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To All Of God's Critics


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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.


Great idea, only according to Thumby, we heathens can't hear his wholesomeness. I tried for 20 years and didn't hear shit.



Ah, Valk lion, spiritual things are spiritually discerned and the man who is not spiritual cannot understand God's word which tells of His love


Valk: So the man that believes in it before trying to understanding it can understand it, but the person who wants to understand before he could believe in it is screwed.

And Valk nailed the problem right there. We sinners prefer scientific proof and real evidence, which is of course not god's way.


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Guest Broken Chains

Great idea, only according to Thumby, we heathens can't hear his wholesomeness. I tried for 20 years and didn't hear shit.


Exactly my point.

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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.



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God is good and perfect and wonderful and kind and gentle and JUST. Everyone who will die in hell will end up committing suicide, it is no ones fault but their own.

Thumbelina, this is possibly the most vicious and contemptible thing I have ever heard you say on this forum. No one could go to hell if that sick bastard god of yours had not created such a place.


Blaming the victim is an act of pure cowardice on your part. If you actually believe what you posted above, and aren't just trolling us to get a rise out of us, you are in no position to lecture any of us about morality.

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What I see all over the net is a lot of cleverly devised fables that are couched in philosophical and "scientific" language

How dare we use science, logic, and reason, when all the world really needs is a big "god loves u" hug from Thumby. I feel so warm an fuzzy reading the above that I just want to fuckin' puke.


It's only bad when God is thrown out completely. So does that mean if I give you a virtual hug you're gonna bite my virtual ear off; sort of like what Tyson did to Evander Holyfield? There's a chef dude who used to be around here that I wanted to hug but he disappeared; maybe he would have bit my ear off, who knows. I still love you and there's nothing you can do about that ;)

You don't love us, because you think we deserve to burn in hell for not believing in your god. If that's love, I don't want you to love me, okay? You are a sick, depraved monster, just like your depraved god. If you genuinely loved other human beings, you would examine the concept of god sending people to hell to burn, and you would think "that is evil, that is not love". But you don't. So you don't love us.


Infinite punishment for a finite act perpetrates a far greater injustice than the injustice or percieved injustice that was first performed. If you understood this, you would understand what love is. Do not tell us that you love us. You don't know what that word means.

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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.




*more crickets*



Wow, Broken Chains! Its kinda like gods, um, *scratches head* NOT THERE! :)

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I still love you and there's nothing you can do about that ;)






You don't love us, because you think we deserve to burn in hell for not believing in your god. If that's love, I don't want you to love me, okay? You are a sick, depraved monster, just like your depraved god. If you genuinely loved other human beings, you would examine the concept of god sending people to hell to burn, and you would think "that is evil, that is not love". But you don't. So you don't love us.


Infinite punishment for a finite act perpetrates a far greater injustice than the injustice or percieved injustice that was first performed. If you understood this, you would understand what love is. Do not tell us that you love us. You don't know what that word means.



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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.

That is because its everybody in the world trying to explain the world in its own way.


I know. I'm just talking about religious people who tell everyone what God says, thinks, etc. as if God is mute.

I know, good point as well, i just wanted to make that jab at the christian who started this thread.



Eh, you lions are just too frisky :P. Valk don't listen to Broken, while the bible does say we each need to be broken before we are made fit for heaven, Broken is way off base. God tells us to be witnesses besides, witnessing can help some to be saved and it helps us study and keeps us from becoming complacent. God does speak but you guys don't listen so maybe a fellow sinner is needed to nag you guys cuz you're too intimidated by a sinless God :D

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God is good and perfect and wonderful and kind and gentle and JUST. Everyone who will die in hell will end up committing suicide, it is no ones fault but their own.

Thumbelina, this is possibly the most vicious and contemptible thing I have ever heard you say on this forum. No one could go to hell if that sick bastard god of yours had not created such a place.


Blaming the victim is an act of pure cowardice on your part. If you actually believe what you posted above, and aren't just trolling us to get a rise out of us, you are in no position to lecture any of us about morality.



