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Goodbye Jesus

What Should We Expect During A Time Of Grace

Guest end3

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Lurkers beware... Here be dragons.

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And Lions.



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Hi End!


Nice to see you lurking again!



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Oh... he's gone again!


Bye, End!  



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Did you watch 'The History of The Earth 'end'? Tell us what you think?


Be accountable when you get in a debate.

Yes, I think it's a speculative youtube video.




One of the greatest favors I ever did in my life was to study human behavior during the time I was deconverting to help me understand the different personalities that I have to deal with in my life that cause me to be frustrated.


What you do 'end'  is called ''covert- passive-aggression behavior'' and it is at the heart of most interpersonal manipulation. What the artful, subtle 'fighter' knows is that if they can get you to doubt yourself by not directly answering questions in a direct manner (causing the other person to feel frustrated) they can 'win'. (Better known as 'crazy-making' for the other person ) and making that other person try to explain themselves even further, continuing to frustrate the questioner (us) and their judgement, there’s a good chance they (you 'end') can get the other person to back down, back-off, or better still, cave-in so they will not question any further.....


So I know what you do. It's actually classified as a form of emotional abuse and I don't take lightly to that immature behavior anymore. I always gave you the 'benefit of the doubt', but no more. Not that you probably care...but nor do I.


Thanks for not fully explaining what you thought of the documentary.

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Did you watch 'The History of The Earth 'end'? Tell us what you think?


Be accountable when you get in a debate.

Yes, I think it's a speculative youtube video.


One of the greatest favors I ever did in my life was to study human behavior during the time I was deconverting to help me understand the different personalities that I have to deal with in my life that cause me to be frustrated.


What you do 'end'  is called ''covert- passive-aggression behavior'' and it is at the heart of most interpersonal manipulation. What the artful, subtle 'fighter' knows is that if they can get you to doubt yourself by not directly answering questions in a direct manner (causing the other person to feel frustrated) they can 'win'. (Better known as 'crazy-making' for the other person ) and making that other person try to explain themselves even further, continuing to frustrate the questioner (us) and their judgement, there’s a good chance they (you 'end') can get the other person to back down, back-off, or better still, cave-in so they will not question any further.....


So I know what you do. It's actually classified as a form of emotional abuse and I don't take lightly to that immature behavior anymore. I always gave you the 'benefit of the doubt', but no more. Not that you probably care...but nor do I.


Thanks for not fully explaining what you thought of the documentary.


I don't think you understand my response M. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Truthfully, I don't know how anyone might accept that video as fact. Given that, I was afraid it would hurt your feelings if I said that.

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Did you watch 'The History of The Earth 'end'? Tell us what you think?


Be accountable when you get in a debate.

Yes, I think it's a speculative youtube video.


One of the greatest favors I ever did in my life was to study human behavior during the time I was deconverting to help me understand the different personalities that I have to deal with in my life that cause me to be frustrated.


What you do 'end'  is called ''covert- passive-aggression behavior'' and it is at the heart of most interpersonal manipulation. What the artful, subtle 'fighter' knows is that if they can get you to doubt yourself by not directly answering questions in a direct manner (causing the other person to feel frustrated) they can 'win'. (Better known as 'crazy-making' for the other person ) and making that other person try to explain themselves even further, continuing to frustrate the questioner (us) and their judgement, there’s a good chance they (you 'end') can get the other person to back down, back-off, or better still, cave-in so they will not question any further.....


So I know what you do. It's actually classified as a form of emotional abuse and I don't take lightly to that immature behavior anymore. I always gave you the 'benefit of the doubt', but no more. Not that you probably care...but nor do I.


Thanks for not fully explaining what you thought of the documentary.


I don't think you understand my response M. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Truthfully, I don't know how anyone might accept that video as fact. Given that, I was afraid it would hurt your feelings if I said that.


Now he turns apologetic and conciliatory...  Now that his spade has been called a spade...Like his behavior was intended for anything other than to frustrate or annoy the rest of us...  Blessed are the peacemakers, indeed... when they're responsible for the war.


Lurkers beware; here be dragons.

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Now he turns apologetic and conciliatory...  Now that his spade has been called a spade...Like his behavior was intended for anything other than to frustrate or annoy the rest of us...  Blessed are the peacemakers, indeed... when they're responsible for the war.


Lurkers beware; here be dragons.

Horse shit. I used the word speculative. That's pretty straightforward. Not my fault she was not satisfied with my response.


Lions and dragons and bears, oh my.

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Why would anyone expect anything to come of a faith vs fact encounter? Faith needs nothing to justify itself, only those seeking evidence have to do any work. 


And I don't accept the assertion that there is even such a thing as a "time of grace."

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And I don't accept the assertion that there is even such a thing as a "time of grace."

Sure you do...you practice it all the time because we can't make a definitive decision.

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End3 clings to certain religious dogma because he thinks it will heal his emotional and psychological dysfunctions.  Not surprisingly, it isn't doing that at all.

You are soo clever. I bet you are a lawyer type...



Not relevant.


Nevertheless, your religious beliefs do not appear to be helping you with your personality disorders.


Try taking responsibility for your situation, instead of blaming others.  That would be a start.  Follow that up with appropriate secular therapy, and medication if indicated.


How many countless times have I told y'all I come here to relieve stress. I argue to relieve stress. I'm not blaming anyone for my stress. Jot it down in you deposition notebook that that's the reason I come here. You can convict me now if you wish.


Have already been to numerous therapists over the years, numerous mind-numbing psychotropic meds to no avail. I would exercise but it's painful. I would rather derive my serotonin via pointing out the flaws in the resident theories.






Well, I guess you'll just remain as you are.  That must suck.



