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Goodbye Jesus

Former Christian Friend Became An Atheist/satanist

Guest Justyna

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I didnt push anything on him. He came to this site and found my account and then read what I wrote. Which is fine..I have nothing to hide really. I said nothing bad about him as I dont have anything bad to say about him. The fact that he was here and read it all, does not even bother me.



He didn't exactly come here as a total accident and just happen to realize you were someone he knew. He came here because you were spreading details about his personal life all over a public site. Let's not forgot that.

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I asked him how his band name came about...he then replied to me and said what it means and said a lot about religion and how he does not agree with it. He brough up religion first. I didnt say anything to him. I made it clear that I was not going to, and I didnt. I replied back to him and said that religion can be good and bad sometimes. I also said that I hope our differing views dont come in between our friendship.


That's cool. It's good to see that you didn't start slinging religion at him.


From what you said here, it seems to me that the only reason he brought up religion is because you asked about the band name. Since the band name is inspired by religion, it was inevitable that religion would then come up. So it doesn't seem so much to me that he "brought up religion first," but rather was simply answering a question with a straight-forward answer that happened to deal with religion.



Then some how he comes on here and finds me here. Thats fine..no problem. Then he reads what I wrote and gets upset. For what? I am not allowed to be on a site and ask questions that pertain to my life? Of course I am. He deleted me and never wrote me back. I clearly said that I did not want to preach to him and that I didnt want religion to break us up. But it did.


Come the fuck on, now! YOU ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A SATANIST! How the hell can you say, "For what?" Surely you're not THAT idiotic that you can't see how someone would be offended by that?!?!?!


Even when I was a christian and believed the garbage you spew out, I would have easily seen how someone would be offended by that!


He mentioned religion first.


In the context of answering a question about something that pertained to religion!


I said all I was going to do is pray for him. IS that so wrong? I can pray for him or anyone for that matter.


Again, as I asked before, is your god really so inconsiderate of others that he won't lift a finger for them unless he hears a prayer from you? Does your god really not give a shit for others until you beg him to do something? Don't you see how ridiculous the whole notion of praying for others really is?


I never preached to him or anything. So he rejected me and rejected my belief in Jesus.


No, I suspect that his rejection of you was NOT because of your belief in Jesus. It was probably because of coming on this board and seeing the way you demonized him by lumping him in with satanists and god-haters. THAT is probably what pissed him off.


Okay that is fine. He made the final call after he brought up religion first with me! Ugh :(


And you really just don't get it, do you? Wow, it seems that you have absolutely ZERO capacity to be reasonable. Maybe one day you'll grow up. Good luck.

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Guest Justyna

I asked about the band name. He brings up religion because yes the name is religious by nature. He then goes on for a few paragraphs about how he does not like religion and how he witnessed first hand people being arrogant with it and that it brings bad etc etc etc. He kept going with the subject of religion. He is actually very spiritual by nature. His whole being is very spiritual, except instead of being in the Light, hes bound by darkness. He has a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge spiritual capacity but uses it in the wrong way. Instead of being for God, he is against Him.


I never said I would pray for him in an e-mail to him. I said it here on this board. And then he read it. I would not say to an atheist that I will pray for you, if I know he does not believe in God. I said it here to you all, he just happened to read it.


I wrote him back and said that I hope very much so that our differing religious views dont end our friendship. I made it clear to him that I was NOT going to tell him what to believe. And I didnt. The fact that I started a thread about the situation here does not equate to preaching to him. None of my e-mails were preachy by any means. I made it clear on this board that I DID not want to do that. And I didnt.


I think he was being immature with it. I didnt get all upset and delete him..he did. That really does not show maturity on his part. He coudlnt even send me a message talking about it..he just deleted it. Does not sound mature to me. A mature person would talk about what he thought instead of reacting automatically and hitting the delete button.

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Guest Justyna

Heres the thing..


If he had it in his heart to lead me to become an atheist and prayed for that in secret for me...seriously that would not bother me. I would respect his beliefs as long as he kept them to himself.


He should respect mine...since I said nothing about God to him and said nothing "preachy" to him whatsoever.


Hes the one being judgemental and said its a shame that I cant "think for myself" and how "sad" it is. I do think for myself. Just because I am a Christian does not mean I dont think for myself.

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I'm sorry Justini, but even when he makes attacks on religion, you are making attacks on his person. You have called him an atheist, Satanist, called him "bound by darkness" most recently, and probably tons of other things I haven't mentioned on this board- you can't expect him to be okay with that, even if it wasn't your intent for him to see what you wrote- it is THERE.


Talking behind people's back still counts, ya' know.


Really, I think both of you are being equally dramatic. but has he called you names and insulted your person, or just criticized your religion? It seems he's mostly done the latter from what you've told us, while you are guilty of the former.