They are not victims they will ALL be perpetrators. Look, I'm not trolling you guys I honestly believe in God and heaven and I would like to see as many people as possible saved but you guys take God and His word as some type of joke. I once heard some of my friends talking about a certain girl and that girl had a whole pack of dogs that were barking and snarling and coming right at her in order to attack her and the girl was just standing there and saying " Oh they're cute , they're cute!" Now, do you think the people that were watching those events transpire should have sung her a lullaby or told her GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE, YOU"RE GONNA BE RIPPED TO SHREDS!!!!? Well, I can't sing you guys a lullaby, the devil wants to kill y'all.

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People fear hell because they do not know god's 'perfect' 'love'.







... but how you doin'? :)





Hi :)

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Thumbelina said: God loves us but He hates our sins; our sins separates us from Him (Isa. 59:2). Look, it's like this, picture a man standing next to a monolithic rock and the man thinks He can move that rock by pushing against it with his arms. Well, the rock ain't gonna go anywhere but the man sure will be pushed away. That's how it is with God and us, if we cling to our sins we tend to move away from Him but He so wants us to CHOOSE to come to Him.



Valk said: You can't say for example, you love a black man, but don't like his skin and try to separate his skin from his being, he a black guy and if you don't like black people, your going to see him as being black and your not going to like it. God and sin is like the same thing, we are the black people and the sins are the color of our skin.


Thumbelina: God is the creator and He can create a NEW heart in a willing person. God can turn a black person into a white one too :P





Thumbelina said: God is perfect but He is dealing with imperfect beings so the fault is with us and not Him. He uses reverse psychology and it works; His goal is to save as many as He can without violating their free will.

Valk: Great way to completely ignore my point. And who says reverse psychology is automatically wrong, or imperfect etc.





The bible is God's word and it speaks to God's children.





Thumbelina said: Ah, Valk lion, spiritual things are spiritually discerned and the man who is not spiritual cannot understand God's word which tells of His love.


Valk said: So the man that believes in it before trying to understanding it can understand it, but the person who wants to understand before he could believe in it is screwed.



Thumbelina: It's about having a malleable and willing heart; one cannot approach God's word with total arrogance. God says to preach, TEACH and then baptize that is the order it should go in (see Matthew 28:19).






Thumbelina said:All murder is killing but not all killing is murder. The secular government kills (ahem, kills not murders) vile criminals (murderers) who are menaces to society and who are dangerous to humanity. The essence of murder is that there must be meditation AND malice and God is NEVER malicious and He just KNOWS everything. The wicked will be turned into hell (Psalm 9:17), by clinging to their sins they will then be consumed/destroyed, never to exist anymore



Valk said: So its not malice, to know your going to end there life, and your going to set the world up, so they end up in that suitation so you have to kill them. Its the exact opposite of being all loving. Its...evil.



Thumbelina: It's not malicious, they are going to leave a hole in God's heart Ez. 18:32. Free beings chose to sin and God dealt with the problem.




Thumbelina said: Sweetie pie? Have you seen parents who do not discipline their children? They create monsters! God has to have laws and the wages of sin is death (not dying and dying and dying infinitely, humph)! God is orderly and He does not want His universe to be run like an anarchy. This planet is having a temporary experiment with anarchy and all I can say is God was right, He was RIIIIIGHT!!!!!


Valk said: So the bronze age is a better idea.


Thumbelina: What are you talking about Valk?








Thumbelina said: I probably did; I lose track of some of these things. Look, I have had my experiences with God and HE IS REAL. What I see all over the net is a lot of cleverly devised fables that are couched in philosophical and "scientific" language but their aim is to do what the devil did and does, which is to try to undermine God's authority and to lead others to do the opposite of what God wants which is this: 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

They deify "reason" and knowledge because ol' Luci' (Lucifer) promised them that they can be as gods and they fell for it hook, line and sinker. What they don't know is they think they are swimming in a beautiful olympic-sized swimming pool but they are really swimming in the borg of eternal stench, peee-eeeew (*mini rant*) Though I do think some of those people are really talented but they are wasting their talents for ol' Luci'.


