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Something that pisses me off.

Guest Zoe Grace

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Guest Zoe Grace



Here it is...what pisses me off. Judaism is just as rank and stupid as christianity. Although there are some improvements (in that Jews don't feel that nonjews will go to hell necessarily), There is still that arrogant superiority in most of them. "We have the true religion. We are god's "chosen people" blah blah bladedeeblah.


However if people point this out to them. If someone says: "hey judaism sucks just as much as Christianity, or you are being a wanker just like those Christians" you get called an anti-semite...basically a racist. Which REALLY REALLY pisses me off.


The fact that the religion of Judaism is almost inextricably linked with the race of Jews (which honestly I'm not sure if Jews are their own race. They are part of a semitic race, yes, but this isn't about race, it's about religion.)


It irks me that when insulting religions or religious people somehow because of the holocaust, the Jews are off limits. You can't say they are stupid or superstitious because somehow in some bizarre reality, that makes you a racist. By tying their race so closely with their religion, they can call you racist for insulting their beliefs...and that pisses me off.


Because no BELIEF or OPINION is above rebuke. Period.


However in a stroke of complete and utter Irony...it is the Jewish principle of a "chosen people" that helps to fuel the fires of racism. When you say your people are chosen you are saying those other people are "unchosen" nonsemitic races are suddenly "unchosen." It's an us vs. them mentality based on race and accident of birth.


There is never ever anything that justifies something like the holocaust. No one "brings something like that on themselves" so i don't want some self-righteously pissed off person jumping on me, virtue fluttering due to misconstruing what I'm saying.


However, despite the horrors done to them, you cannot hold them as a group of people completely blameless innocent lambs sent to the slaughter. Especially when you already said your race was "god's chosen people."


The hypocrisy in this religion rivals even Christianity as far as I'm concerned.

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zoe grace, I love you!

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Guest Rabbi Dan

If the Jewish Race is God's Chosen people and they believe in this God...then where was he when Hitler threw millions into the Ovens??? He was very involved in their safety in Pharaohs day...why didn't God just Zap all the Germans. He didn't same one Jew.


The Jewish religion is one of the most racist ever concocted. We are call an anti-Semite we we even dare mention anything about them...but it's Ok for them to feel superior over ALL other races. Sounds like a double standard.


Rabbi Dan

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Same diety ham, different slice of pigshit area off of the hog...


Thats why folks who are seeped in religion need to break harshly from where they came from, as compared to where they are going to..


One can dis-cuss all the varieties of porcine offal and sand diety bullshit until pigs are cut, hung, cured and delivered for bbq..



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Well, that is not politically correct but get this! I was looking for ex jew sites. Nearly all of these were Christian. Only one website which encouraged ex Jew atheist/infidels was Ariel's piece of Heaven. But it was shut down. What that does tell you about Judaism and apostates?

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My husband is a Jew. My son is a Jew. My writing collaborators are mostly Jews. My oldest female friend who died was a Jew. And so on.


Not from any Jew have I ever heard that my atheism was a problem to them. Or that I was "lesser" because I wasn't a Jew.


Judaism is the only one of the Abrahamic religions which doesn't profess to being "the one true way," and, instead, scripturally states that god has chosen many ways for many peoples.


Some Jews are touchy. Some Jews are open to all discussion. Some Jews are uninformed about their religion. Some Jews would die for the state of Israel. Some Jews don't give a shit if they never step into a synagogue. Some Jews have given us the major living parts of our culture and science. Some Jews are assholes. Some Jews are terrific singers.


Jews are not a monolith.

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Some Jews are touchy.  Some Jews are open to all discussion. Some Jews are uninformed about their religion.  Some Jews would die for the state of Israel.  Some Jews don't give a shit if they never step into a synagogue.  Some Jews have given us the major living parts of our culture and science.  Some Jews are assholes. Some Jews are terrific singers.


Jews are not a monolith.


Now I get it! Jews are people! :Doh:

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Fundamentalists of all religions are the enemy of freedom!


I always viewed the subject of Jewish "chosen-ness" in this way. In ancient times, many if not most people thought their tribe, nation, language group, etc. was the one most favored or most important. For example: I remember reading (sorry, it's been awhile since I've looked into this topic and have no references) that China thought they were the central Kingdom of the world; also in many lands the names the different groups gave themselves often meant simply "The People" or another similar "special" title ("We're the ones!"), and those outside them were given a derrogatory name. Think of the Greeks calling outsiders "Barbarians". The ancient Israelites were no different, and some people just continue to believe this. It still happens. Christians think they are favored by God (some believe they have replaced the Jews as the Chosen People), and many Americans think their nation is more special and blessed by God than others. It must be part of the human condition to believe that one's own tribe is the best. Wishful thinking.

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Fundamentalists of all religions are the enemy of freedom!


