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The Holy Spirit


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1 Corinthians 2:14. But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.

You is one spiritual sumbitch, eh?

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Mystique, why would a group of ex-Christians give a rat's ass about what Paul the Antichrist has to say about anything?


Besides, you haven't demonstrated that you can do anything the least bit useful with this holy ghostie of yours.  Can you move a mountain and drop it into the sea?  Raise the dead?  Feed 5000 people?


Quite frankly, you are utterly impressive.

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Also, you didn't answer my question. How do u know that there aren't people out there doctoring pictures of "The Holy Spirit"?

Few people actually know what the Holy Spirit looks like. He is often mistakenly called a spirit orb, angel orb, or ghost orb. Many do not even know that it is the Holy Spirit that they have photographs and videos of.


John 14:17. the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.


NKJV Scholastic Commentary: Neither sees Him nor knows Him does not mean merely that the world is not able to visually identify the Holy Spirit because He is spirit. Something more is meant: The Spirit of God is active in the world, but His acts go unnoticed by the world (see 1 Cor. 2:14).


Not only is the world unable to identify the Holy Spirit, His acts go unnoticed as well.

There is a website out there that I used to frequent that had Ghost photos. The grand majority of these photos were orbs. Are these orbs also the holy spirit? If it is, there are litterally thousands of these photos.


Also, u need to stop quoting the bible after everything you say, it doesn't make you anymore convincing

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and can be found everywhere. There are literally thousands of photographs of Him on the internet.
God really does a good job of making himself look like a dust particle. If God wanted to show himself, why pick that method? As you said, he is omnipresent, why not sabotage a news broadcast, or set a single tree on fire, or make a cross fall from the sky? His method of appearance is juvenile. Nothing more than a photo bomb.

Just to make sure things are clear. The photographs are of the Holy Spirit. And not Father God or His Son Jesus. Whom by the way still loves you very much and are waiting for you to come back.

Here we go again, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT?! You dont! Nobody does! To claim that YOU do is nonsense



How would you know that a photograph of your mother is your mother? Because you have seen her before. It is not complicated. I have seen the Holy Spirit many times and can identify Him and some of His works.

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Mystique wrote...


"I have shown you photographs and a video of some things I have seen.  They are completely independent of me."


They are independent of your person (unlike dreams or visions) but in this forum you are still the source of them.




I'm skeptical of your claims Mystique, in the same way that you are skeptical of Wikipedia's trustworthiness. 




So why is it ok for you to mistrust Wiki and verify their claims from other sources...


...when you expect me to trust you without verifying your claims from other sources..?




Please answer this question.


I can only show you the truth.

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If he loves me, why doesnt he manifest for me?


You are a grown boy. Do you need your ass wiped as well? GONZ9729CustomImage1541245.gif

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The photographs of the Holy Spirit that I have shown you is the same Holy Spirit that descended from heaven alighting and remaining upon Jesus in bodily.



Uh no, not at all.  The photos you showed us are the Holy Spirit you imagined.  The Gospel of Mark illustrates the Holy Spirit that author imagined.  The other gospels copied from Mark but each author added his own spin to it along the way.




God is not an atom.


Of course not.  Atoms are real.



Our imaginations do not show up on film.



No, your imagination just makes up bullshit explanations about what is 'on' the film.



If this were true, I would be a literary genius.



Making up bullshit explanations does not make someone a literary genius.


Your reply is non-sequitur.

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Also, you didn't answer my question. How do u know that there aren't people out there doctoring pictures of "The Holy Spirit"?

Few people actually know what the Holy Spirit looks like. He is often mistakenly called a spirit orb, angel orb, or ghost orb. Many do not even know that it is the Holy Spirit that they have photographs and videos of.


John 14:17. the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.


NKJV Scholastic Commentary: Neither sees Him nor knows Him does not mean merely that the world is not able to visually identify the Holy Spirit because He is spirit. Something more is meant: The Spirit of God is active in the world, but His acts go unnoticed by the world (see 1 Cor. 2:14).


Not only is the world unable to identify the Holy Spirit, His acts go unnoticed as well.

There is a website out there that I used to frequent that had Ghost photos. The grand majority of these photos were orbs. Are these orbs also the holy spirit? If it is, there are litterally thousands of these photos.


Also, u need to stop quoting the bible after everything you say, it doesn't make you anymore convincing

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and can be found everywhere. There are literally thousands of photographs of Him on the internet.
God really does a good job of making himself look like a dust particle. If God wanted to show himself, why pick that method? As you said, he is omnipresent, why not sabotage a news broadcast, or set a single tree on fire, or make a cross fall from the sky? His method of appearance is juvenile. Nothing more than a photo bomb.
Just to make sure things are clear. The photographs are of the Holy Spirit. And not Father God or His Son Jesus. Whom by the way still loves you very much and are waiting for you to come back.
Here we go again, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT?! You dont! Nobody does! To claim that YOU do is nonsense

How would you know that a photograph of your mother is your mother? Because you have seen her before. It is not complicated. I have seen the Holy Spirit many times and can identify Him and some of His works.

No. I can litterally bring my mother to u, show a birth certificate and a drivers license. Im not going to show u a million pictures on the i ternet of several women and say it was my mother.

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You people do not know much spiritually because if you did you would not be ex-Christians.


Oh, why is that? Are you going to say we were never really true Christians ? Because a true believer would never stop believing? If so, we've heard that one. It's the No True Scotsman fallacy.


