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God Is A Liar


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"You saw my posts last night? That's me. " End3
This is one your posts from last night:
""And Mudhoney, please fucking speculate on whether child abusers should spend their lives in hell.
Just this one fucking response would be worth hearing from any of you gutless wonders. Should we extend grace to a child rapist? What's adequate punishment. Speak the fuck up!"  End3
Gawd, End3, I hope the above quote from last night is not the real you, because I don 't think of you as a malicious avenger. If I am interpreting you correctly, you said: 1) Whether child abusers should spend eternity in hell is "speculation".  2)But your answer neverless is yes, they should and that we who don't think so are "gutless wonders".3) "Grace" would be expended to child molesters if they were not sent to hell eternally, which would be wrong, in your opinion. Suppose your son were the child raper? Never mind.
Is it grace to eliminate eternity in hell for a child molester who was his Sunday School teacher. (poetic license)  No it is not grace. It is unbelievable cruelty that a loving and forgiving god could not do. The child may live to be 80 or so, then he dies and goes to heaven to be with Jesus, as you believe.  The damage done by the molester is over after 80 years at the most.  But the molester's hell goes on for  80 trillion years, which is just the beginning.
Or, since god is omnipotent he could reverse time to where the boy suffered no molestation, and can put the rapist in solitary confinement for 30 days for thinking about molesting the child. The molester learns his lesson and never thinks of molesting another person. Or (even better) god cures the molester of his strong aberrant sex drives and he lives out his normal life. And gawd could rehabilitate the victim of the rape to where he/she has no memory of the event and no residual harm.Or god could have prevented the rape from happening in the first place. See, your god is omnipotent. Why does he not use that power to improve the world rather than destroy it? Eh? You say you have an omnipotent god; that works both ways.
The above ARE speculative as to what god would do. But it is not speculative as to what god could do. He could  do those or any number of other scenarios in his omnipotence avoiding the hell thing, which would be much worse than the child rape itself because the damage done by rape, horrible though that is, is time limited. Eternity is not. And god could undo the rape and damage if he chose. Perhaps frogiving a child rapist and undoing his damage is what is meant by "the love that passeth understanding."   bill
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....an inability within a relationship is essentially sinful in my mind.


That's not clear. Would you please explain? An inability to do what within a relationship? And what relationship are you talking about?


Let me give you an example. If you and I were in a relationship, and I were striving to be as sin free as possible, then I would make those choices for you that would yield love and life. I am not capable of perfectly discerning what would be best decisions to yield love and life for you. The misapplication of my actions towards you I consider sin.


Couldn't you just be yourself in the relationship instead?  All that striving is eventually going to lead to resentment.


You saw my posts last night? That's me.


Do you consider those posts to be sinful?

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Why is it you can't comprehend Christians claim Christ as an acknowledgement of their own shortcomings?


Why is it you can't comprehend that when Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits", that was a truth claim from the lips of your god about your behavior...Christian?


Your behavior is a Truth / Lie indicator of Jesus' life, death, sacrifice and resurrection. 


Your behavior is the proof of Jesus's words. 




You've got almost 6,000 posts and about seven years of membership under your belt, End.  

Yet every time your un-Christian behavior and bad spiritual fruit comes under the spotlight all I've ever hear from you is excuse after excuse after excuse.




The Christianity you put on display here is a sad mix of excuses, muddled thinking, foul language and insults.


Proof poz that Jesus was a liar, I'd say. 

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...The apologists have figured out what god meant by saying to Adam that he could surely die if he ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil: God

meant that Adam would die spiritually, not physically....


I heard the same explanation Bill. They always find ways to "explain" away the absurdities and contradictions of their holy book. Wendybanghead.gif

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But God allegedly walked with them in the cool of the day.  We are invited to believe that they had an intimate relationship with Him.  Surely, if He had given them any indication as to the true horror they would unleash by eating the fruit, they would have understood.  Except He didn't.  He kept them in the dark, the mad bastard.


It hit me that god must be a very terrible parent. If you knew the consequences of something to be so horrific, (millions of people's souls in torments forever...curses on the earth...death, etc..) wouldn't you do everything in your power to protect your children from causing THAT? We try our best as parents to protect and warn our children..sometimes being brutally honest to get them to see the consequences, yet God, kept his children in the dark and then blamed them! Bible god is the worst parent.


It also seemed to be a set-up too. They walked right into a trap set for them...how sad.

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People like you really fucking piss me off....grow up or stfu.......

See, that's a fucking thoughtful question after reading the text. Thank you. I'll get back to you.