Valk said: What do you intent to accomplish by saying that. And also it seems as soon as I rock your boat you pull the experience card.


Thumbelina: You ain't rock nothing man. I and numerouss others experienced God's love and care so God does have witnesses out there.





Thumbelina said : were suffering from cognitive dissonance. They were putting their FINITE reasoning above God's word and their PRIDE prevented them from understanding the scripture; they had hard hearts.



Valk said: Now I remeber, homosexuality was a crime worth execution iirc, stoning sounds about right. Either way Leviticus 18:22 "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Also so not using our reasoning to understand god is any better, hell no. They were doing there job, sins like homosexuality under OT, are beyond repentance, they are deserving of a death sentence. A unchanging god, would mean that jesus wanted homosexuals to die as well so he contradicted the OT.



Thumbelina: What's your point? People who committed adultery and people who broke the sabbath and persistent delinquent children were also put to death; the ACT of priests worshipping the sun was also called abomination. All of that was to protect the messianic line. I would admonish anyone to study the bible with the Holy Spirit's help and they will see how good God is. The only sin that God cannot pardon is the sin the sinner does not ask forgiveness for.




Thumbelina said: Humanly speaking, it is an impossibility but that is where the gift of grace comes in. One acknowledges God as creator, redeemer and ruler of ones life and one asks Him to impart His power to us so we may love others, even those who disagree with us or even hate us. I'm finding some wonderful atheistic types on the net-don't really know any in person-- and my reaction is basically " awwwwww, they are so nice (some are not so nice but they're funny), so why the heck can't they find God?" I like them although I don't agree with their world view. Sinners are human and we all are sinners and we all have felt needs.




Valk: There is a difference between idealism and action, the whole god's grace thing is idealism.



Thumbelina: Sweetie Pie you are being a negaholic and "without a vision the people perish" hence the reason the devil invented atheism *raised eyebrow*

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Well, I can't sing you guys a lullaby, the devil wants to kill y'all.

And don't forget the bogeyman; he's out to get us all too.

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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.


Great idea, only according to Thumby, we heathens can't hear his wholesomeness. I tried for 20 years and didn't hear shit.



Ah, Valk lion, spiritual things are spiritually discerned and the man who is not spiritual cannot understand God's word which tells of His love


Valk: So the man that believes in it before trying to understanding it can understand it, but the person who wants to understand before he could believe in it is screwed.

And Valk nailed the problem right there. We sinners prefer scientific proof and real evidence, which is of course not god's way.



You need to be still and know (Psalm 46:10) I'm sorry Par but I don't understand how you guys can not hear God's voice when the bible says -- and I experienced this -- that God is available to those who seek Him. It's not too late though :) .

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You need to be still and know (Psalm 46:10) I'm sorry Par but I don't understand how you guys can not hear God's voice when the bible says -- and I experienced this -- that God is available to those who seek Him. It's not too late though :) .

I gave it 30 years. God never spoke. A few years of looking into what non-Christians say about reality is fair. Staying in Christianity because God speaks to you but not us, that's not right. There are mental patients who also hear voices, but no one is asked to follow their beliefs because of that.

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Guest Valk0010


Thumbelina: God is the creator and He can create a NEW heart in a willing person. God can turn a black person into a white one too :P


Does he, no.






The bible is God's word and it speaks to God's children.

Copeout much.






Thumbelina: It's about having a malleable and willing heart; one cannot approach God's word with total arrogance. God says to preach, TEACH and then baptize that is the order it should go in (see Matthew 28:19).

Willing to believe, without evidence I guess. Malleable and willing means not skeptical in my book.









Thumbelina: It's not malicious, they are going to leave a hole in God's heart Ez. 18:32. Free beings chose to sin and God dealt with the problem.

If it bothers god so much, then why allow the suitation to happen at all, remeber he is all powerful.





Thumbelina: What are you talking about Valk?

I am saying, living like its the first century is not a good idea.




Thumbelina: You ain't rock nothing man. I and numerouss others experienced God's love and care so God does have witnesses out there.

