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Goodbye Jesus

What Should We Expect During A Time Of Grace

Guest end3

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So what do you think your behavior says about your 'relationship' with Jesus Christ?

I think it's proportional to communion with Christ and the church. Haven't gone in a long time due to the divorce....i.e. a lack of participation.

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Anything... ANYTHING... to keep from having to face the awful truth about yourself.

What would that be in your opinion


...he asks, not fully comprehending that in order for people to be willing to answer his questions, he must first show willingness to answer theirs.  And so the question goes unanswered, as his counterlocutor has neither the time nor the inclination to be bothered.


You DID read the post to S? The person I would answer their questions? Right smart guy?

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

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Anything... ANYTHING... to keep from having to face the awful truth about yourself.

What would that be in your opinion


...he asks, not fully comprehending that in order for people to be willing to answer his questions, he must first show willingness to answer theirs.  And so the question goes unanswered, as his counterlocutor has neither the time nor the inclination to be bothered.


You DID read the post to S? The person I would answer their questions? Right smart guy?


So then WHY are you asking me questions?  We're obviously not going to answer each other for awhile.  Geez... been hanging out with Captain Obvious lately?

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Anything... ANYTHING... to keep from having to face the awful truth about yourself.

What would that be in your opinion


...he asks, not fully comprehending that in order for people to be willing to answer his questions, he must first show willingness to answer theirs.  And so the question goes unanswered, as his counterlocutor has neither the time nor the inclination to be bothered.


You DID read the post to S? The person I would answer their questions? Right smart guy?


So then WHY are you asking me questions?  We're obviously not going to answer each other for awhile.  Geez... been hanging out with Captain Obvious lately?


Guess I was delusional there for a minute thinking you weren't the person you demonstrate.

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.

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So what do you think your behavior says about your 'relationship' with Jesus Christ?

I think it's proportional to communion with Christ and the church. Haven't gone in a long time due to the divorce....i.e. a lack of participation.



What you don't seem to 'get' End is that if you really do have the spirit of Jesus Christ living within you, then you are in constant communion with him, wherever you are and whatever you do... 24/7.


Communion isn't just a ceremony performed in certain places and at certain times.


Your body, your thoughts, your feelings and your whole life are in communion with Christ all the time, whether you like it or not. 




Btw, I can see the maneuver you're trying to pull here, too.


Your trying to make your lack of participation in an religious ceremony the reason why you're so full of poison and filth.


No way!  PageofCupsNono.gif




The spirit of Christ is dead within you.


It isn't kept alive by the communion rituals.


It's kept alive by your willingness to submit yourself to His will and to let him change you from the inside out.


If you aren't prepared to change then Christ will stay dead within you and your so-called Christianity will stay as nothing more than a sham.


A worthless round of empty rituals that do nothing to change you and let your bear good spiritual fruit for Jesus.

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.



Then isn't it time to change and start being Christlike to everyone?


We're back at the cursing and praising problem again.


Can you see it. End?


How can Jesus be alive within you If you're Christlike to certain people and not to others?

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.



What we see here is ample evidence that your spiritual fruit is rotten, End.


Go back and read those 'fruit' quotes from Biblegateway and you'll see that time and again Jesus and Paul and John say that good and bad fruit don't mix on the same tree.


If your fruit is rotten here, then it's rotten everywhere -  because you're carrying that rottenness around inside you, wherever you go.




Once again, you are trying to slide out of this.


To make excuses.


To downplay and deflect from facing up to the truth.

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So what do you think your behavior says about your 'relationship' with Jesus Christ?

I think it's proportional to communion with Christ and the church. Haven't gone in a long time due to the divorce....i.e. a lack of participation.



What you don't seem to 'get' End is that if you really do have the spirit of Jesus Christ living within you, then you are in constant communion with him, wherever you are and whatever you do... 24/7.


Communion isn't just a ceremony performed in certain places and at certain times.