I had a friend who very recently wrote on my facebook that I was a piece of shit and a retard for not accepting a scholarship to a school I'm not going to- I'm very pissed with him. If he had said that behind my back, without the intent for me to hear him, I'd still be pissed with him if I found out. I'm probably going to end up removing him from my friend's list for that comment alone, aside from the decent acquaintance I've had with him over the past couple of years.

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I asked about the band name. He brings up religion because yes the name is religious by nature. He then goes on for a few paragraphs about how he does not like religion and how he witnessed first hand people being arrogant with it and that it brings bad etc etc etc. He kept going with the subject of religion.


If he didn't bring up religion until he was asked about the name, then perhaps the reason that his reply contained a lot about his perspective of religion was simply because he wanted to make it clear what led to the name. Perhaps he was offering sufficient explanation, in other words.


He is actually very spiritual by nature. His whole being is very spiritual, except instead of being in the Light, hes bound by darkness. He has a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge spiritual capacity but uses it in the wrong way. Instead of being for God, he is against Him.


Just because he doesn't believe exactly like you makes him "bound by darkness"? Just because he doesn't believe in your god makes him "against him"?


You know, Muslims call you and me "infidels" because we don't believe like they do. It's quite absurd for them to project their religious ideology onto us, is it not? In the same exact way, it's absurd for you to project your religious ideology onto others.


I never said I would pray for him in an e-mail to him. I said it here on this board. And then he read it. I would not say to an atheist that I will pray for you, if I know he does not believe in God. I said it here to you all, he just happened to read it.


Again, why does your god not give two shits for your friend unless you beg and plead for him to show himself?


I wrote him back and said that I hope very much so that our differing religious views dont end our friendship. I made it clear to him that I was NOT going to tell him what to believe. And I didnt. The fact that I started a thread about the situation here does not equate to preaching to him. None of my e-mails were preachy by any means. I made it clear on this board that I DID not want to do that. And I didnt.


It's cool if you really weren't preachy with him, but what in the world would you expect him to think when he saw you erroneously lumping him in with satanists?


I think he was being immature with it.


YOU call him a satanist simply because he has a different viewpoint than you, and then you say that HE was the one being immature???


You STILL don't get it, do you?


I didnt get all upset and delete him..he did. That really does not show maturity on his part.


Actually, it does show maturity on his part. Instead of trashing you like you trashed him, he simply deleted you from his account. Very respectable, in my opinion.



He coudlnt even send me a message talking about it..he just deleted it.


Why would he have any desire to discuss it with someone who he just found out was calling him a satanist and god-hater on a message board? WHY???


Does not sound mature to me. A mature person would talk about what he thought instead of reacting automatically and hitting the delete button.


A mature person would want to understand where someone is coming from BEFORE having the audacity to call him a satanist! And on a public format, of all things!


You are the immature one. Grow up....

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Heres the thing..


If he had it in his heart to lead me to become an atheist and prayed for that in secret for me...seriously that would not bother me. I would respect his beliefs as long as he kept them to himself.


He should respect mine...since I said nothing about God to him and said nothing "preachy" to him whatsoever.

Here's the other thing . . . you have no concept of reality. Look up the definition of the word "atheist." Read what people have been telling you, then seek professional help.


And put your picture back up.

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Guest Justyna



I never disrespected him as a person. Have you read this thread? Ive said nothing but good things about him from the start. I said how smart, sensitive, talented and unique he is. How is that insulting him?


"Bound by darkness" is not an insulting term.


He calls himself an atheist...thats what was said on his profile.


And the fact that I called him a satanist means that he does not follow Christ. Which he doesnt. If you dont follow Jesus, you follow the enemy.


I said nothing bad about his character...and actually he did say that I "dont think for myself" that sounds like an insult to me about me personally, but I am not going to take it that way..since it really doesnt make a difference now.

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It does say this:


"He who is not with Me is against Me."

—Matthew 12:30a


Just like those are aren't for America's "War on Terrorism" is against America?



The Bible is very clear that THIS will happen a lot. Ive already lost a lot of people because I am a Christian. Bible says that mother will be against daughter...that the house will be devided, that we will lose friends for the sake of Christ. I can deal with that. Its more important to me to do Gods will than to please people. My first commitment is to God, not my friend, and not my family or anyone on here. If you want to follow Christ, be prepared to lose things and to lay down your life. I am willing to pay the price. And I have today. I felt that.


I did nothing wrong...this is what the Bible said would happen, and it did.


Basic human psychology will attest to the fact that adhering to an ideology that alienates people will repel them from you. It will always start with you.



