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Goodbye Jesus

Former Christian Friend Became An Atheist/satanist

Guest Justyna

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Hmm...just had a thought about the actual topic in this thread.


If you see someone is walking on railroad tracks, and there is a train that is coming and is going to kill them...wouldnt you as a friend try to get them to get off those tracks? I would. That is sort of how I see this now. I think this is a good analogy.


In that scenario, yes it would be a good thing to try to get that person off the tracks.


Another analogy I've heard (and used previously) is that if you knew a medication was laced with cyanide and someone was about to use it, wouldn't the loving thing to do be to tell the person?


The problem with these scenarios is that they are using things we KNOW about. We can see trains and train tracks, we can hear the whistle blow, we can feel the rumble of the ground. We can see medications and we know that cyanide is real.


However, your religious ideology is NOT a proven fact, and there are significant problems with it that make it unbelievable to us. Your bible has a bunch of errors in it, so it's not a trustworthy source. I can trust my eyes when they see a train coming, but I canNOT trust your holy book because I can SEE PROBLEMS with it.

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Guest Justyna



Is this really hard to understand? I dont regret anything, cause I called a duck a duck. Its that simple and that complicated at the same time!

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Is this really hard to understand? I dont regret anything, cause I called a duck a duck. Its that simple and that complicated at the same time!



yes, but satan is just "another" santa claus ... and i do not follow him!

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Is this really hard to understand? I dont regret anything, cause I called a duck a duck. Its that simple and that complicated at the same time!



Is this really hard to understand? This is your own personal superstitious belief. It is totally unfounded. It is that simple and not complicated at all.

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Is this really hard to understand? I dont regret anything, cause I called a duck a duck. Its that simple and that complicated at the same time!



.... see Justyna, you do not have ONE bit of "proof" for your story outside the bible! And as Citsonga just said ... it is full of holes! ... like a ruler with 13 inches to the foot! You will NEVER understand that until you question that book!

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For example: You guys have made a lot of comments about how "brain-washed" I am, and how I am "dumb" and that I cant reason etc...well I really dont get offended by these kinds of comments simply because I know in my heart of hearts that I am smart. So why is he so upset with it if it is not true? Can someone explain this to me?


Different people have different levels of emotional reaction, and one way is not better than another - although there are extremes of lacking empathy or being unable to stand up for oneself.


For example, if my parents decided, falsely, that I had done something horrible - say, stolen money from another family member, I would be very hurt even though I knew it was not true. Their distrust and accusations would be bad to me. This emotional effect would lessen considerably as the accuser was less close to me. If a member here who I'd never seen before posted "I know that Clara stole some money", I'd just laugh them off because their judgment wouldn't affect my life in any way.


The one thing where this gets blurry is with childhood friends and teachers. Even though they aren't really part of my life anymore. Knowing that they think about me the way that you think about your friend bothers me although it shouldn't. I consider it an effect of feeling that I've lost connection to my childhood and my earlier life, as well as the fact that residuals of old relationships can linger even after you've stopped actively thinking about them.


I think that you lack empathy if you can't see why he would be upset by an old friend calling him a Satanist and then talking about his personal life to a bunch of people online.

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The people who dont follow Jesus...are really following Satan. What part of that dont you understand?


The people who don't follow Allah are really following Satan. What part of that don't you understand?


If he is an atheist and does not believe in God and Satan, then why did he get so upset at me when I said he might be a satanist? Obviously he believes it to some degree..otherwise it would not bother him.


LMAO!!!! You REALLY think that he thinks he MAY be a satanist, even though he doesn't believe in satan? You clearly have NO ability to think rationally about this stuff.


He wasn't offended because "he believes it to some degree," he was offended because it was a FALSE ACCUSATION!


Seriously, now, if a friend of yours started telling people that YOU are a satanist, I'm sure you'd be offended too. Does that mean that you would "believe it to some degree"?


For example: You guys have made a lot of comments about how "brain-washed" I am, and how I am "dumb" and that I cant reason etc...


