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Things Fundies Say On Facebook

Brother Jeff

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It's Sunday, and it really shows on my FB feed this afternoon.



"Your most powerful testimony is how you treat others after the church service is over"


This wouldn't bother me so much, if the church wasn't an indoctrination center on how to treat outsiders like shit.

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I've been wondering whether or not it is really wise to engage in these 'discussions' on facebook, since a lot of them end in a shitstorm
That's why I get involved. I love shit storms, they amuse me.

It's Sunday, and it really shows on my FB feed this afternoon.



"Your most powerful testimony is how you treat others after the church service is over"


This wouldn't bother me so much, if the church wasn't an indoctrination center on how to treat outsiders like shit.

The cousin that I referenced (he doesn't think same-sex marriage should be legal, so you don't have to look) likes to say shit like this. Jebus, does church just teach them to be hypocrits. Wait *thinks back* I guess it does.
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This is more something said because of something a fundy said on Facebook, but the story is too good not to share here.


We used to have a family that went to our church. The parents were unable to have their own children, so they adopted a baby boy. They're a nice family, even if they're wacky fundamentalists. After going to our church for several years, they moved out of state. Since then, the woman (we'll call her Linda Jones) has remained friends with my wife and a couple of other people from my church on Facebook.


In the last couple of days, Linda posted a status update for which punctuation made all the difference. It was something along the lines of "I am expecting. great things from God!"


Well, that extra period caused every woman she was friends with to go all crazy with, "I can't believe you're having a baby!" "Congratulations!" Linda finally followed up that her post wasn't supposed to have the period in it, and that no, she's not pregnant. She thought the entire mistake was funny. My wife told me the story yesterday, and we both thought it was amusing.


Then came church today. My father in-law made this announcement in front of the entire congregation before his sermon: "Does everyone here remember Linda Jones and her family? Remember how they couldn't have children of their own, so they adopted a son? Well, now God is blessing her with her own child! She is going to have a baby of her own!"




Everyone in the church (who didn't already know the follow-up to the original Facebook post) thought this was a true miracle. Of course, at this point it would really have to be a miracle, because Linda is postmenopausal. All of the talk after the service was, "See, God can make a way!" and about how little medical science and doctors know.




I know who it was that gave my father in-law the incorrect information. Let's just say that the entire family is as dumb as a bag of hammers (and no, it wasn't one of my in-laws). There is no way that my father in-law should have listened to anyone in this family about anything without confirming it with someone else first.

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It just goes to show that xtians, when it comes to supposed instances of the miraculous, or their god at work, will not, absolutely, will not, verify any information given to them. Anything that even has the smallest smattering of "godditit" will be automatically and absolutely assumed to be true, factual, and without error. At least, this has been my experience.

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It just goes to show that xtians, when it comes to supposed instances of the miraculous, or their god at work, will not, absolutely, will not, verify any information given to them. Anything that even has the smallest smattering of "godditit" will be automatically and absolutely assumed to be true, factual, and without error. At least, this has been my experience.


Very true. This makes me think of a debate I had on this board a while back with someone who tried to find examples of amputees being healed. He presented three things: One was a video of a lady claiming to be in the process of having a leg grow back (the leg was not restored yet, and it turned out that the "growth" she claimed she had was simply a rearranging of tissue in a surgery she had). Another was actually an April Fool's joke (obvious by the date and the funny names of the characters). The third was an anonymous claim on some message board that contained no names, dates, places, etc. (no way to verify the claim). This guy was grasping at straws, but failed miserably. Hopefully he came to realize that the reason he couldn't find any genuine amputee miracles is simply because our limbs do not grow back.

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It just goes to show that xtians, when it comes to supposed instances of the miraculous, or their god at work, will not, absolutely, will not, verify any information given to them. Anything that even has the smallest smattering of "godditit" will be automatically and absolutely assumed to be true, factual, and without error. At least, this has been my experience.