I didn't realize holy and sanctified Christians used the "F" word so much. I never did when I was a true believer. Wendyloser.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gif

Doesn't the babel say "that which goeth OUT of the mouth is what defileth the man..."


I've never known many believers to really practice the teachings of their holy book anyhow.

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Good work Prof!


Here's additional evidence that God was the deceitful party in Genesis.


I've highlighted sections in verses 16 and 18. 


You'll note that before Eve was created from Adam's rib and before God declared that Adam shouldn't be alone, God commands only Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Not Eve.  So, reasonably assuming that the events decribed in Genesis are happening in chronological order, God made sure that Eve never heard that command from His own lips.  God commands only Adam, not Eve.




Later, the serpent asks Eve what God said.

He doesn't lie.  He doesn't imply anything.  He simply asks her what God said about the tree of knowledge.  Now, because she wasn't there to actually hear what God said only to Adam, she gives the serpent a false and inaccurate report of God's words.  God didn't actually say they would die if they touched the fruit.  He said they would die on the day they ate it.  Not the same. 


Q.  So is anyone actually lying here?

A.  Yes.  But not the humans and not the serpent. 


Not Eve. 

She cannot lie.  She's still in a state perfect innocence.  A lie is different from an innocent mistake.  If she heard a garbled version of God's command from Adam, that's not her fault - that's down to Adam for not reporting what God told him correctly. 


Not Adam.  

He couldn't have lied to Eve about God's command, either.  He's in a perfect state of innocence too.  There was no subterfuge in Adam to cause him to lie to Eve.  However, he was fallible and could have given Eve a mistaken report about God's command.


Not the serpent. 

He's just asking Eve to tell him what God said about the trees in the garden of Eden.  Her only source of information about this was Adam.  Since Adam couldn't lie to her, either she misreported Adam's true account of God's command or she correctly reported Adam's garbled account of it.


That leaves only one other person who could have practiced deceit in Eden, before Adam and Eve ate the fruit and knew good and evil.  The same person who made sure that Eve didn't hear His warning about the tree of knowledge.  The same person who (supposedly) foreknew all things before be created anything.  The same person who put two innocents in a position of supreme responsibility and then blamed them for not foreseeing the consequences of their actions.   The same person who told Adam he would die on the day that he ate, even though Adam went on to live for nearly a thousand years.  The same person who knew about good and evil from get go.





Guess who?




Genesis 3 : 22, KJV.

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:





'nuff said?





You know, it occurred to me last night that god, in his omnipotence, knew that Eve would be the first one to make the choice and that she was the most ill-informed person of them all.  It's almost as though god purposely neglected to say anything to Eve about the fruit.


Either that or god just trusted that Adam would "keep his woman in line".

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Really enjoying this thread. Good read.

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"You saw my posts last night? That's me. " End3


This is one your posts from last night:


""And Mudhoney, please fucking speculate on whether child abusers should spend their lives in hell.

Just this one fucking response would be worth hearing from any of you gutless wonders. Should we extend grace to a child rapist? What's adequate punishment. Speak the fuck up!"  End3


Gawd, End3, I hope the above quote from last night is not the real you, because I don 't think of you as a malicious avenger. If I am interpreting you correctly, you said: 1) Whether child abusers should spend eternity in hell is "speculation".  2)But your answer neverless is yes, they should and that we who don't think so are "gutless wonders".3) "Grace" would be expended to child molesters if they were not sent to hell eternally, which would be wrong, in your opinion. Suppose your son were the child raper? Never mind.


Is it grace to eliminate eternity in hell for a child molester who was his Sunday School teacher. (poetic license)  No it is not grace. It is unbelievable cruelty that a loving and forgiving god could not do. The child may live to be 80 or so, then he dies and goes to heaven to be with Jesus, as you believe.  The damage done by the molester is over after 80 years at the most.  But the molester's hell goes on for  80 trillion years, which is just the beginning.


Or, since god is omnipotent he could reverse time to where the boy suffered no molestation, and can put the rapist in solitary confinement for 30 days for thinking about molesting the child. The molester learns his lesson and never thinks of molesting another person. Or (even better) god cures the molester of his strong aberrant sex drives and he lives out his normal life. And gawd could rehabilitate the victim of the rape to where he/she has no memory of the event and no residual harm.Or god could have prevented the rape from happening in the first place. See, your god is omnipotent. Why does he not use that power to improve the world rather than destroy it? Eh? You say you have an omnipotent god; that works both ways.