So you guys can hate me and my friend can hate me, and even my own family can hate me but I love ALL of you more than the people you hang out with who let you do what you want and dont point you to Jesus and ultimately are allowing you to be seperated from God for all eternity. I try my best not to let that happen, I try my best to help people see the Light. If they dont accept it, at least I can say I tried.


As far as I can tell, no one here hates you.



Sometimes I think it would be easier to minister to people who were never Christians in the first place..you know a nice clean slate. But actually I feel led to talk to ex-Christians....just my luck! Thanks God. (no offense to you guys, but you guys are a tough bunch and you guys give me a hard time).


Actually, it would be easier to minister to someone who has only had a brief introduction to Christianity but still grew up in an environment that said Christianity was the one true religion.

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Guest Justyna

Actually I respect Muslims A LOT. I dont believe in their god, but I find their passion for their god very amazing and very great. We Christians need to be more passionate about Jesus the way Islam is passionate about Allah. Again, I dont believe Allah is the way, but their passion, dedication, commitment and motivation for the god is inspiring to me. Really is.

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I never disrespected him as a person. Have you read this thread? Ive said nothing but good things about him from the start. I said how smart, sensitive, talented and unique he is. How is that insulting him?


"Bound by darkness" is not an insulting term.


He calls himself an atheist...thats what was said on his profile.


And the fact that I called him a satanist means that he does not follow Christ. Which he doesnt. If you dont follow Jesus, you follow the enemy.


I said nothing bad about his character...and actually he did say that I "dont think for myself" that sounds like an insult to me about me personally, but I am not going to take it that way..since it really doesnt make a difference now.


You do disrespect him by calling him a satanist- which would be an insult to a lot of people, even atheists, because of the intent of the word- even when they are just peppered in, it's like saying "Oh, I love John, he's such a sweet-heart, really likes everyone, but jeez, his face looks like pizza." The nice things don't cancel out the bad. Seriously.


I really am disliking your Salem Witch Trial attitude about "following Jesus!" that you're displaying here. With that excuse, you may call any of these people Satanists: Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Gnostics, Sikhs, Deists, Shintoists... Heck, you can pretty much call 2/3 of the world population Satanists, right? Because on 1/3 of the world follows Christianity- and of course, there's various degrees of Christian, so probably a good 3/4 of the world follow Satan, according to your logic.


Actually I respect Muslims A LOT. I dont believe in their god, but I find their passion for their god very amazing and very great. We Christians need to be more passionate about Jesus the way Islam is passionate about Allah. Again, I dont believe Allah is the way, but their passion, dedication, commitment and motivation for the god is inspiring to me. Really is.


... All I can think right now is that theocracy is a bad thing...

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Guest Justyna



A mature person would have the decency to talk to me and not just delete me from their life. A mature person would work on getting over our differences, the way I was prepared to do but never fully got the chance.


Oh and I do see him playing in a band in the future, but for Christ. I felt that in my heart. Not saying this is a prophesy or anything, I am just saying what I felt in my heart at church this morning. I think he will come to God oneday. I think he can use his talents and abilities for God instead of against God. I think he can lead a lot of people to God if he wanted to....thats why the enemy works him so hard and is against him so much. The enemy knows that he can be powerful for God and so he works over-time to make sure he does not come to know God and the Truth.


I think I will see him again oneday...I hope anyway. I get it that it wont be anytime soon, but it could happen.

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Yeah it's so inspiring when Muslim suicide bombers give up their lives to murder innocent people for their imaginary god. WTF?? :twitch:

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Yeah it's so inspiring when Muslim suicide bombers give up their lives to murder innocent people for their imaginary god. WTF?? :twitch:

Yes, and punish women for being raped, because they can't supply the mandatory 3 witnessed who will say it was rape.

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Guest Justyna



You are right. I do believe that if a person is not following Jesus, then they are following the enemy. Thats what the Bible says and I am sticking with that. SO yeah the MAJORITY of the people in the world follow satan, not Jesus. YOu didnt know that? Yeah its true.


Oh and before anyone says how horrible God is for "letting people disbelieve in Him," Ummmm....He gives us free will to choose. Only about 1/3 of the world is Christian, but most of the world has been evangalized by now...its just that the message was not accepted and people rejected Him. Is that HIs fault? NO! Absolutely not! Still there are remote places that have not heard about Jesus, but most have....they just dont want to believe. Again, not Gods fault. We Christians are the vessels God uses to reach the world...so that is why it matters.

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Guest Justyna

I didnt say I like Islam for their suicide bombers...sheesh. Did you read what I wrote? I said I like their dedication and commitment. Two seperate things. Too many Christians are luke-warm and dont really believe fully. Too many Christians are comftorable with their nice house, spouse and kids and dont want to be bothered with that "God stuff." Sad.