As for myself, I never called you "dumb." I did say you're brainwashed, but I also acknowledged that I used to be brainwashed as well. One can be brainwashed without being stupid, as there are other factors involved. You have shown a lack of capacity to reason, though, as you just spout what the bible says without really thinking about it.


well I really dont get offended by these kinds of comments simply because I know in my heart of hearts that I am smart. So why is he so upset with it if it is not true? Can someone explain this to me?


Let's all go around calling Justyna a satanist and a god-hater and see how well she takes it. Anyone want to place any bets on what her true feelings would be?


If you call someone brain-washed and stupid and dumb....to me it can be equally taken as an insult the same way as calling someone a satanist.


The difference is that you are brainwashed, but he's not a satanist.


Well then how come I am not offended by these comments..but he got so offened by my comment that he deleted me? Doesnt make sense.


And you're supposedly a psychology major? How can you not understand?


If he is not a satanist...then why get so mad over it? I dont get it.


Because it was a FALSE ACCUSATION! I'd be equally pissed off if someone I knew went around falsely accusing me of being a satanist.


He stated himself he does not believe nor follow the Bible God..therefore he is admitting he is against Jesus.


No, no, no! Saying that he doesn't BELIEVE the bible is NOT saying that he is AGAINST Jesus!


Jesus said if you are not for HIm, you are against Him. YOu either serve God or you serve satan. Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Again, that is a FALSE DICHOTOMY! Why is that so hard for you to understand? Oh yeah, because you blindly swallow what the bible says.


I think my own family serves satan...they sure as heck dont serve Jesus. I have no problem saying that. None.


You must serve satan, because you sure as heck don't serve Thor. I have no problem saying that. None.

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Is this really hard to understand? I dont regret anything, cause I called a duck a duck. Its that simple and that complicated at the same time!


And again, you wonder why people get offended? Your 'friend' was offended by being called a Satanist because you basically said he served an evil force, which he does NOT.


And the thing is, NONE OF US BELIEVE IN THIS BULL, SO WHY ARE YOU STILL SPOUTING IT? We don't believe in the Christian God, and by that extent, we don't believe in Satan. How can we serve something we don't believe exists? I tell you how- we don't.


Really, if you expect to walk up to people and call them Satanists and for them to not be offended, they'd get angry. Just as much as if you called the "Retarded", a "Bitch", a "Bastard". It is an insult, any way you spell it.

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I am generally a pretty even-tempered person, but found it very difficult not to start my reply to this with, "Screw you." That being said, I have calmed down within three seconds (that damn even-temperedness coming out) and realize that you really do believe this, so telling you how arrogant it sounds is going not to help anything. Hell, I used to believe the same myself, so I fully and completely understand where you're coming from. So, I'm no longer irritated and now just feel sad for you.


This is the thing, Justyna. I do not serve God/Jesus. Neither do I serve Satan. They do not exist. Best wishes to you. You only get one life, so I hope you don't waste it serving a nonexistent sky daddy.

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I dont see how I was being judgemental toward my friend. I dont see it at all. Also I was just thinking, if he was so offened that I said he was an atheist/satanist...then maybe its becasue he is.

Since there's a major problem in the Christian world with pedophile priests, how would you feel if we assumed that because you're a Christian, you must be a pedophile? If you're not a pedophile, why would you get offended if we assumed all Christians were pedophiles?
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Santa and Jesus are not the same. Santa never claimed to be the Savior of the World like Jesus said He is.

Of course they're not the same. Santa is real while Jesus is fiction.


Santa came to give us gifts and make us better people.


I get it that to you Jesus is nothing more than a fictional character..but Santa deals with toys...

The toys are symbols of the gifts of the soul. We become better people through the positive reinforcements. The toys only symbolize that we're getting Santa's approval, and since he loves us so much and we love him back, we can't but do good things. He told me this audible in my head.


Jesus deals with your life and your heart and soul. Very different. Santa never wrote a Holy Spirit inspired Bible that said he is the way. Jesus did have His prophets write the Holy Bible and clearly states that He is the way and the life.