The above ARE speculative as to what god would do. But it is not speculative as to what god could do. He could  do those or any number of other scenarios in his omnipotence avoiding the hell thing, which would be much worse than the child rape itself because the damage done by rape, horrible though that is, is time limited. Eternity is not. And god could undo the rape and damage if he chose. Perhaps frogiving a child rapist and undoing his damage is what is meant by "the love that passeth understanding."   bill

I was particularly frustrates. Here is the thing I don't understand:


If you are a non believer then there is no eternity as a soul. Maybe not everyone believes this, but I think it's fair to say that the consensus is death is the end with non-believers. Please correct me if I am wrong. So when someone states that sending a person to prison for the rest of their lives, that is essentially eternal "hell" IMO. Not many men I know that have been to prison would easily go back. I have had men say that if they had to go back they wouldn't.


The death penalty, war, prison......they are all done routinely in our society today, but there is no equivalent to God's eternal hell. Keep in mind we toss people in prison and don't want to see them nor deal with them for "ever" basically.


Eternity IS different that life in prison, but the intent is the same. If we could toss them away for longer, life wouldn't be enough.


And some folks are not going to be rehabilitated. Ideals are just that.


And I have had heard different teaching on hell. But good god, we are so intent on bashing, we don't have time to actually discuss.


And have had people say no one's mind will be changed by any of this. How do you explain that? By your own words, we should all be able to rehab to some ideal.


So Bill, what good would it do for God to just zap a person and say you are healed, fixed, whatever.

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Why is it you can't comprehend Christians claim Christ as an acknowledgement of their own shortcomings?


Why is it you can't comprehend that when Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits", that was a truth claim from the lips of your god about your behavior...Christian?


Your behavior is a Truth / Lie indicator of Jesus' life, death, sacrifice and resurrection. 


Your behavior is the proof of Jesus's words. 




You've got almost 6,000 posts and about seven years of membership under your belt, End.  

Yet every time your un-Christian behavior and bad spiritual fruit comes under the spotlight all I've ever hear from you is excuse after excuse after excuse.




The Christianity you put on display here is a sad mix of excuses, muddled thinking, foul language and insults.


Proof poz that Jesus was a liar, I'd say.


Why must you antagonize BAA? You did it yesterday, you did it today. Why. The mods don't want me to be mean, so I digress.

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You know, it occurred to me last night that god, in his omnipotence, knew that Eve would be the first one to make the choice and that she was the most ill-informed person of them all.  It's almost as though god purposely neglected to say anything to Eve about the fruit.


Either that or god just trusted that Adam would "keep his woman in line".

Did you also notice that she misquoted what God had told Adam?

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People like you really fucking piss me off....grow up or stfu.......


See, that's a fucking thoughtful question after reading the text. Thank you. I'll get back to you.

I didn't realize holy and sanctified Christians used the "F" word so much. I never did when I was a true believer. Wendyloser.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gif:scratch:

Doesn't the babel say "that which goeth OUT of the mouth is what defileth the man..."


I've never known many believers to really practice the teachings of their holy book anyhow.


I'm with a cult. Fuck you is a term of endearment.

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I'm with a cult. Fuck you is a term of endearment. 


Now, that's the most sense you've made all day! Fuck you, too!
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Do you consider those posts to be sinful?



Then, among other options, you have these three:


1).  Do nothing.  This requires no effort on your part or on the part of god.  However, it will produce no social result.


2).  Ask jesus to forgive you.  This also requires no effort on your part or on the part if god, because his death has already provided the forgiveness you ask for.  However, this will also produce no social result.


3).  Go to the people against whom your posts were directed and offer to make amends.  This will require some effort on your part; but none on the part of god.  However, it will produce the result of making you a better person, and may very well be of great benefit to the people at whom you spat your ire.


I would gather that option three would be the most beneficial; yet it is the option that demonstrates how unnecessary faith in god really is.

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You know, it occurred to me last night that god, in his omnipotence, knew that Eve would be the first one to make the choice and that she was the most ill-informed person of them all.  It's almost as though god purposely neglected to say anything to Eve about the fruit.


Either that or god just trusted that Adam would "keep his woman in line".

Did you also notice that she misquoted what God had told Adam?


I noticed that years ago.  I didn't mention it because I felt BAA's post had adequately covered it.

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You know, it occurred to me last night that god, in his omnipotence, knew that Eve would be the first one to make the choice and that she was the most ill-informed person of them all.  It's almost as though god purposely neglected to say anything to Eve about the fruit.


Either that or god just trusted that Adam would "keep his woman in line".

Did you also notice that she misquoted what God had told Adam?


I noticed that years ago.  I didn't mention it because I felt BAA's post had adequately covered it.