Very true. This makes me think of a debate I had on this board a while back with someone who tried to find examples of amputees being healed. He presented three things: One was a video of a lady claiming to be in the process of having a leg grow back (the leg was not restored yet, and it turned out that the "growth" she claimed she had was simply a rearranging of tissue in a surgery she had). Another was actually an April Fool's joke (obvious by the date and the funny names of the characters). The third was an anonymous claim on some message board that contained no names, dates, places, etc. (no way to verify the claim). This guy was grasping at straws, but failed miserably. Hopefully he came to realize that the reason he couldn't find any genuine amputee miracles is simply because our limbs do not grow back.


Yeah, xtians like to claim anything and everything as a miracle. Anything that might actually bolster their claim is unverifiable, at best. And the things that would truly be miraculous, as limbs growing back, well, we see what evidence there is for that. The only time I've seen limbs grow back is when the Namekians did it on Dragon Ball Z, and that's a cartoon.

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Drs. are actually working on regrowing limbs. They have discovered using freeze dried and crushed pig's bladder can regrow servered fingers. They us it vet medicine all the time to heal horrific wounds.


I saw this episode on TV like a year ago this is the closest thing I could find now.



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Drs. are actually working on regrowing limbs. They have discovered using freeze dried and crushed pig's bladder can regrow servered fingers. They us it vet medicine all the time to heal horrific wounds.


I saw this episode on TV like a year ago this is the closest thing I could find now.




Sad fact of the matter is that God will get the credit. Too bad. I've come to terms with the fact that dad's hand isn't gonna grow back. Ever.

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on the other hand....





Why is Buddhism the only religion mentioned on that sign? Well, there's "materialistic witches", but I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. I went to that website on the sign, and it seems like a very spooky place, even the website gave off this weird vibe. It's a load of bs. Idiots; it's hard to believe that people actually buy into that garbage. Makes me think I can make a ton off of the trash in my garbage can.


It's so sad when they try to dress up shit. At the end of the day it is still shit.

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Drs. are actually working on regrowing limbs. They have discovered using freeze dried and crushed pig's bladder can regrow servered fingers. They us it vet medicine all the time to heal horrific wounds.


I saw this episode on TV like a year ago this is the closest thing I could find now.




Sad fact of the matter is that God will get the credit. Too bad. I've come to terms with the fact that dad's hand isn't gonna grow back. Ever.


Exactly. Once doctors start to regrow patients' severed limbs and appendages, then all of a sudden "God" will start "healing amputees."

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Drs. are actually working on regrowing limbs. They have discovered using freeze dried and crushed pig's bladder can regrow servered fingers. They us it vet medicine all the time to heal horrific wounds.


I saw this episode on TV like a year ago this is the closest thing I could find now.




Sad fact of the matter is that God will get the credit. Too bad. I've come to terms with the fact that dad's hand isn't gonna grow back. Ever.


Exactly. Once doctors start to regrow patients' severed limbs and appendages, then all of a sudden "God" will start "healing amputees."


It is sickening. A healing would be something truly miraculous that even science or medical doctors could not explain. When my dad's hand grows back with out the help of any medical science then I will believe again.

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"I am expecting. great things from God!" + congratulations + FIL

LOL!!!!! Way too funny!! So bad!!

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It just goes to show that xtians, when it comes to supposed instances of the miraculous, or their god at work, will not, absolutely, will not, verify any information given to them. Anything that even has the smallest smattering of "godditit" will be automatically and absolutely assumed to be true, factual, and without error. At least, this has been my experience.


Very true. This makes me think of a debate I had on this board a while back with someone who tried to find examples of amputees being healed. He presented three things: One was a video of a lady claiming to be in the process of having a leg grow back (the leg was not restored yet, and it turned out that the "growth" she claimed she had was simply a rearranging of tissue in a surgery she had). Another was actually an April Fool's joke (obvious by the date and the funny names of the characters). The third was an anonymous claim on some message board that contained no names, dates, places, etc. (no way to verify the claim). This guy was grasping at straws, but failed miserably. Hopefully he came to realize that the reason he couldn't find any genuine amputee miracles is simply because our limbs do not grow back.