Santa didn't have to write a book. He wrote his law and spiritual guidance in our souls. We know what he wants because he tells us.


So He should be taken seriously. Santa never claimed anything remotely close to the claims that Jesus made. Comparing Santa to Jesus, is like comparing apples to oranges. Or more like apples to french fries!

Santa sacrificed all the warm weather for us. He decided to live in the cold arctic as a sacrifice, for eternity. Jesus was only dead for a few days, Santa, on the other hand, had to sacrifice an eternity. Talk about commitment. Jesus stinks. Santa rules!

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Guest Justyna



When I said that if you dont serve Jesus you serve satan..I can back that up with scripture.


When you say that since I am a Christian therefore I am a pedophile, you cannot find a scripture in the Word that says that.


That is the difference between what you said and what I said. To me the Bible is real and ALL true. I believe it 1000%. I use it, I read it, and I try to live my life by it. I also try to see the world from the Bibles perspective and from what God says.


God never said that if you are a Christian you are a pedophile. But God DID say that if you are not for Him, you are against Him.


I freaking love the Bible. Its perfect..it gives instruction and it shows us how to live for God. God covers pretty much everything in there. I am so glad He decided to leave it to us to follow it. Where would we be without the Bible?

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I tried to undersatnd...I tried to be open, but I never got the chance as we are no longer friends now. I cant change that. I was ready for it, but it didnt happen. Maybe there is nothing more to understand...and that is why it never happened. Maybe God has other plans for me.

Or maybe you're just crazy...

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If you ask me...he judged me. Not the other way around. He rejected me, and he stopped all communication with me. I never did any of these things. He judged me for being a Christian and did not accept me or my beliefs. And even though he is not a Christian and calls himself an atheist...I was very open and accepting toward him. I wanted to hang out and see him. I wanted to be there for him. He judged me for my belief in Jesus, not the other way around. And then he reacted and deleted me. I was judged because I believe in a God that "kills babies and murders people."

And you judged him and accused him of being a satanist.

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You reaped what you sowed.


Deal with it.

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Just because I am a Christian does not mean I dont think for myself.

Except that you don't.

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I agree with you! I want to do volunteer work for a wheelchair dance class.

Rock n' roll!!!

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Hmm...just had a thought about the actual topic in this thread.


If you see someone is walking on railroad tracks, and there is a train that is coming and is going to kill them...wouldnt you as a friend try to get them to get off those tracks? I would. That is sort of how I see this now. I think this is a good analogy.

Unless the train isn't real, and you tell him to step of a bridge. Your friend falls down to a certain death in the cold waters below...


I think that's a good counter analogy.

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So you see, we atheists are all actually Santa-ists, not satanists!

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Guest Justyna

Listen Folks,


My other old friend JUST died in a car accident last week. His funeral was yesterday. I posted a thread about that. Anyway...he was once a Christian and then stopped believing and went his own way. Then BAM! Right out of the blue, he dies in a sudden car accident. I dont know what happened the last minutes of his life, but I dont think he was saved. How do you think that made me feel? I felt horrible to hear that. What if I was able to reach out to him and help him or something. I dont know where he is at right now...but I dont believe it is heaven. Its possible that he called to Jesus when the car accident happened, but not if he was killed instantly. Seriously, that woke me up big time.


I didnt want the same thing to happen to this friend. We dont know what will happen tomorrow.

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Guest Justyna



LoL...I can appreciate a little bit of humor, especially since the atmosphere is usually pretty tense in here :)

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So if we lose a friend who we think wasted their life as a Christian, that gives us permission to stereotype all Christians?

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Santa didn't murder his elves or reindeer for us though. And without bloodshed, Christmas just isn't that meaningful.

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I never disrespected him as a person.

He thinks otherwise, Justyna. I'm going by his reaction rather than your assertions. If someone takes your words as an insult, to them it *is* an insult, and your intention doesn't really enter into it.

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Guest Justyna

Exactly ILoveMyBrain!


Santa sucks....he has to come EVERY flipping year, while Jesus came once and took care of business once and for all for everyone.

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