If you look at the myth one of the penalties handed down by the gods was that men would rule over women.  This myth was invented to explain the battle of the sexes from the Bronze Age male's perspective.  Women need to know their place because of the poor choices made by a fictitious character.

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End3, I realize that your post was directed at Bill, but I thought I'd add my thoughts on this by replying to this post, especially since it's one of the most recent.

I was particularly frustrates.


I'm glad you're not feeling frustrated anymore. woohoo.gif It got pretty heated in here and there was lots of frustration to go around. Hopefully all of that is gone.



Here is the thing I don't understand: If you are a non believer then there is no eternity as a soul. Maybe not everyone believes this, but I think it's fair to say that the consensus is death is the end with non-believers. Please correct me if I am wrong. So when someone states that sending a person to prison for the rest of their lives, that is essentially eternal "hell" IMO. Not many men I know that have been to prison would easily go back. I have had men say that if they had to go back they wouldn't.



I've never been in a prison before (fortunately), but I'd say it makes sense to say that prison is basically hell, just without all of the fire, total darkness, and burning. Regardless, one of them is certainly far worse and far more barbaric than the other. At least for some who go to prison, there is a chance that they'll be released in the future, while with the Biblical Hell, it doesn't matter what offense you've committed or how severe it is (since all sins are supposedly equal in Yahweh's eyes), there is no chance of freedom once you're there. It's just endless suffering that goes on forever. 



The death penalty, war, prison......they are all done routinely in our society today, but there is no equivalent to God's eternal hell. Keep in mind we toss people in prison and don't want to see them nor deal with them for "ever" basically.

Eternity IS different that life in prison, but the intent is the same. If we could toss them away for longer, life wouldn't be enough.

And some folks are not going to be rehabilitated. Ideals are just that.



Though it's clear that an eternity in Biblical hell and life in prison are two different things (like apples and pineapples), it does appear that the purpose for each of these places is the same. When people harm others, a lot of other people, including the people they've hurt, want to see them locked away forever, so they can't hurt anyone anymore. Some of these people would probably even say that the criminals they want locked up are deserving of Biblical hell.


The reason for this is that most people think with only their emotions after they've been hurt by others and are unable to think logically about the situation. With this being the case, it seems only natural that the response be, "LOCK THEM AWAY FOREVER!!!!111" If everyone thought logically all the time, the responses would be far different and the focus would be entirely on rehabilitating those who've committed some of the worst crimes, such as raping or murdering another person, but unfortunately, that is not the case.


Since I'm convinced that the concept of the Biblical hell is purely man-made, it makes sense that it would be as gruesome and as terrible as it is, for various reasons. Yahweh, on the other hand, whether he really is God or not, appears to have set Adam and Eve up to fail on purpose, though why he would do that, if he actually did that, would be unknown to us. If Yahweh is God, then it does make sense to conclude that he is equally as flawed as his own creations.



And I have had heard different teaching on hell. But good god, we are so intent on bashing, we don't have time to actually discuss.



Sounds like the way I was when I first deconverted. I was angry at Christians, Christianity in general, and even Yahweh himself, when I still believed in him in the last few moments of clinging to my faith. I had every intention of bashing and attacking Christianity to begin with and I was angry at lot, though losing my faith wasn't the cause of all of my anger, it just made it stronger.


I'm working my way up to calming down and I've made a lot of progress, though sometimes Christian fundies say things that sound so insane( and sometimes cruel) that the anger returns and I just want to bash the hell out of Christianity and its followers. smileydies.gif

It certainly does make it difficult to have a discussion when some of the participants are completely enslaved to their emotions like that.



So Bill, what good would it do for God to just zap a person and say you are healed, fixed, whatever.


Even though you asked Bill this, I'm going to try to reply. The good it would do for "God" (Yahweh) to zap a person and fix whatever is wrong with them is it would remove the programming to sin from whomever he was fixing.


According to the Bible, all humans sin. If that is the case, then we must all be programmed to do it, right? If we are indeed programmed to sin, then certainly none of us have free will. If this programming is one of the results of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the garden, then it looks to me as though Yahweh wanted all of it to happen to begin with. Why would he want that? If Yahweh is really God, then only he would ever know.


If this programming was fixed in the blink of an eye, there would be no sin committed by the person that had the programming and their potential victim would go on with their life, having never suffered the trauma that would have been caused by the harm that would have been done to them. Even better, the person that was fixed would never go to Hell after they died.


Wow, I had no intention of my post being this long... Sorry if it's too long, lol.

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People like you really fucking piss me off....grow up or stfu.......

See, that's a fucking thoughtful question after reading the text. Thank you. I'll get back to you.