Sure and people are abducted by aliens, it doesn't meant that they actually are.








Thumbelina: What's your point? People who committed adultery and people who broke the sabbath and persistent delinquent children were also put to death; the ACT of priests worshipping the sun was also called abomination. All of that was to protect the messianic line. I would admonish anyone to study the bible with the Holy Spirit's help and they will see how good God is. The only sin that God cannot pardon is the sin the sinner does not ask forgiveness for.

And that right there would make a heretic in Jewish circles. A Death sentence is a death sentence, no changes is what I am saying.


Thumbelina: Sweetie Pie you are being a negaholic and "without a vision the people perish" hence the reason the devil invented atheism *raised eyebrow*


Better to be a pessimist then delusional. Though I think I am being realistic.

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Guest Valk0010




You need to be still and know (Psalm 46:10) I'm sorry Par but I don't understand how you guys can not hear God's voice when the bible says -- and I experienced this -- that God is available to those who seek Him. It's not too late though :) .

The bible is wrong, but you will never admit that.

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Thumbelina: God is the creator and He can create a NEW heart in a willing person. God can turn a black person into a white one too



Valk: Does he, no.


I said He can; can turn folk into pillars of salt too ;).







Thumbelina: The bible is God's word and it speaks to God's children.

Valk: Copeout much.


That's what the bible says.









Thumbelina: It's about having a malleable and willing heart; one cannot approach God's word with total arrogance. God says to preach, TEACH and then baptize that is the order it should go in (see Matthew 28:19).


Valk: Willing to believe, without evidence I guess. Malleable and willing means not skeptical in my book.

There is abundant evidence, folk have their eyes wide shut.












Thumbelina: It's not malicious, they are going to leave a hole in God's heart Ez. 18:32. Free beings chose to sin and God dealt with the problem.


Valk: If it bothers god so much, then why allow the suitation to happen at all, remeber he is all powerful.



We've discussed this over and over and over in this thread, God wants the redeemed to live eternally and that outweighs all who CHOOSE to be lost but it is sad that they choose it.




Thumbelina: What are you talking about Valk?

Valk: I am saying, living like its the first century is not a good idea.


No it's not but God's word is there to guide people of all generations.






Thumbelina: You ain't rock nothing man. I and numerous others experienced God's love and care so God does have witnesses out there.

Valk: Sure and people are abducted by aliens, it doesn't meant that they actually are.


Yeah, the devils can take people into alpha states and communicate with them. You know Dawkins would rather believe in aliens than God and he's one of the atheistic popes out there.





Thumbelina said : were suffering from cognitive dissonance. They were putting their FINITE reasoning above God's word and their PRIDE prevented them from understanding the scripture; they had hard hearts.








Thumbelina: What's your point? People who committed adultery and people who broke the sabbath and persistent delinquent children were also put to death; the ACT of priests worshipping the sun was also called abomination. All of that was to protect the messianic line. I would admonish anyone to study the bible with the Holy Spirit's help and they will see how good God is. The only sin that God cannot pardon is the sin the sinner does not ask forgiveness for.


Valk: And that right there would make a heretic in Jewish circles. A Death sentence is a death sentence, no changes is what I am saying.



As a nation they rejected Jesus and His teaching and we are talking CHRISTIANITY here and not Judiasm. Someone says that the only thing that likes change is a wet baby and those Israelites were stuck in their TRADITIONS and consequently had God murdered for them but God still loves them. Jesus fulfilled the message and killing offenders for seemingly lesser sins was no longer necessary on this planet.





Thumbelina: Sweetie Pie you are being a negaholic and "without a vision the people perish" hence the reason the devil invented atheism *raised eyebrow*



Valk: Better to be a pessimist then delusion.


So you'd rather be a deluded pessimist? :P

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You need to be still and know (Psalm 46:10) I'm sorry Par but I don't understand how you guys can not hear God's voice when the bible says -- and I experienced this -- that God is available to those who seek Him. It's not too late though :) .

The bible is wrong, but you will never admit that.


The bible is not wrong, people are wresting the scripture to their destruction.