Yeah, xtians like to claim anything and everything as a miracle. Anything that might actually bolster their claim is unverifiable, at best. And the things that would truly be miraculous, as limbs growing back, well, we see what evidence there is for that. The only time I've seen limbs grow back is when the Namekians did it on Dragon Ball Z, and that's a cartoon.


I rather like to observe the pilgrimages to churchs where the statue of Mary is weeping or some such related event. http://themiraclespage.info/miracles.htm

It's good for a giggle.

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A socially inept, techie smart bug logic dumb friend of mine posted this video:


a link

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saw that yesterday, apparently he also said that if his daughter was raped he would not support her if she wanted an abortion?

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saw that yesterday, apparently he also said that if his daughter was raped he would not support her if she wanted an abortion?


I have never heard that, but I do show his banana clip with Ray Comfort to my science students.


I have yet to hear a good argument for why homosexual marriage should be illegal for consenting adults. I love how Kirk tries to talk around it, and the interviewer makes him spit it out.

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I am part of a FB group that talks about and gives support to people with my autoimmune disease and watching some of the posts people put up makes me sad:


I know many of you ladies are faithful prayer warriors and I have whined plenty letting you know my share of suffering. I have a very desperate request. I feel like today was the worst day of my life, but I thought that yesterday AND the day before. The harder I pray the worse it seems to get and I just can't get the devil off my back. Our marriage is in big trouble and to make it worse my husband lost his job. My academic record and financial aid is a mess because I can't keep up and I have to make some decisions about fall very soon and I dont know what to do. I have been hanging by a thread for 4 weeks now (how long we have had no income) and tonight my kids were testing me like never before and I had a break down like no other. I just can't stop crying. I am in so much pain every damn minute and you all know this kind of stress just puts it over the top. I am humiliated at the way I broke down today and the way my life has unfolded the past 5 years and I just can't stop blaming this damn disease. Im just immobile right now, can you please just pray for me. I need a break through ♥













And here are some of the responses:

" I just saw this post, Liza, and I will surely be praying for you. ♥ My first thought when I hear someone being sorely tested by the devil is that he MUST think you are a threat to him or he wouldn't be wasting so much energy on you!! Your faith must intimidate him!! Stick to it, sister, and don't give him a victory!!!! :)"





‎"Liza, I am praying for u & there isnt a shadow of a doubt in my mind of who this evil spirit is that is messing with u!! & it is Satan!!! The Lord laid this upon my heart & mind after reading ur post...I think at some point we all go thru these difficult times just as u so we feel ur pain, may God Bless u & I also want all of my lovely ladies to read this......maybe it will also touch u too ♥ (i will post it in another post up here next"



" "The devil doesn’t care about the basement. He doesn’t care about war or the really big things going on around our hurting world. He just cares about making you lose respect for yourself as God sees you. Don’t let him get away with it. The Bible says he is the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12:10, KJV).


The devil exists to diminish us! He is the ultimate diminisher. He is a murderer. He kills our God-given sense of intrinsic value and worth. He reduces our view of ourselves and our view of God and His worth, too. We diminish God when we see Him as angry and disappointed in us or when we think less of ourselves than He does as His precious, forgiven child. Satan is heavy into diminishing, while God is busy enlarging and giving us an incredible sense of value.


“You are worth coming for, finding, saving, and rising again,” Christ tells us. “You are worth indwelling; I love to live in your life. I want to stay here. I like it here. You are worth everything to me. You are infinitely precious and worthwhile. You are worth forgiving, indwelling, gifting, and using in my plans and purposes. I value you.” (Read Psalm 139 every day for a week! That should help!).


But even though we know these things in our heads, when we do something that makes us ashamed and small or buy into others’ accusations and abusive words, knowing this doesn’t seem to help unless we choose to believe it! We get into blaming those who diminish us, blaming ourselves for letting them, and blaming anything else in sight!