I didn't realize holy and sanctified Christians used the "F" word so much. I never did when I was a true believer. Wendyloser.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gif

Doesn't the babel say "that which goeth OUT of the mouth is what defileth the man..."


I've never known many believers to really practice the teachings of their holy book anyhow.




I had a potty mouth as a Christian.  It came from my work.  At the time I had a horrible, degrading job and all my co-workers talked like sailors.  I just picked it up.  I didn't want to.  I felt bad about it.  I prayed that God would take my profanity away.  But that environment was more powerful that God's protection.  It was an endless source of shame and guilt.  I was suppose to overcome that kind of language.  Oh well.

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People like you really fucking piss me off....grow up or stfu.......

See, that's a fucking thoughtful question after reading the text. Thank you. I'll get back to you.


I didn't realize holy and sanctified Christians used the "F" word so much. I never did when I was a true believer. Wendyloser.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gif

Doesn't the babel say "that which goeth OUT of the mouth is what defileth the man..."


I've never known many believers to really practice the teachings of their holy book anyhow.




I had a potty mouth as a Christian.  It came from my work.  At the time I had a horrible, degrading job and all my co-workers talked like sailors.  I just picked it up.  I didn't want to.  I felt bad about it.  I prayed that God would take my profanity away.  But that environment was more powerful that God's protection.  It was an endless source of shame and guilt.  I was suppose to overcome that kind of language.  Oh well.


I cleaned up my act considerably when I was a christian...hardly ever ever cussed. Before I was converted I had a potty mouth and after, but not during..rarely.

LOL I now work at a place where cussing happens every few minutes. I fit right in! :D

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People like you really fucking piss me off....grow up or stfu.......


See, that's a fucking thoughtful question after reading the text. Thank you. I'll get back to you.

I didn't realize holy and sanctified Christians used the "F" word so much. I never did when I was a true believer. Wendyloser.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gifsilverpenny013Hmmm.gif

Doesn't the babel say "that which goeth OUT of the mouth is what defileth the man..."


I've never known many believers to really practice the teachings of their holy book anyhow.


I'm with a cult. Fuck you is a term of endearment.


yeah right. Wendywhatever.gif   I am perplexed because true believers are supposed to not be of "the world" and to me, using the F word in about every

post you make is probably not the best witness. Just sayin.

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Matthew 25 : 14 - 30 The Parable of the Bags of Gold

14 “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. 15 To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag,[a] each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16 The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. 17 So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. 18 But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

19 “After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20 The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’

21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

22 “The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.’

23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

24 “Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’

26 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28 “‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. 29 For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 30 And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’




Which servant of God are you, End?


All of God's servants (that is, all Christians) are given the Holy Spirit (symbolized by the bag of gold) by God when they accept Jesus as their savior and Lord.  God expects each Christian to bring forth a rich harvest of spiritual fruit in their lives (gaining extra bags of gold) and when Jesus returns from His journey (on Judgement Day) he expects to find them richly laden with the fruit of the spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


Everything else passes away.

Knowledge, gifts of the spirit, signs and wonders, etc.  But a Christian's spiritual fruit are their offering of worship to God.  Their fruit is what they take in heaven.  Everything else is trashed.  Check out 1 Corinthians 13 to see what Christians take into heaven.


God's given you spiritual power according to your ability, End.

(See above, verse 15.)  When Jesus returns are you going to be that wicked and lazy servant who could only make lame excuses about his shortcomings?  The worthless servant who had the chance of eternal life but who gets thrown out of God's presence?


What's it going to be from you on Judgement Day?


More excuses?

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Why must I antagonize, End?




Ah... I see.  You're the victim again and I'm the bad guy.  (Again!)


You're the wronged and persecuted one and I'm the unfair, unkind and callous bully?  (Yet again!)  

So, if I point out the difference between how the Bible says you should be living and how you are living, that's wrong of me?   There's some kind of unwritten rule in Ex-C that says Christians musn't ever be held to account for their words by anyone?  Christians musn't have their lives examined, to see if they are living as the Bible says they should? 


Right, that's ok then, isn't it?




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I apologize in advance for the wall 'o bible text. But I think it raises an interesting point. If it was Eve's responsibility to protect Adam from the tree that god put there to doom humanity, why didn't god tell Eve about it? Eve is crested after the command is issued. She was never commanded to avoid the fruit if the tree. So why was she punished for it? I call shenanigans.


15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”


18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”


19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.


But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

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I apologize for the very late to the topic post. For some reason a few pages didn't display until after my post, and I didn't see there was already a discussion of Eve.

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