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What Is The Most Annoying Type Of 'christian'?


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I hate the ones that won't just accept that you're no longer Christian. They always have to ask what denomination you were, so that they can tell you that you were the wrong kind of Christian. I don't answer that question anymore.

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I hate the ones that won't just accept that you're no longer Christian. They always have to ask what denomination you were, so that they can tell you that you were the wrong kind of Christian. I don't answer that question anymore.


I learned that in some places it's considered rude to even ask about one's religion. Totally agree with you on that and would have agreed with you even when I was a Christian.

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I hate the ones that won't just accept that you're no longer Christian. They always have to ask what denomination you were, so that they can tell you that you were the wrong kind of Christian. I don't answer that question anymore.


I learned that in some places it's considered rude to even ask about one's religion. Totally agree with you on that and would have agreed with you even when I was a Christian.

Its just a set up so they can say "That's not a real relationship with Christ, you need to try my church." Sorry buddy, not playing that game.

These types of Christians aren't the ones you meet in nice social situations. They're the ones who start talking to you because you happen to be walking the same direction as them.

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The ones that twist my undies into a knot are the door-bangers.

'Have you heard the word of Jesus your saviour?'

Me: 'Have you gotten the middle finger of Walter before?'

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'Prayer Warriors', one of the shittiest titles for someone who thinks they are heroic for doing absolutely nothing.

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This woman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Wright_%28activist%29 ((I only know her from the videos of her talking to Richard Dawkins.))


She outright ignores readily available evidence and facts, creates connections between things that don't exist, and redefines things all to support her political ideology.


The WORST thing about her, the thing that makes her and some others I've seen, is her smile. It's stuck on there with nails and glue. No matter how the conversation is going the strained, toothy smile stays because smiles are good politics. It's condescending. It means that she's so sure of what she thinks that she's not even listening but just waiting for an opening to spout out a programmed response to whatever buzzwords she hears used.

The Australia Jesus guy uses the same damned smile.

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One of my least favorites is the End Times Windbag™.


You never told me you'd met my Evil Ex! Every one of the people described in the last couple days attended the larger UPC church I attended.


My dislikes have changed over time. When I was in church, I disliked the trophy wife wannabe girls and bitter middle-aged women. Now I realize why those types existed at all and my fury flies to the source. Girls in my church only pursued thinness and perfect hair and infuriating shallowness because that is what my church rewarded. Middle-aged women were bitter because they were denied happiness and self-fulfillment by the church. So now my ire is directed toward the pencil-dicked lowlifes who perpetuate such bondage because it fits their own misogynistic, anachronistic ideals, not those of a living, loving god. Fuck them all with a pineapple.

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'Prayer Warriors', one of the shittiest titles for someone who thinks they are heroic for doing absolutely nothing.

Touche!! ^^^^^^

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9. The "My God Is Badder Than Yours" warrior. These are the ones who think that most other Christians have shied away from the real gosepl. They hate the idea of a Mr Rogers God who doesn't care about someones sexual orientation or what religion they believed in. They think God is actually good for sending people to hell and destroying cities. After all, if God just loved everyone, he would be a weak sissy! He's gotta be a macho male warrior who's always showing people who's boss!


10. The Catholic (usually Catholic) who thinks that unless someone follows all the church rules and traditions, they are not a true Catholic. They think that those who have disagreements are guilty of the sin of pride because they are telling God (the Church) that they know more and don't need the rules. I hate these people because they discourage people from thinking for themselves by acting like those who question things are a huge threat to their fucking authority.

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I suppose liberal Christians are somewhat less annoying. They all make ny brain hurt.

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Pro-Liars. The kind who need to consult the Bible in order to use a tampon. The ones who get in the way of making sure that reproductive medical care and contraception are available to all. The ones who think that schools should teach "abstinence only" even though this has never worked at any point in time in history. The ones who think that sex is simply evil and consider infants to be God's way of punishing you for having sex while simultaneously thinking they are Gifts from God.


The ones who walk into that same clinic they picket every week because, "My abortion is the only moral abortion! Everyone else is a stupid slut!"


The ones who screech about the evils of welfare and why it should be done away with while waving around their signs of dead stillborns.