We can’t believe we did that or said that! We ask ourselves, “How could I?” and we lose self-respect. Our self-worth is shattered and we lose the will to try and grow bigger… to strive to enlarge our lives to let God increase and augment our self value. Or we tell ourselves, “I deserve this treatment because of who I am.”


God wants to bless us by assuring us we are known and loved and He is pleased with us. He is not pleased with our sins of commission or omission, of course, but pleased with us even when we never do it all right. He says, “Well, you never do it all wrong either.” We should believe that still small voice of encouragement!!!!! ♥ ♥


Paul was being criticized and said, “I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself” (1 Cor. 4:3). It’s God who judges us knowing our motives and desires.

~Love xxoo"




I really, really hate it when people give false hope, even when they don't realize it.

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Gotta love this one:


psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in angels. Drop everything and re-post x


The only struggle I see, besides this posters struggle with reality, is the struggle against good grammar.

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psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in angels. Drop everything and re-post x



I'd edit it and repost it.


psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. Zeus has watched you struggling with something. Zeus say its over. Good things are now coming your way. If you believe in Zeus send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. Zeus is going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in Zeus. Drop everything and re-post x


I was on a forum and there were a few people who the phrase "with jesus love everything is possible" in their signature, so I put "with Zeus' love everything is possible". It just pisses me off that they shove that in everyone's face.


I have not been a part of that forum forever. No one ever mentioned anything to me about it.


Too bad Zeus was not real 'cause he's kick jesus' scrawny ass. jesus.gif You better run carpenter boy. zDuivel7.gif

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Gotta love this one:


psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in angels. Drop everything and re-post x


The only struggle I see, besides this posters struggle with reality, is the struggle against good grammar.

I think this sums up christianity pretty well.
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psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. The angels have seen you struggling with something. The angels say its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in angels send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. The angels are going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in angels. Drop everything and re-post x



I'd edit it and repost it.


psssttt, Hey you. Yeah i mean you. If you have taken a minute to read this. Zeus has watched you struggling with something. Zeus say its over. Good things are now coming your way. If you believe in Zeus send this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested. Zeus is going to fix (two) big things in your favor. If you believe in Zeus. Drop everything and re-post x


I was on a forum and there were a few people who the phrase "with jesus love everything is possible" in their signature, so I put "with Zeus' love everything is possible". It just pisses me off that they shove that in everyone's face.


I have not been a part of that forum forever. No one ever mentioned anything to me about it.


Too bad Zeus was not real 'cause he's kick jesus' scrawny ass. jesus.gif You better run carpenter boy. zDuivel7.gif


I love it. What would have been funny is if you had used satan, or better yet, an underworld god, like Hades or Set. I bet that would have set them off.

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Too bad Zeus was not real 'cause he's kick jesus' scrawny ass. jesus.gif You better run carpenter boy. zDuivel7.gif


I'm sure Thuriaz would approve of this statement though Thor would be the god of choice. Given both deal in lighting though...I'd call it even.


My vote would be fore Athena or Freyja. mmm...warrior women gods.

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Too bad Zeus was not real 'cause he's kick jesus' scrawny ass. jesus.gif You better run carpenter boy. zDuivel7.gif


I'm sure Thuriaz would approve of this statement though Thor would be the god of choice. Given both deal in lighting though...I'd call it even.


My vote would be fore Athena or Freyja. mmm...warrior women gods.


True. But if you're wanting a female warrior god, and want to go for the torture and straight kill, you can't beat Kali.

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True. But if you're wanting a female warrior god, and want to go for the torture and straight kill, you can't beat Kali.


true, though Kali always struck me as hipster cat goth....with the whole necklace of skulls thing....black skin....etc.

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True. But if you're wanting a female warrior god, and want to go for the torture and straight kill, you can't beat Kali.


true, though Kali always struck me as hipster cat goth....with the whole necklace of skulls thing....black skin....etc.


Yeah, I can kind of see that.

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