Your body, your thoughts, your feelings and your whole life are in communion with Christ all the time, whether you like it or not. 




Btw, I can the maneuver you're trying to pull here, too.


Your trying to make your lack of participation in an religious ceremony the reason why you're so full of poison and filth.


No way!  PageofCupsNono.gif




The spirit of Christ is dead within you.


It isn't kept alive by the communion rituals.


It's kept alive by your willingness to submit yourself to His will and to let him change you from the inside out.


If you aren't prepared to change then Christ will stay dead within you and your so-called Christianity will stay as nothing more than a sham.


A worthless round of empty rituals that do nothing to change you and let your bear good spiritual fruit for Jesus.


No, I think there is Biblical mention of my explanation.

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So what do you think your behavior says about your 'relationship' with Jesus Christ?

I think it's proportional to communion with Christ and the church. Haven't gone in a long time due to the divorce....i.e. a lack of participation.



What you don't seem to 'get' End is that if you really do have the spirit of Jesus Christ living within you, then you are in constant communion with him, wherever you are and whatever you do... 24/7.


Communion isn't just a ceremony performed in certain places and at certain times.


Your body, your thoughts, your feelings and your whole life are in communion with Christ all the time, whether you like it or not. 




Btw, I can the maneuver you're trying to pull here, too.


Your trying to make your lack of participation in an religious ceremony the reason why you're so full of poison and filth.


No way!  PageofCupsNono.gif




The spirit of Christ is dead within you.


It isn't kept alive by the communion rituals.


It's kept alive by your willingness to submit yourself to His will and to let him change you from the inside out.


If you aren't prepared to change then Christ will stay dead within you and your so-called Christianity will stay as nothing more than a sham.


A worthless round of empty rituals that do nothing to change you and let your bear good spiritual fruit for Jesus.


No, I think there is Biblical mention of my explanation.



Not one that negates all those 'fruit' quotes I showed you.


You are dangerously close to becoming a Pharisee if you place rituals and ceremonies above obedience to God.


And you know how Jesus just hated the hypocrisy of the Pharisee's don't you?




And once again, you try and worm out of doing what you know you should.

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.

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Given the man admonitions of my plight, I'm sure the answer is to return.


Ha, someday I might sincerely let you know what I would hope for you rather than what angers me about y'all.


Thanks for the help.

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Good call, Prof!




Oh and btw, End...


...the Prof and I aren't sitting in the same room, consulting each other about what you write on a moment-by moment basis.


We independently saw your hypocrisy and made our posts, just one minute apart.


Significant, much?

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.


I'm reading you spiritually...you are supposed to use science. The conclusion is, since science can't measure spiritual, I guess you're screwed with your assessment, huh?

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Given the man admonitions of my plight, I'm sure the answer is to return.


Ha, someday I might sincerely let you know what I would hope for you rather than what angers me about y'all.


Thanks for the help.



What's this?


Getting ready to leave?

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.


I'm reading you spiritually...you are supposed to use science. The conclusion is, since science can't measure spiritual, I guess you're screwed with your assessment, huh?



We don't have to be rocket scientists to see your spiritual fruit, End.


Anyone can do that.


Don't forget that Jesus, John and Paul were often talking about these things to people who couldn't read or write.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that a man who claims to use his mouth to worship Christ must be a hypocrite if he uses the same mouth to cuss and slander others.

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.


I'm reading you spiritually...you are supposed to use science. The conclusion is, since science can't measure spiritual, I guess you're screwed with your assessment, huh?



We don't have to be rocket scientists to see your spiritual fruit, End.


Anyone can do that.


Don't forget that Jesus, John and Paul were often talking about these things to people who couldn't read or write.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that a man who claims to use his mouth to worship Christ must be a hypocrite if he uses the same mouth to cuss and slander others.


You're right. I don't personally have the strength.

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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.


I'm reading you spiritually...you are supposed to use science. The conclusion is, since science can't measure spiritual, I guess you're screwed with your assessment, huh?