These vile dicksplats need to be shot into the sun to burn, and I mean that literally with all the venom I can muster.

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"Ex-Wiccans." Dear weeping busty Goddess, they make me want to pop their little fucking self-righteous "I know what you believe, where you are, how angry you are at gawd, and you just need to drop the devil worship and come back to White Republican Jesus and stop being an evil lesbian, don't deny it, that's what you are, a devil-worshiping lesbian witch, JUST REPENT, I KNOW, I'VE BEEN THERE!!!" heads off.

This is a highly personal dislike, but that's what you asked. I fucking, absolutely, loathe, despise, HATE HATE HATE the ex-wiccan, saved by Jeeeeeeeebus from evil debbil worship christards. They're so annoying, it makes me want to rip my eyes out.


Oh yeah me too! I fucking hate this shit! I've met some christard whack jobs who claim to have been Wiccan and then go on to tell the most bizarre ass stories about sacrificing their own children, summoning demons to possess people and having sex with the devil before they were saved by jeebus!

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If I were a fundie claiming to be an ex-Wiccan, the last people I'd ever want to see would be actual Wiccans! Am I the only person wondering what crazy-ass coven these idiots are from that did that stuff?


"Ex-atheist" Christians chap my hide too. It's so hard not to Scotsman them.

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If I were a fundie claiming to be an ex-Wiccan, the last people I'd ever want to see would be actual Wiccans! Am I the only person wondering what crazy-ass coven these idiots are from that did that stuff?


"Ex-atheist" Christians chap my hide too. It's so hard not to Scotsman them.


Usually they were never Wiccans and have never associated with actual pagans. They usually just embellish on some emo time in their teens where they played with a Ouji Board and lit a black candle while reading too much Ann Rice. That's what they think paganism is.


The moment they confront an actual Wiccan, they get their asses handed to them, and then they get very indignant and pull the "Persecuted Christian" card.



Edited for grammar because I shouldn't grammar when I'm tired.

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The fundie types who are obsessed with gender roles always bothered me.

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For me, the most annoying type of Xtians are those whole life is based on "god's will, god's plan or god's timetable."

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This woman: http://en.wikipedia...._%28activist%29 ((I only know her from the videos of her talking to Richard Dawkins.))


She outright ignores readily available evidence and facts, creates connections between things that don't exist, and redefines things all to support her political ideology.


The WORST thing about her, the thing that makes her and some others I've seen, is her smile. It's stuck on there with nails and glue. No matter how the conversation is going the strained, toothy smile stays because smiles are good politics. It's condescending. It means that she's so sure of what she thinks that she's not even listening but just waiting for an opening to spout out a programmed response to whatever buzzwords she hears used.

The Australia Jesus guy uses the same damned smile.


I haven't heard of this Wendy Wright, but i just watched the interview with Richard Dawkins, I find it funny how she kept saying "Show me the evidence", and it's so funny to hear a Christian say that, there is plenty of evidence to support it, but there is absolutely no evidence to prove the existence of her god. 49.gif


I know someone just like her, well l know a couple of people and they behave exactly the same, with a fake smile on their face and panic in their eyes, ignore facts and believe ignorance is a defense.


The other type, someone said something similar in one of their posts, but the ex druggie, well ex means they used to have a drug habit, but they still do, they have read one sentence from the bible and know everything there is to know about God/Christianity and they believe they know more than anyone else and annoy the shit of you about it and they preach and preach, but it doesn't take them long to go back to their old habits.



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"Mrs/Mr Pious" are some of the most horrifyingly annoying Christians there are. They are the sort of people who will superciliously look down on you, at the same time, being so teethgrittingly "polite" to you. They will "pray" for you but in reality they will backstab you.


Another particularly annoying set of Christians are those of people being convinced that the Bible and God hates this particular sin more than anything and rifles through the "Sanctus Libris" (Sorry for the blatant - or possibly dog - Latin, but this tries to convey to you how they think how holy their bible is, as if they will vest it in the grandest possible reverence) to prove it though the book doesn't say anything substantial or anything on that matter.

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I just hate the fake smiles on most Christians, especially at church. Ugh.


I hate pretense, and hiding behind a fake persona. Yet, it would be asking way too much for them to just "be themselves" because they really don't know who they are.