I always viewed the subject of Jewish "chosen-ness" in this way.  In ancient times, many if not most people thought their tribe, nation, language group, etc. was the one most favored or most important.  For example: I remember reading (sorry, it's been awhile since I've looked into this topic and have no references) that China thought they were the central Kingdom of the world; also in many lands the names the different groups gave themselves often meant simply "The People" or another similar "special" title ("We're the ones!"), and those outside them were given a derrogatory name.  Think of the Greeks calling outsiders "Barbarians".  The ancient Israelites were no different, and some people just continue to believe this.  It still happens.  Christians think they are favored by God (some believe they have replaced the Jews as the Chosen People), and many Americans think their nation is more special and blessed by God than others.  It must be part of the human condition to believe that one's own tribe is the best.  Wishful thinking.


About China, you're right. That's why the symbol for China look the way it does. The center of the world.


And that's why people used to believe Earth was the center of the Universe.


But I know for sure, that I'm the center of me. :)


All time and space is centered around me, and only me, and I, and myself!!! I'm the chosen one!!! Muahaha muahah... sorry... couldn't help myself...

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All time and space is centered around me, and only me, and I, and myself!!! I'm the chosen one!!! Muahaha muahah... sorry... couldn't help myself...

*Throws straitjacket at Han*

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No one should have to tip-toe around any set of beliefs that you find ridiculous or in any way wrong.


Perhaps, but unfortunately, in the U.S. people can't do this at work, or they will be labelled "Non-PC" and hence become an undesirable employee and perhaps even get fired or laid off because of it.

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Guest Rabbi Dan

I saw a TV commercial a few months ago Titled "Sponsor a Jew"...I'm Not kidding...it went to explain that the Jews are being called back to their nation and many can't afford to go...they showed some poor looking Ethiopian Jews or from some poor third world country...it was on a Christian Channel. They were pitching for money to sponsor a Jew...I think it was $395.00 for a one way Ticket or $995.00 to sponsor three Jews.


I thought this was Pathetic considering that the World bank is owned by Jews. That's right, every nation on earth that needs to borrow money...they borrow from the World Bank. The most richest and Powerful men on Earth are Jewish.


They have their hands on the Media industry, Finance, and every major aspect of control of Politics through the secret societies. And they make this pitch for money on the Gullible Christians because they are God's chosen people and as good Christians we must support this "ministry."


Ha...if they want ALL the Jews to go to Israel...let them pay for it...they own the freaking World Bank!


And I'm not a Jew hater...I just hate what people do when they are hoodwinking others...no matter what race they are. It's just not Right.


Rabbi Dan

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I saw a TV commercial a few months ago Titled "Sponsor a Jew"...I'm Not kidding...it went to explain that the Jews are being called back to their nation and many can't afford to go...they showed some poor looking Ethiopian Jews or from some poor third world country...it was on a Christian Channel. They were pitching for money to sponsor a Jew...I think it was $395.00 for a one way Ticket or $995.00 to sponsor three Jews.


I thought this was Pathetic considering that the World bank is owned by Jews. That's right, every nation on earth that needs to borrow money...they borrow from the World Bank. The most richest and Powerful men on Earth are Jewish.


They have their hands on the Media industry, Finance, and every major aspect of control of Politics through the secret societies. And they make this pitch for money on the Gullible Christians because they are God's chosen people and as good Christians we must support this "ministry."


Ha...if they want ALL the Jews to go to Israel...let them pay for it...they own the freaking World Bank!


And I'm not a Jew hater...I just hate what people do when they are hoodwinking others...no matter what race they are. It's just not Right.


Rabbi Dan



Uh. That's a bit of a wide brush. Not every Jew is a millionaire who can afford such. Of course, I'm pissed at the fact Israel seems to think they own that piece of land, and screw the Palestinians who were living there quietly until they showed up after WWII and kicked them out. But of Jews as a whole, I don't know many, so they don't bother me; it's the fundie Christians around me who harass me to death.

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I saw a TV commercial a few months ago Titled "Sponsor a Jew"...I'm Not kidding...it went to explain that the Jews are being called back to their nation and many can't afford to go...they showed some poor looking Ethiopian Jews or from some poor third world country...it was on a Christian Channel. They were pitching for money to sponsor a Jew...I think it was $395.00 for a one way Ticket or $995.00 to sponsor three Jews.


I thought this was Pathetic considering that the World bank is owned by Jews. That's right, every nation on earth that needs to borrow money...they borrow from the World Bank. The most richest and Powerful men on Earth are Jewish.

Are you sure about this? Who's the owners of the world bank? And who's the richest men on Earth?


Last time I checked none or maybe one was Jewish in the top 10 list... But there was an ex-nazi there, and some Christians and some atheists... and a muslim (what's his name, the sheik?)


Btw, the World Bank is not owned by any person. There are 184 countries that owns it, and each member country have a vote and certain control of the bank. Not privatly owned. The current president might be Jewish, but he doesn't own it.




They have their hands on the Media industry, Finance, and every major aspect of control of Politics through the secret societies. And they make this pitch for money on the Gullible Christians because they are God's chosen people and as good Christians we must support this "ministry."

I think you're taking it a bit too far. Secret Societies... nah... conspiracy theories doesn't stick with me.


Jewish family used to be somewhat big in the Movie industry, and possible media. But Sony recently bought MGM, so that influence is pretty much gone.