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Guest Valk0010


I said He can; can turn folk into pillars of salt too ;).

Well arguing that point, now is going to become the text version of the of the song that starts "anything you can do I can do better" so there is no point in continuing that, unless you got something else to say.


That's what the bible says.
If the bible contradicts reality, the bible is wrong.


We've discussed this over and over and over in this thread, God wants the redeemed to live eternally and that outweighs all who CHOOSE to be lost but it is sad that they choose it.

And I won't convince you and you won't convince me.


No it's not but God's word is there to guide people of all generations.

Read Paul, and think about 1st Century CE.


Yeah, the devils can take people into alpha states and communicate with them. You know Dawkins would rather believe in aliens than God and he's one of the atheistic popes out there.

You misunderstand dawkins, but either way, i am not him. Glad we agree aliens are horseshit. But goes to show you how unreliable personal experience is.



As a nation they rejected Jesus and His teaching and we are talking CHRISTIANITY here and not Judiasm. Someone says that the only thing that likes change is a wet baby and those Israelites were stuck in their TRADITIONS and consequently had God murdered for them but God still loves them. Jesus fulfilled the message and killing offenders for seemingly lesser sins was no longer necessary on this planet.

But Jesus shouldn't contradict Judaism, after all its the same god. The God of the Jews and the God of Christians are the same god.


So you'd rather be a deluded pessimist? :P

Better then a deluded optimist! :woohoo::HaHa:


The bible is not wrong, people are wresting the scripture to their destruction.

Haven't convinced me.
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As a nation they rejected Jesus and His teaching and we are talking CHRISTIANITY here and not Judiasm.

Christianity is a replacement religion that deviates from the teachings that God gave the Jews.


Someone says that the only thing that likes change is a wet baby and those Israelites were stuck in their TRADITIONS and consequently had God murdered for them but God still loves them. Jesus fulfilled the message and killing offenders for seemingly lesser sins was no longer necessary on this planet.

God told them to adhere to what they were taught, and not to be seduced by false religions such as Christianity.

They didn’t murder God because God is not a man, nor is God a son of man.

Jesus did not fulfill the law, nor was he a valid king messiah.

The message of the Hebrew scriptures is for each person to repent and keep the law.

It has nothing to do with believing in a pagan human sacrifice that died for your sins.

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You need to be still and know (Psalm 46:10) I'm sorry Par but I don't understand how you guys can not hear God's voice when the bible says -- and I experienced this -- that God is available to those who seek Him. It's not too late though :) .



Or here is yet another idea, you could learn to mind your own damn business about what people do or do not choose to believe. If a christian ever could actually do that, I MIGHT start believing in miracles again, but I've never seen it happen yet, so..........

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Blaming the victim is an act of pure cowardice on your part. If you actually believe what you posted above, and aren't just trolling us to get a rise out of us, you are in no position to lecture any of us about morality.
They are not victims they will ALL be perpetrators.

You, Thumbelina, are a sick and demented woman. I reiterate: Why would any of us want to become as morally challenged as you?


Look, I'm not trolling you guys I honestly believe in God and heaven and I would like to see as many people as possible saved but you guys take God and His word as some type of joke.

There is no evidence for your god, Thumbelina, and no evidence that a god authored the Bible. From beginning to end it reads like bad mythology, bad science and bad ethics.


And Christianity most certainly is not a joke. It is a plague upon humanity and you, Thumbelina, are one of the rats carrying that plague.


Well, I can't sing you guys a lullaby, the devil wants to kill y'all.

I see no 'devil' here but you, Thumbelina. You are a coward and a troll, afraid to confront the evil in your own beliefs because you think you might lose your seat on the bus to heaven.


That bus is not coming, Thumbelina. Grow the fuck up.

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I find it humorous that there are so many people running around telling people conflicting ideas about what God says, what God thinks, what God did, what God will do. Here's a bright idea.... let God speak for himself and see where that goes.

That is because its everybody in the world trying to explain the world in its own way.


I know. I'm just talking about religious people who tell everyone what God says, thinks, etc. as if God is mute.

