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Goodbye Jesus

Get'em while they're young


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This is a photo I downloaded from a Christian's profile online. (Basically it's this Christian's mascot for God) Look at this picture for a while, imagine what that fundy is doing to this little girl's mind.


Will this fucking religious madness ever end?

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Oh well....they will say - she has evil on her mind. Unless she accepts the savior :D

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No!!  *Religion* will never end. 

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30 minutes ago, BRose said:

No!!  *Religion* will never end. 


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4 hours ago, BRose said:

No!!  *Religion* will never end. 


Just a friendly reminder before/if you respond, there is no preaching/proselytizing in the Rants Section.  We have the Lion's Den for that.  So if you can do so without preaching/proselytizing, please feel free to explain why you believe that religion will never end.

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Science is good for answering to "how did it all come to be?".


Religion is good for answering to "WHY did it come to be?".


As long as people keep wondering WHY we'll always have religion of some kind.


I sure hope it won't be any abrahamic religion for much longer though.

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Children should DEFINITELY be taught to be atheists--and even God-haters--from the beginning!  Get rid of the stupid "godliness" right from the start!

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I agree!  That poor child will be brain-fried with the stupid x-tian religion!  NO CHILD should ever be exposed to the idiocy of jesus, jehovah, and the so-called "holy" spirit!

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3 hours ago, MauriceLeShon said:

Children should DEFINITELY be taught to be atheists--and even God-haters--from the beginning!  Get rid of the stupid "godliness" right from the start!


I think teaching kids to be atheists and god-haters is quite likely to be counter-productive.  Teaching kids about the various religious claims, and above all teaching them to become critical thinkers, will likely have the desired results.  

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On 5/17/2019 at 5:28 AM, BRose said:

No!!  *Religion* will never end. 


Welcome, BRose. I 2nd the warning about proselytizing. 

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3 hours ago, MauriceLeShon said:

Children should DEFINITELY be taught to be atheists--and even God-haters--from the beginning!  Get rid of the stupid "godliness" right from the start!


I understand where you're coming from, but this can actually back fire. Communist Russia comes to mind, among other things. I tend to agree with TABA. Teaching critical thinking and well informing them of the real history and evolution of religions should be far less counter productive. 

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9 hours ago, MauriceLeShon said:

Children should DEFINITELY be taught to be atheists--and even God-haters--from the beginning!  Get rid of the stupid "godliness" right from the start!

Imagine a world of atheist's.


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I agree that religion will never end. We will obliterate ourselves and the planet before we evolve enough to rise above superstition and magical thinking. Booga-booga.

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10 hours ago, MauriceLeShon said:

I agree!  That poor child will be brain-fried with the stupid x-tian religion!  NO CHILD should ever be exposed to the idiocy of jesus, jehovah, and the so-called "holy" spirit!

You do realize you indict the entirety of Christianity? Each and every single one of us have been worthless idiots by being "Godly"?

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16 minutes ago, LuthAMF said:

You do realize you indict the entirety of Christianity? Each and every single one of us have been worthless idiots by being "Godly"?

Anyone can be misled, vulnerable and ripe for the promises of religious cults, so I don't subscribe to the "worthless idiot" part. Look, we've been there, in the cult. Many of us were harmed by the religion. We came to our senses. Brainwashing children is abuse.

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32 minutes ago, florduh said:

I agree that religion will never end. We will obliterate ourselves and the planet before we evolve enough to rise above superstition and magical thinking. Booga-booga.

I think so too florduh.

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28 minutes ago, LuthAMF said:

You do realize you indict the entirety of Christianity? Each and every single one of us have been worthless idiots by being "Godly"?

John 10:34-36 34Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? 35If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside- 36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?

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12 minutes ago, florduh said:

Anyone can be misled, vulnerable and ripe for the promises of religious cults, so I don't subscribe to the "worthless idiot" part. Look, we've been there, in the cult. Many of us were harmed by the religion. We came to our senses. Brainwashing children is abuse.

Of course it's always "brainwashing" when it comes from the Christian perspective. That prejudice precludes you from seeing it in your own "system" as you applaud yourselves.

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2 minutes ago, LuthAMF said:

Of course it's always "brainwashing" when it comes from the Christian perspective. That prejudice precludes you from seeing it in your own "system" as you applaud yourselves.


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4 minutes ago, hyperholiday said:

John 10:34-36 34Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? 35If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside- 36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?

So you agree with the "idiocy of jesus"  charge by maurice?

What does that passage have to do with It? Is this where you "explain scripture" to us?

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Just now, LuthAMF said:

So you agree with the "idiocy of jesus"  charge by maurice?

What does that passage have to do with It? Is this where you "explain scripture" to us?

Well I wouldn't be the Antichrist if I couldn't turn the faithful against their own holy book.

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9 minutes ago, hyperholiday said:

Well I wouldn't be the Antichrist if I couldn't turn the faithful against their own holy book.

Oh right. I forgot.

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10 minutes ago, LuthAMF said:

Oh right. I forgot.

Well the Antichrist has to come, right?


(Did you know that the occultist Alister Crowley believed he was the antichrist)


Poor deluded fool.

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18 minutes ago, hyperholiday said:

Well the Antichrist has to come, right?


(Did you know that the occultist Alister Crowley believed he was the antichrist)


Poor deluded fool.

Didn't know that but then doesn't that make you a poor deluded fool too? 🤓


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