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Justyna, you can (and probably will) go on ad nauseum about what the bible says about your god. But THIS PARTICULAR AUDIENCE doesn't accept that it must be true because you tell us it is. There is not one shred of evidence that god exists or that th bible is true. THAT is what you'd need to convince us of before we'd listen.

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Guest Justyna

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. We are not to just live in some routine and just sort of get by and be luke-warm and accept the status quo. NO way...we are to thrieve, take chances, believe to the fullest, and if need be even die for your beliefs. I am not saying I want to die for my beliefs, but I am prepared to do so. Id rather live my life in a way that is passionate about what I believe in that I am willing to give my life for it. And I am willing. How said is it to wake up and not really know what you believe in? How said is it to wonder around aimlessly knowing that you will die oneday soon and believing that there is nothing that follows after we die. How good it is to know you have a purpose, that there is a God that loves you sooo much He died for you and wants you to be with HIm forever. Why be boring, dull and uninteresting? Why not be radical and stir the world up for change and for God? Why not go for it 1000%? If its not all, its nothing. Go big, or go home...ahah. Thats so true.


I dont have intentions of living a quiet little life where I just sort of get along and just take life at is comes. NO, I am ready to LIVE and live for God fully. I love it...my personality is very extreme. Theres no in between for me.

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A mature person would work on getting over our differences, the way I was prepared to do but never fully got the chance.


New chances to do this work will come in new forms. You kinda have the opportunity to do this with us right now, though I get that we're a bit tougher for you...not as real to you and without the emotional attachment.


There will be many other opportunities for you to do this work in the future, in any case. These opportunities are everywhere.



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Guest Justyna

And you guys are only tough on me because you guys secretly like me...LOL (I can dream right?)


Well okay maybe you dont like me, but you do respect the fact that I whole-heartedly believe what I believe and I am sold out to it 1000%. Heck I even respect Muslims who are sold out to their religion all the way. Its the same thing I think. Being dedicated to something fully does demand respect. Well, I think it does anyway. Even if you are wrong..heck you went down fighting til the end for what you believe in :)

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You are right. I do believe that if a person is not following Jesus, then they are following the enemy. Thats what the Bible says and I am sticking with that. SO yeah the MAJORITY of the people in the world follow satan, not Jesus. YOu didnt know that? Yeah its true.

That's a matter of belief... And you wonder WHY people are not happy with you when you say they follow satan, and therefor, are following teh EVIL. No wonder your friend deleted you from facebook. I would.


Oh and before anyone says how horrible God is for "letting people disbelieve in Him," Ummmm....He gives us free will to choose. Only about 1/3 of the world is Christian, but most of the world has been evangalized by now...its just that the message was not accepted and people rejected Him. Is that HIs fault? NO! Absolutely not! Still there are remote places that have not heard about Jesus, but most have....they just dont want to believe. Again, not Gods fault. We Christians are the vessels God uses to reach the world...so that is why it matters.


:Wendywhatever: Why is it that God then punishes us for the free will he gave us? And free will is a bad argument, in my opinion, because the idea collapses on itself at a point. If everyone is allowed free will, the free will of someone who, say, commits rape, intercedes with the free will of the victim. So, God gave the rapist free will to deny the free will of the victim? Why did God allow the victim's free will to be restrained by another's free will? God is the sheriff of thought policing, in my opinion. Why punish free thought, even if the actions of that person are always inherently good? Like a Buddhist in Tibet who never killed, stole, or did any wrong in his life is to be punished because he thought he was doing good yet didn't believe in a particular doctrine?


And really, Ex-Christians don't believe the bible holds any water- we see the holes. So, saying "The Bible says so!" tends to fall on annoyed ears.

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Actually I think it's pretty sad to live in slavery to a delusion. One of your delusions is that we are sad and you are sooooo happy. You have never been completely free of your nonsensical religion, so you have no idea what it's like to be an ex-Christian. It has been incredibly joyous to be able to just love people for who they are instead of what they believe. Life is beautiful!


The really sad thing is when you can't be happy and fulfilled unless you come here and harrass people. You can't just go off by yourself and be happy in your illusions. No, you're only happy if you're shoving your twisted way of thinking down someone else's throat. That's a pretty sick way to live. Many of us were like that at one time, and now we're free of it; that's one reason we're so glad to be free.

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. . .


And put your picture back up.


Oh, florduh, no! Please tell me you were not?!?!?!

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  • Super Moderator
Being dedicated to something fully does demand respect.

Hitler was dedicated. David Koresh was dedicated. Thousands are dedicated to proving that space aliens and Bigfoot wander our planet.


Dedication to delusion doesn't earn respect from me. It indicates the lack of critical thinking skills and grasp of reality.

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