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Who was it who said you can't ask the irrational to be rational? Of course they don't know who they are. We were all there once--I remember getting called a "prayer warrior" by my pastor and smiling at everybody and waving, but knowing deep down that I'd already given up prayer ages ago because I'd figured out nobody was listening.

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The WORST thing about her, the thing that makes her and some others I've seen, is her smile. It's stuck on there with nails and glue. No matter how the conversation is going the strained, toothy smile stays because smiles are good politics.


That used to be me :(


I'd witness, and not be able to give good answers, so I'd grin stupidly, hoping that my smile would make the person think I loved them and that they'd be won over by my love. One day though I couldn't take it anymore and I snapped and screamed and cursed the person out.


Serenity now, insanity later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BY FAR, hardcore Calvinists. They have completely eroded their sense of empathy for other human beings in order to amplify the amount of evil their concept of god can concoct, all in the name of 'sovereignty'. They are the epitome of religious superciliousness, callousness and bigotry.


Yeah, I hate hate hate HATE those people and everything they stand for. They are so arrogant while they love to accuse others of the same. They come in 2 flavors.


1. The "logical" and "reasonable" Calvinist. They are the intellectual Spock types. They'll make some atrocious statement (like babies and children burn are born evil and hellbound), but when people act like they are fucking nuts, they'll accuse you of being "too emotional" letting your feelings cloud your reason.


So let me get this straight, they are the assholes making a claim that innocent children and infants are going to be senselessly tortured for eternity and WE'RE THE IRRATIONAL ONES FOR NOT SEEING THE PURPOSE IN IT?! Damn right we're going to be emotional at such a horrific concept!! It's senseless suffering that doesn't benefit anyone. Since emotion is all part of the human experience, we're going to have to let it affect our reasoning to an extent. When you take it out of the equation, nothing really matters. But since Calvinists are such callous sociopaths, they'll take emotion out to appear "logical", when they are the ones believing such stupid bullshit. Didn't God give us emotions for a reason? Without emotions it's pretty hard to "love your neighbor" isn't it?


I take it back, these mother fuckers I the ones I hate the most. They are sociopathic monsters using religion to justify cruelty. I actually find myself wishing harm on these people when I read their stuff.


2. The authoritarian ones. I'll show you a quote from FSTDT http://www.fstdt.com/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=54816


God has the right to kill whomever He wants because all are sinners and have rebelled against His Lordship. If that offends you, too bad. You are a man, and God is GOD; He doesn't tolerate false religions, and His killing is not arbitrary, but rather a function of His justice against evil. And when God casts all of His enemies into the Lake of Fire on Judgment Day, the ol' "that's not fair" protest isn't going to get you very far.


He is so condescending that it borders on hatred. Reminds me of a stereotypical drill sergant who thinks they can make up a bunch of stupid rules, demand complete adherance, but will ignore any objections because they are the authority and you are the private. No matter how much sense you make, they are right because they say they are, there's nothing you can do, and they want you to know that.

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The most annoying to me are the "It's not a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus Christ." Christains.


Any Christian who repeats that idiotic lie is automatically tossed into the "utterly hopeless, brain-damaged, glue-sniffing, booger-eating moron" category as far as I'm concerned.


A category reserved just for them.

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It's the trendy brand of bullshit lately. Back in the 70s and 80s it was Jesus People and "One Way" and all that. About all that really came out of it was some decent music (I actually liked that one Narnia album). This particular line of bullshit is getting snapped up by Christians for the exact same reason that thick-framed glasses and PBR got snapped up by hipsters.

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It's the trendy brand of bullshit lately. Back in the 70s and 80s it was Jesus People and "One Way" and all that. About all that really came out of it was some decent music (I actually liked that one Narnia album). This particular line of bullshit is getting snapped up by Christians for the exact same reason that thick-framed glasses and PBR got snapped up by hipsters.


It's a sales gimmick. This is not religion -- it's totally different and unique and special. I suppose we are all supposed to find that sooooo intriguing.


I can understand the hippie-Jesus stuff that happened in days of old. There are some aspects of traditional Christianity and the Hippie sub-culture that are a good match.


I remember that version of the Bible -- And Jesus said, "Hey man, that's not too cool."

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