I know, good point as well, i just wanted to make that jab at the christian who started this thread.



Eh, you lions are just too frisky :P. Valk don't listen to Broken, while the bible does say we each need to be broken before we are made fit for heaven, Broken is way off base. God tells us to be witnesses besides, witnessing can help some to be saved and it helps us study and keeps us from becoming complacent. God does speak but you guys don't listen so maybe a fellow sinner is needed to nag you guys cuz you're too intimidated by a sinless God :D

Broken has a far better grasp on reality than you do, Thumb. He has examined your filthy religion and seen it for the sickening, disturbing monstrosity it is.


Yet again you can't help yourself. You have to insult us by saying that we aren't listening to your revolting god. Well, I listened for fucking YEARS and got nothing. I am not intimidated by your revolting god, just as I am not intimidated by Thor, Pinocchio, or Spiderman. Know why? Because none of those things exist. I cannot be intimidated by something that doesn't exist, but for some reason you have this self serving, ego driven need to insult me by saying that I am not listening to your revolting god, or that I am a coward and I'm afraid of your revolting god.


Go drink battery acid. If you can't communicate with people here without veiled character attacks, you don't deserve to be here. You bring nothing to our understanding of christianity or the universe, and you're so scientifically illiterate that it is painful to read your posts. Come back once you've got an education and you've learned to speak to us as intellectual equals, not naughty children.

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People fear hell because they do not know god's 'perfect' 'love'.







... but how you doin'? :)





Hi :)


Very, very odd answer, and I have to wonder why you deleted my response before responding yourself. Not a word of inquiry about what's going on in my life - no apparent compassion.


And to this 'god' stuff - you've had specific subjective experiences that most of us here, fervent as we were, never had. They're your experiences and mean nothing to anyone else and can't POSSIBLY mean anything to anyone else. Christianity is a sham built on fables. legends, and mythology; if it works for you, great, but it can never work for me again.

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God is good and perfect and wonderful and kind and gentle and JUST. Everyone who will die in hell will end up committing suicide, it is no ones fault but their own.

Thumbelina, this is possibly the most vicious and contemptible thing I have ever heard you say on this forum. No one could go to hell if that sick bastard god of yours had not created such a place.


Blaming the victim is an act of pure cowardice on your part. If you actually believe what you posted above, and aren't just trolling us to get a rise out of us, you are in no position to lecture any of us about morality.



They are not victims they will ALL be perpetrators. Look, I'm not trolling you guys I honestly believe in God and heaven and I would like to see as many people as possible saved but you guys take God and His word as some type of joke. I once heard some of my friends talking about a certain girl and that girl had a whole pack of dogs that were barking and snarling and coming right at her in order to attack her and the girl was just standing there and saying " Oh they're cute , they're cute!" Now, do you think the people that were watching those events transpire should have sung her a lullaby or told her GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE, YOU"RE GONNA BE RIPPED TO SHREDS!!!!? Well, I can't sing you guys a lullaby, the devil wants to kill y'all.


So you feel sad that your horrible god will send us all to hell, but you can't step back and think that maybe sending people to hell is evil, and that a god who would do such a thing IS evil.


You have no proof your god exists. I do not believe in your god, because your god is a load of nonsense, invented by primitive goathearders who hated homosexuals and despised women. Your god is an INVENTION. I will not fear something that does not exist.


What does that ridiculous anecdote about some girl have to do with christianity? I can fucking SEE a dog. There is evidence that dogs exist. But you're sitting there telling us to run away from something that does not exist, and you expect us to take you seriously. Coupled with the fact that you have the literacy skills of a ditzy, boy mad twelve year old, I find your argument to be substantially less than compelling. You might as well be saying, "There is a big vampire chicken coming to eat you. You should take me very seriously, because I have no proof of what I'm saying and am totally unwilling to examine evidence that debunks the existence of the big vampire chicken."


Seriously, would you believe ME if I told you that? Take a long hard look at the nonsense you are spewing, Thumb. The reason we don't believe you isn't because we are unwilling to believe you. It's because what you are spewing is utter tripe.

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