finally be honest with themselves. If I thought for a minute god was real or jesus was his son, I'd spend my life devoted to him, but you know what its not true, I'm pretty sure of that and with my one life to live I'm going to do the best I can and leave as few regrets as possible when I go. Now bugger off, I don't have time for your condescending tone.


Um....what you said.



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*watches the thread with some beer and popcorn at reach*


Wheeee, why could I predict almost every single piece of crap that the morontheist has been babbling so far? I guess I must be a prophet... :lmao:

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You know there's no absolute tangible proof for spiritual matters.


I gave my reasons for my total belief already:

-- the witness of God's Spirit

-- my experiences totally line up with God's word


P.S. Those not interested, totally bored, etc. ... why don't YOU leave the thread?


Seems quite a bit like a TROLL to me. A good xian would always claim PROOF!!



People need to understand their mortal enemy, Satan, and his fallen angels (demons).

They can easily deceive, side-track, etc. you into doing all kinds of terrible things.

You name it ... they can talk you into doing it. They can be very persistent until you give in.


IMO ...


Multitudes have always sat in church pews whose thinking may have been converted

(for some reason or other) into "believing" in Christianity, but they never were born again.


I do not believe someone who has been born again (from above) can just up and stop believing.


The Holy Spirit has come into these people to teach them "all things" (John 14:16-26).


Troll or not, this one always makes me want to get out the ax, the kind they use in horror movies, and just chop the shit out of the people who say this crap. Satan is an excuse to ignore logic, it always has been. xians always have some dumb fucking excuse as to why people should follow xianity or why people left it. It's always some far reaching excuse. But the worst one of all is that WE don't believe in their made up stories of the supernatural god BECAUSE of some other supernatural spirit that has inhabited our bodies. Yet, how funny that they BELIEVE because a supernatural spirit (their god) has inhabited THEIR bodies. Perhaps Satan and Yahweh are the same supernatural spirit??? It's all so laughable it's just sad. Sad and pathetic.



So from your book of spells (the holy bible) I invoke this verse;


Matthew 17-20

It is because you don’t have enough faith! But I can promise you this. If you had faith no larger than a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there. And it would. Everything would be possible for you.


I am moving you Doug from this thread. You cannot come back until you are a complete Atheist. This is my will and the holy bible will "make it so".

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...I don't care about Doug. I care about the 8-10 guests who were reading this while it got hot. 2 or 3 might be on the fence about this whole thing...so let them see how it goes when you try to have a rational discussion with a fundy. Let them see the apologist's best excuses. Let them see how the only way to answer our questions is to evade them. Doug may refuse intellectual honesty but someone else reading this may not. Let them see. These message boards helped me work through some serious shit and I cannot say a big enough thank you to those who have posted on here for years, asking the tough questions, exposing the bible and gawd for the stupid myth that it is. Others will come and one by one they can choose the real world or the imaginary.


Seriously, thanks for confirmation that lurkers do indeed read these threads.

It provides an incentive to respond to something that I would otherwise ignore.

After being out of the Christian cult for years, it can be easy to forget that many people still struggle and suffer with these issues.

Here, lurkers will encounter responses to standard Christian propaganda that they might never read otherwise.

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I dont know what you guys are complaining about, these threads are fun.

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You heathens done went and skeerd another one off. Need to play with them a little more first!

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I want to start this, Doug if you are still here and not doubting your faith yet, hat is your opinion of the age of the earth? i just want to know... i really do.zDuivel7.gif

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Welcome to Ex-Christian.net. Can you prove to me the existence of the square root of 2, starting only with the axioms of the complete ordered field?

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Doug. Need to stop you right there. If this is going to go anywhere, you need to first provide support

for the authority of the bible before you can use the bible to answer questions.

We do not accept the bible as an authority on truth. Using the bible to prove its own authority is circular reasoning.

Give us a reason to accept it or don't use it on us, otherwise this conversation isn't going anywhere.


You know there's no absolute tangible proof for spiritual matters.


I gave my reasons for my total belief already:

-- the witness of God's Spirit

-- my experiences totally line up with God's word


P.S. Those not interested, totally bored, etc. ... why don't YOU leave the threa



newly on the board, and you are telling respected members to leave the thread?

wow such pride, arrogance and insufferable stupidity all rolled up in one idiot

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