Maybe we know quite a bit spiritually but we just dont feel that this knowledge is real so there is no value to it. At one time a lot of us were church-going Christards (probably like you), but our value of faith has diminished. One reason for that diminishment of faith is because there is nothing that occurs that can't be attributed to random chance but a Christian says, "God did it!". Another reason is God never shows up in person for a little chat while we're living yet we are supposed to be afraid of him sending us to hell.  That's a laugh.


It's funny that the only thing a Christian really has is a book of bullshit and the imaginary bullshit he made up in his head. God never appears.

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This is what happens when the Old Ones decide to fuck with us.

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The OP is the only person here who has seen the Holy Spirit and can truly identify Him.



Why is that? 


Many people on this website spent years and years wanting to be good Christians and to have an intimate relationship with God. Many of us experienced "gifts". I've spoken in tongues, been slain in the spirit, felt energy flowing through my body during group prayer, and I could lay my hands on people to relieve their pain - and I'm not even close to being the only one in any of those. Many of us honestly thought we were, in fact, in contact with the Holy Spirit, or spent countless moments praying for it. 


What exactly makes you so different from us that you can say you are the only one here who "can truly identify the Holy Spirit"?



(edit: No need for all those quotes.)

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The scriptures do not teach that the Holy Spirit is a material or physical being.  Jesus clearly said that “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). False teachers such as Benny Hinn teach the Holy Spirit has a body.  


The scripture also state of the Holy Spirit as being omnipresent or present everywhere (Psalm. 139:1-10), it is not communicating that the Holy Spirit is physically distributed throughout the universe, but that the Holy Spirit is present in every part of creation.


When 1 Corinthians 6:19 says the Holy Spirit is in you, it is describing a personal relationship rather than a physical location. To say that the Holy Spirit is in you is not to point out where the Holy Spirit is physically located, but rather to point out that we have come into a  personal relationship with Him through repentance. When Jesus says, “the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:38), He is not speaking of physical location but of relationship.

These days around here, THIS SEEMS REASONABLE!


Even those who believe in the HS, etc. can recognize the OP for what it is. A troll.



The OP is the only person here who has seen the Holy Spirit and can truly identify Him.



This is additional evidence of Mystaken's narcissism.

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Let's vote this little pissant off the island.

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There is an ongoing debate as to whether religion, and even the God concept itself, is a delusion. 


I think we can now all see the difference between merely holding spiritual beliefs and a true, clinical delusional state.

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does the bible describe what the holy spirit looks like? i didn't read anything like that in the bible, correct me if i'm mistaken. even if the holy spirit was real, there is a pretty big chance that these images could be something other than the holy spirit. kind of like when people claim they see UFOs in the sky but it's just a floating light and there's no way to tell for sure 

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Well, I suggest seeing a counselor. This kind of stuff sounds seriously delusional.

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We are weeping.




BOO-hoo. :(

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Thank you, Holy Ghost, for your triumphant return! We need you now!!!

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Sorry to be the one to tell you, but Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Any one on the internet can write in it and edit it.


May I introduce Technologically Impaired Duck, for hours of meme viewing fun.



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Thank you, Holy Ghost, for your triumphant return! We need you now!!!

After reading this thread, I need Me, too! This is a sacrilege! Mystique needs nothing less than for Us to come inside of him.
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Thank you, Holy Ghost, for your triumphant return! We need you now!!!

After reading this thread, I need Me, too! This is a sacrilege! Mystique needs nothing less than for Us to come inside of him.



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Since this is your experience Mystique, let me correct the title for you to reflect the subjective nature of your message.



True Story







Please learn the difference between the subjective and the objective.


Thank you,




Except for the dream I had of Jesus removing the anger and hatred from the devils heart. I was completely awake and vigilant during the entire experience and it would not be considered to be, nor was it in any way subjective.





All of your sensory experiences are subjective unless they can be independently and objectively verified by others.


As I said, you need to learn the difference between what is subjective and what is objective.



My wife I have have seen both seen the same spirits at the same time. Also, an experience does not have to be independently and objectively verified by others to be objective.


It's not implausible for two people to have mental health issues at the same time, and for one to believe the other's delusions are real.  It's even possible for entire groups of people to be deluded, it's called mass hysteria.


When I was a Christian, I used to volunteer at a drop-in centre for people with mental health issues.  They often talked about religious/spiritual ideas, and the ideas were remarkably similar eg "I have seen god/jesus/the holy spirit" or "I am god/jesus/the holy spirit".  These are common delusions the world over, wherever Christianity is prevalent.  In fact, whatever form religious ideas tend to take in a particular culture, those ideas form the subject material for the delusions of the mentally ill.


Mystique, what do those around you, such as friends, family, and health professionals, say about your claims to have seen god/jesus/the holy spirit?

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Mystique: next time you see the 'holy spirit' tell it I said to fuck off.

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Please explain why we should accept your spiritual truths over Uncle Mikey's.


Uncle Mikey's belief that God is an atom is not, has never been, nor will it ever be considered a spiritual truth. You can find spiritual truth in the sacred scriptures of the Holy Bible.



Both Uncle Mikey and the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse...




...would say that what Mystique claims to be spiritual truth are actually spiritual falsehoods.


They find their spiritual truth in the sacred scriptures of the Holy Bible.




So please explain why we should accept your spiritual truth over 3rd eagle's or Uncle Mikey's, Mystique.


How do we objectively know who is right and who is wrong?


(Hint:  Claiming that you are right is NOT an objective answer.)

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You people do not know much spiritually because if you did you would not be ex-Christians.


We know just as much as you do, spiritually. Unlike you however, we are willing to admit it's all bullshit.





You are truly blind and do not know the truth at all.

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