Finance, nah, I don't believe they have much there. Many white people, christians and atheists though.


Only 20 years ago, Jews were not allowed in restaurants in Key West, Florida Key. The place for the richest people in the world. So if you're right, the restaurant never had any patrons.


Ha...if they want ALL the Jews to go to Israel...let them pay for it...they own the freaking World Bank!

I think you're joking... right?


And I'm not a Jew hater...I just hate what people do when they are hoodwinking others...no matter what race they are. It's just not Right.


Rabbi Dan

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These are the top richest people in the world:

William Gates III

Warren Buffett

Lakshmi Mittal

Carlos Slim Helu

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud

Ingvar Kamprad

Paul Allen

Karl Albrecht

Lawrence Ellison

S Robson Walton

So who's Jewish here? Not Bill Gates, Not Kamprad (Swedish, accused of nazi connections in WWII).

And not Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, he's Muslim, right?

The Walton family is Christian (IIRC). (Wal-mart)

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RD, you may want to do a little fact checking, here. Ok, do a lot more fact checkng on this topic. Methinks you listened to a little too much propaganda at one point.


Jews are people, just like Christians and Athiests, and pagans, and Americans, and Germans, and Japaneese, and Africans, and firefighters, and politicians (ok, that last one may be debatable). They are not a monolitic juggernaut. They are people like anyone else. Most are reasonable, like most Chirstians in the end, and most Athiests, et al. Some are real fundie, biggots that are strong arguments for the idea of post-natal abortion. Any and every group has them.


Every group has their rich and their poor. Every group has their loudmouths. And every group has their people who are actually decent human beings who do what they can.


Every group is also open to plenty of ridicule, and most of it should be coming from themselves. Those that can't take a joke need to a) get over themselves, B) get a sense of humor (saw those on sale at Wal-Mart the other day), and c) get over their own insecurities.


Everyone seems to be taking this shit too seriously, and if anyone responds to this with the whole, "how can that be funny, look at history!" line of extreme bullshit, I will be happy to repay them in kind and verbally bloody their nose personally. And yes, I will crack jokes the entire time as well. Some days humor is the only thing to be serious about and we seriously need some, here.


So step back, relax and think before you act. Zoe raised an interesting point on the internet, or in large groups about what happens when one critiques certain groups. Once again, that stems from taking themselves too seriously.


Oh, and while religions may be a fiction, (Abrahamic, Eastern, non-mainstream, or otherwise), they are, in the end, a fiction that many enjoy (at least those that realize that it is, but I am not referring to fundies here). Yes, I am more than happy to admit, that my own home-brew religion is probably a fiction (and, in fact, most of it is). However, it is a fiction that I enjoy.


Considering that we as Americans often don't give a rip enough to feed our own, or house them, or give them medical care, etc. Why do you expect another group (Israeli Jews) to be any better about it?

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Guest Roamin' Lion

Liberal Judaism is one of the most liberal forms of religion that I know of. It is respectful of women and all peoples.


Judaism has many sects. They ARE different. I have heard it said, that a good Jew can still be a good Jew and not believe in God, as long as they live a good Jewish life.


The extremeists of all religions are extremeists and there is a whole psychology that goes with the extreme part. Also, a lot of socialization.


PCness is not a bad thing. If you are angry, then vent in private like on this list or to friends, but I think the workplace is a bad place to vent publically about anyone's race or faith or lack of it. That is NOT PC, that is just good manners and it is respecting other's rights.


If in being a non-Christian we become exclusionary and hateful and just like them, what have we really changed? We are still giving into the immature and baser emotions that they are wrapped up in.


If someone disrespects women, then why not confront them on that issue instead of assuming it is a religious thing. Also, it might have just been confidential. Why not ask?

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So what if they think they are the chosen people? How does that hurt you?


Really, how does that hurt you?

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I want to thank everyone who replied to that ridiculous rant by that idiot.

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Its not you, though I don't feel any love for you right now either.

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I think personally that believing your race is somehow chosen by god is harmful because it breeds racism.  You don't have to agree with me, but that's my opinion.



I've never felt anything negative because of the Jews thinking they are the chosen people. Nope, never affected me at all.

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No one seems to want to just smile and nod at liberal christianity. It's a double fucking standard. I'm not saying Judaism isn't more tolerant than Christianity, in some ways it is...But why do we slam even the liberal Christians here if they dare to have any beliefs whatsoever and share them, and yet Judaism is still offlimits for critique? Are we not allowed to criticize a set of BELIEFS?


That's bullshit. Many times on this board, (and I've been here since '03) there has been praise for liberal, especially universalist xianity. Hell, there have even been directions to websites that promote xtian universalism.


I guess I don't have a problem with Judaism the religion because it is void of hellfire.


Besides, I don't care what Thor is said to have done; why should I care about Jehovah?



Oh, and this"

However, despite the horrors done to them, you cannot hold them as a group of people completely blameless innocent lambs sent to the slaughter. Especially when you already said your race was "god's chosen people."


So because they went around saying that they were the chosen people, they bear some responsibility for the horror that befell them???? They deserved the hell they went through because of a belief they had about themselves????

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