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Goodbye Jesus

Former Christian Friend Became An Atheist/satanist

Guest Justyna

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And if you can't discuss the issues and present any evidence or use reasoning, just spout ridiculous Christian platitudes. It's probably good that you're here Justyna. It will help new deconverts see why Christian beliefs are untenable.

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Guest Justyna



I think you have sort of a point, but of course I see it differently. Since I am a Christian and I know that I am called to ministry, I really dont get any satisfaction out of life unless I am doing what I was born to do....minister to others. So I do like coming in here and talking about God with the hopes that perhaps someone will come to believe. I would not say I am harassing anyone...nah. Not my style. But I do think that I have a deep passion for God and HIs Word, and I want to see people saved and healed etc.


Its like a musician who does not play music. They dont feel satisifed and dont feel like they are doing what they were created to do. It is the same for me. I am called to full-time ministry....I am not going to be a teacher, a mother, a lawyer..but rather a minister for God. When I am not sharing Gods Word, I do feel useless and I feel like I should be since time is short and we never know when its our last day here.


Being on the site has increased my passion...its sort of getting me ready to do ministry in real life. Ive definitely been in a preperation stage for the past few years. I cant wait to get out there and do it for real. Oh the joy :)


ETA: Ive tried to run from my calling for a long time and I was miserable. I tried working, being a teacher, working as a counselor, and various other things..but non of them give me the joy I get when I talk about God and present His message. I feel complete when I do. I feel alive and I feel I am doing the very thing God created me to do.

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You said that you hadn't talked to him for a year. If you were having a problem with your best friend who you talked to every week, the mature thing to do would be to talk through the problem together. But if you're having a problem with someone who you weren't close to anymore and who came into your life all of a sudden spreading drama, it's a valid choice to decide not to have further communication to them. If you were such great friends that you owed each other a huggy resolution, you'd have been part of each other's lives before this.

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If we don't believe in Jesus, but we do our disbelieving "in Jesus's name" (whatever the heck that means), it should be A-OK with the god whom we also don't believe in.



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Guest Justyna



I have not talked to him for 10 years....

I only have been in contact with him now for less than a week. (Now we are not in contact since all this happened)

The potential for a good friendship was there, but it was not meant to be apparently.


Hope that clarifies things.

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You know, if you strongly believe in Christianity, I think it would be a good idea for you to work at a soup kitchen, or work with charities that help (not preach to, but help) the poor or the starving, and that way do some measurable good that even a non-Christian or outright non-religious individual would agree with. It would probably help your cause more than preaching does.

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. . .


And put your picture back up.


Oh, florduh, no! Please tell me you were not?!?!?!


Even the most crotchety of old men like a nice face to look at.

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Guest Justyna



I agree with you! I want to do volunteer work for a wheelchair dance class. My friend is in a wheelchair and he said they take volunteers all the time. Hes Christian and we went to High School together. I want to do it. It starts Oct 6th. He also asked me to be his date for my 10 Year High School Reunion..and I said yes. We hope to bust a move on the dance floor and show them how to really do it! LOL


So yeah I definitley want to do more in terms of service. But ultimately I do feel called to ministry, as in the pulpit. I cant run from that. Trust me I have been running from it for a while now. If I dont do what God is calling me to do, then I will not be obeying Him and I will in turn be very miserable. Again I didnt pick this. I used to be the quiet shy one. Now I have a boldness in Him..He changed me and is molding me for His purpose. I am the clay, He is the potter...I cant tell Him what He should do with me or my life.

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And my point is that we have been in churches for many many years. We know that people believe sincerely. We have heard people quote bible verses. That will likely not get through to anyone here. We are a group of people who have found no reasonable basis for believing that christianity is true and worth any more of our time. If you really wanted to minister to ex Christians you'd show us WHY we should believe. You have so far been unwilling to engage in this type of discussion, showing evidence and reason. You go ahead and preach if that's what makes you happy. I will no longer subject myself to your nonsense, though. You are going on my ignore list. Um...if I can figure out how to do that.