We don't have to be rocket scientists to see your spiritual fruit, End.


Anyone can do that.


Don't forget that Jesus, John and Paul were often talking about these things to people who couldn't read or write.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that a man who claims to use his mouth to worship Christ must be a hypocrite if he uses the same mouth to cuss and slander others.


You're right. I don't personally have the strength.





I salute you for having the strength to write those words.




THAT was a difficult admission and nobody here should doubt how much courage it took for you to say this.

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Y'all act like people like Margee came to these decisions on their own.

end, I joined this site one night after lurking for a couple of weeks just reading and reading everyone's posts and was so happy to see that I was not the only doubter in the world. I was already well on my way to not believing. The people on this site validated what I had suspected for a long time, that christianity and the bible was bullshit and a very made up, man-made book written by the ancient people who thought the world was flat. That's how I got to EX-c. Nobody forced me to join this site. I did it all by myself.


 I really do wish you a happy life end. 

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Why do you bother responding?


Good question. I'll stop.

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Like Margee, I really do wish you happiness.  Ok, you and I often disagree on a lot of things.  But that doesn't change the fact that you displayed honesty and integrity just now.  Any man who can look inside himself, square up to what he sees and be prepared to open up about it is a man I can learn to respect.  


Look, we've covered a helluva lot of ground today and there's commitments calling on me that I really can't put off any longer.  Perhaps it'd be for the best if you took a break from your screen too.  Why not not take some time to think and reflect about what's been said here and then log back on sometime tomorrow when you've collected your thoughts?





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Hell, why would you want to go see a counselor anyway, End3.  They're just going to use psychology on you, which, although it's not a "real" science, it's still science.  By your own words, scientists are just out there taking people by the hands and leading them into hell.  So, that's all your counselor will end up doing for you isn't it?  Sure, it will be psychology and not evolution, so it will feel nicer; but the end-game of all science is still the same, right?  Taking people by the hand and leading them to hell.


From where I'm sitting, you seem to be pretty much screwed six ways from sunday, boy.  jesus obviously isn't doing anything for you; otherwise your own prayers and the prayers of others would have been answered for you by now.  Your "faith" isn't doing anything for you, as BAA has, quite painfully, demonstrated that your actions are not affected by it.  Even the bible, which you have claimed to be "perfect" has had no effect on making you a better person.


Now, the last bastion of hope you had--your counselor--is just going to use science to drag your eternal soul into hell.  Yep... you're in a world of hope, there, son.


If only there were some sort of objective reality that could pull you up out of all this bullshit.

You have no data on what Christ has done in my life other than what you see here. And it's true, I treat people like you and BAA unChristlike per my own nature.


So... you're offended by the idea that I would draw a conclusion about your life based solely on what I see here...


Yet this entire thread is riddled with your judgments of people about whom you know NOTHING except what YOU see here...


This is called fucking hypocrisy, End3.


And it has nothing to do with your counselor using science to drag your sorry ass to hell, which is actually what my post was about.


I'm reading you spiritually...you are supposed to use science. The conclusion is, since science can't measure spiritual, I guess you're screwed with your assessment, huh?



We don't have to be rocket scientists to see your spiritual fruit, End.


Anyone can do that.


Don't forget that Jesus, John and Paul were often talking about these things to people who couldn't read or write.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that a man who claims to use his mouth to worship Christ must be a hypocrite if he uses the same mouth to cuss and slander others.


You're right. I don't personally have the strength.


The joy of the lord is your strength, End3.  Or is this another example of where he has failed you miserably?

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Maybe there is no joy in Mudville. Maybe the mighty Jesus has struck out.

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I'm willing to give End some slack. Sure, his "spiritual fruit" might not live up to the expected standard, but in all honesty, whose faith is ever perfect? It all boils down to faith, and if his particular beliefs make him happy, who am I to judge? Too bad his beliefs includes condemning the rest of us to endless suffering, but you can't have everything I guess.

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