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You know, if you strongly believe in Christianity, I think it would be a good idea for you to work at a soup kitchen, or work with charities that help (not preach to, but help) the poor or the starving, and that way do some measurable good that even a non-Christian or outright non-religious individual would agree with. It would probably help your cause more than preaching does.


... yes, I agree Yalta but for one thing. FUNDIE christians GENERALLY only do such things not out of the goodness of who they are but for the possibility of ministering to people! There is always a catch involved with them.


As someone who is heavily involved in charity work I see MANY "heathens" on a daily basis who because of the loving, kind, thoughtful people they actually are do things with NO such motives! They do it purely out of their love for fellow mankind, animals or whatever the cause may be.

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Guest Justyna

I do think there is a reason that God has not opened a door for me in ministry yet. Needless to say, I am not ready yet. A lot more has to happen and change. Hes doing that each day with me though. And as far as training goes, I am studying Psychology which is not ministry. So I dont know if I am going to take a short course in ministry (like 6-9 months) or what is going to happen. My training is in Psych and Business, not Theology and Ministry. We shall see what happens. YOu dont have to be trained to do ministry....look at Jesus He never went to Bible College...lol, so who knows what I will ultimately do.


I would like to do ministry at my current church. We shall see if the door opens up for me.

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Guest Justyna



Fundamentalist Christians GENERALLY dont believe they are good on their own...so when we minister to others, it is to tell them that God has changed us and gave us righteousness when we didnt deserve it.


Why would I do something "out of the goodness of my heart or nature," when I know that my heart is not good but is deceitful, and my nature is sinful? So that is why I take every opportunity to tell others about God, since it is by His grace that I have a new nature and a new heart. I lift up God, not my own self and my own good works. Works are nothing without faith...and likewise faith is nothing without works. They go hand in hand.

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I officially don't care one whit about anything Justyna says anymore. Just in parting though - J's belief defines her, my UNbelief does NOT define me.

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Fundamentalist Christians GENERALLY dont believe they are good on their own...so when we minister to others, it is to tell them that God has changed us and gave us righteousness when we didnt deserve it.


Why would I do something "out of the goodness of my heart or nature," when I know that my heart is not good but is deceitful, and my nature is sinful? So that is why I take every opportunity to tell others about God, since it is by His grace that I have a new nature and a new heart. I lift up God, not my own self and my own good works. Works are nothing without faith...and likewise faith is nothing without works. They go hand in hand.



... see the IMPORTANT difference between you and me is that I DO see good in people! It has NOTHING to do with your make believe god! You ONLY look for evil in people because you have been brainwashed people ARE ONLY evil! Your religion is TOTALLY based upon people BEING evil and has NO base for existence once that premise goes! There would be no need for salvation anymore! I only feel pity for you actually!

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  • Super Moderator
Why would I do something "out of the goodness of my heart or nature," when I know that my heart is not good but is deceitful, and my nature is sinful?

That is a sick, twisted self image.


It is your right to view yourself as a loathsome creature, but you have no right to try to impose this psychosis on others who may be weak or confused.

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Guest Justyna

Hmm...just had a thought about the actual topic in this thread.


If you see someone is walking on railroad tracks, and there is a train that is coming and is going to kill them...wouldnt you as a friend try to get them to get off those tracks? I would. That is sort of how I see this now. I think this is a good analogy.

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Hmm...just had a thought about the actual topic in this thread.


If you see someone is walking on railroad tracks, and there is a train that is coming and is going to kill them...wouldnt you as a friend try to get them to get off those tracks? I would. That is sort of how I see this now. I think this is a good analogy.


The thing is, we think you're seeing an imaginary train in an open field with no tracks for miles... :shrug:

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Guest Justyna

My only prayer now is that he does read this entire thread and come to realize that I was not doing anything against him and he misunderstood me.


I doubt he will be back though.

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Guest Justyna

Im never going to support a lifestyle that goes against God. Why would I if I really care about people? Why would I support their behavior and actions that go against Gods will and ultimately will keep them seperated from God forever? I did accept him, just didnt like the way he was going against God...and why is that? Cause I know the outcome and I know it means he will be forever in eternity without God. I will never support that with anyone.


I can love others, without accepting their sin. Thats what Jesus did. Sin keeps us from God.

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Hmm...just had a thought about the actual topic in this thread.


If you see someone is walking on railroad tracks, and there is a train that is coming and is going to kill them...wouldnt you as a friend try to get them to get off those tracks? I would. That is sort of how I see this now. I think this is a good analogy.



... yes, but this analogy is about as similar as what YOU regard the santa to god analogy! (In fact the santa to god analogy is FAR better!) See the train on the tracks IS a real threat! Your "hell" scenario is NOT! Maybe you should go and study your religion and its roots a bit more and see how the "hell myth" found its way into christianity?!

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A mature person would have the decency to talk to me and not just delete me from their life. A mature person would work on getting over our differences, the way I was prepared to do but never fully got the chance.


A mature person wouldn't call someone a SATANIST simply because he doesn't agree with your view of god.


Grow up.


I never disrespected him as a person.... Ive said nothing but good things about him from the start. I said how smart, sensitive, talented and unique he is. How is that insulting him?


Oh, you said a few nice things, but also a few terrible things. You can't just emphasize the nice things in an effort to detract from the fact that you did say some terrible things about him.


"Bound by darkness" is not an insulting term.


Good, because you're bound by darkness.


Oh wait, were you insulted by that?


He calls himself an atheist...thats what was said on his profile.


So? Atheists don't believe in satan, so they don't worship satan any more than they worship your god or the tooth fairy or Zeus or whatever.


And the fact that I called him a satanist means that he does not follow Christ. Which he doesnt. If you dont follow Jesus, you follow the enemy.


That's a false dichotomy, as has already been pointed out MANY times.


I said nothing bad about his character


Bullshit. You called him a satanist and a god-hater. Those ARE negative character comments.


...and actually he did say that I "dont think for myself" that sounds like an insult to me about me personally, but I am not going to take it that way..since it really doesnt make a difference now.


Insult or not, you've shown quite clearly in this thread that you DON'T think for yourself. You unquestioningly swallow nonsense from an ancient text, which in turn leads you to make the ridiculous assumption that all nonchristians are satanists.

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On ignore.


I know the mods don't want to just ban people left and right, but really she's just repeating the same crap ad nauseum, over and over, wasting bandwidth and accomplishing nothing (outside of the entertainment value some here are finding).

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Justyna, if you're looking for sympathy for your "horrible plight", why are you on Ex-Christian.net still? You should realize most of us are not going to agree with you, and your religious fervor does NOT appeal to us. We don't think anything is wrong with your 'friend'. You'd have more agreeable conversations on a Christian forum than here.

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Oh and before anyone says how horrible God is for "letting people disbelieve in Him," Ummmm....He gives us free will to choose. Only about 1/3 of the world is Christian, but most of the world has been evangalized by now...its just that the message was not accepted and people rejected Him. Is that HIs fault? NO! Absolutely not!


If your god is all powerful and all loving, and yet refuses to make himself clear to that many people, then YES IT IS HIS FAULT!

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Guest Justyna

The people who dont follow Jesus...are really following Satan. What part of that dont you understand? Thats a tough one to swollow, I know...which is why he got offended in the first place. If he is an atheist and does not believe in God and Satan, then why did he get so upset at me when I said he might be a satanist? Obviously he believes it to some degree..otherwise it would not bother him.


For example: You guys have made a lot of comments about how "brain-washed" I am, and how I am "dumb" and that I cant reason etc...well I really dont get offended by these kinds of comments simply because I know in my heart of hearts that I am smart. So why is he so upset with it if it is not true? Can someone explain this to me?


If you call someone brain-washed and stupid and dumb....to me it can be equally taken as an insult the same way as calling someone a satanist. Well then how come I am not offended by these comments..but he got so offened by my comment that he deleted me? Doesnt make sense. If he is not a satanist...then why get so mad over it? I dont get it. He stated himself he does not believe nor follow the Bible God..therefore he is admitting he is against Jesus. Jesus said if you are not for HIm, you are against Him. YOu either serve God or you serve satan. Why is this so hard for people to understand?


I think my own family serves satan...they sure as heck dont serve Jesus. I have no problem saying that. None.

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