Science doesn't understand "love" and "spirit" and "illogical".


And neither do you.


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So let's see if my objective proof was good enough for you, End.


Do you accept that the Prof was polite and respectful to you, and you repaid this by ignoring him?


Do you accept that it was you who dragged this thread down with insults, foul language and personal attacks?


Do you accept that he wanted a dialog with you and that you were wrong to claim that he didn't?




Fyi, these questions are a test.


To pass the test you must accept the responsibility and the blame for your wrongdoing in all three cases.


Failure to do so will be an elegant proof that you are a shameless and unrepentant denialist.


This will prove that you will deny... anything!  


Even indisputable facts about yourself that are recorded here for all to see.




And if you are prepared to deny the facts about yourself, what hope is there that you'll ever stop your denying ways?


No facts or evidence or data will ever be good enough for you because you'll always deny it!


Bumped for End3's attention!

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Now he turns apologetic and conciliatory...  Now that his spade has been called a spade...Like his behavior was intended for anything other than to frustrate or annoy the rest of us...  Blessed are the peacemakers, indeed... when they're responsible for the war.


Lurkers beware; here be dragons.

Horse shit. I used the word speculative. That's pretty straightforward. Not my fault she was not satisfied with my response.


Lions and dragons and bears, oh my.


This man purports to know the "truth" about all of us... our "need" for "intellectual faith"... our need to accept "grace"... our arrogance bolstered by scientific inquiry... our ego.


Yet here we see what happens when he is faced with the truth about himself.  He immediately denies it and seeks to place the blame upon another.


Lurkers, especially those of you who still might lean toward christianity, take note of this behavior and ask yourselves, "Is this the best my religion has to offer?"

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And I don't accept the assertion that there is even such a thing as a "time of grace."

Sure you do...you practice it all the time because we can't make a definitive decision.



It's often difficult to work out what End means.


Does he mean that because we are all living in a time of grace, Florduh must therefore be practicing grace every time he we (everyone?) can't make a definitive decision?






Edited to change he (Florduh) to we (everyone)... I think?

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

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Now he turns apologetic and conciliatory...  Now that his spade has been called a spade...Like his behavior was intended for anything other than to frustrate or annoy the rest of us...  Blessed are the peacemakers, indeed... when they're responsible for the war.


Lurkers beware; here be dragons.

Horse shit. I used the word speculative. That's pretty straightforward. Not my fault she was not satisfied with my response.


Lions and dragons and bears, oh my.


This man purports to know the "truth" about all of us... our "need" for "intellectual faith"... our need to accept "grace"... our arrogance bolstered by scientific inquiry... our ego.


Yet here we see what happens when he is faced with the truth about himself.  He immediately denies it and seeks to place the blame upon another.


Lurkers, especially those of you who still might lean toward christianity, take note of this behavior and ask yourselves, "Is this the best my religion has to offer?"


My "truth" about her is she is a very nice person that got fooled by the like of you Prof...and science. Those are my real feelings about her. Bet I'm not wrong.

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

Bob, in case you don't know WHY Christians worship Christ, it is because WE are NOT Christ,...lost sinners. Thanks for pointing this out to the crowd why we should look to Christ.

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My "truth" about her is she is a very nice person the got fooled by the like of you Prof...and science. Those are my real feelings about her. Bet I'm not wrong.



You keep saying "fooled" - provide some reasons why!


So far, all you've supplied is "i'm right because I believe I'm right..."


A bunch of claims backed up with nothing. 


Oh - and your subject arguments are bullshit, because subjective can mean anything. Your arguments and defense can be applied to (as others have pointed out) Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, any one of thousands of contradictory christian beliefs, naturism, wiccan, etc....what makes YOURS real and those OTHERS false? And don't say "the devil", because they could say the same thing about your beliefs. (Fooled by some demon/devil thingie) 

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

Bob, in case you don't know WHY Christians worship Christ, it is because WE are NOT Christ,...lost sinners. Thanks for pointing this out to the crowd why we should look to Christ.





Why claim that we should look to Christ when your behavior clearly demonstrates that you don't look to him?


Galatians 5 : 19 - 21.


19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 

20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 

21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. 

I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.


Your spiritual fruit (behavior) is an indicator that you look only to serve your own selfish heart.

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

Bob, in case you don't know WHY Christians worship Christ, it is because WE are NOT Christ,...lost sinners. Thanks for pointing this out to the crowd why we should look to Christ.



Being ex-christian, I know why christians worship christ. 


I also know that as a True Believer™ is indwelled with the holy spirit and given fruits of the spirit. 

Galatians 5:22-23, right? 


I see no love here. Cursing at people is not love. 

I see no patience. Refusing to answer questions shows no patience. 

I see no joy. You specifically admitted you come here to "destress", which includes arguing and name calling, apparently.

I see no self control.


I don't see any marks of being a True Believer™. 


I think you are a "True Christian" talked about in Matthew 7:21-23. 

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

Bob, in case you don't know WHY Christians worship Christ, it is because WE are NOT Christ,...lost sinners. Thanks for pointing this out to the crowd why we should look to Christ.



Being ex-christian, I know why christians worship christ. 


I also know that as a True Believer™ is indwelled with the holy spirit and given fruits of the spirit. 

Galatians 5:22-23, right? 


I see no love here. Cursing at people is not love. 

I see no patience. Refusing to answer questions shows no patience. 

I see no joy. You specifically admitted you come here to "destress", which includes arguing and name calling, apparently.

I see no self control.


I don't see any marks of being a True Believer™. 


I think you are a "True Christian" talked about in Matthew 7:21-23. 



Truly, Bob,


You see End3 for  exactly the hypocrite he really is.  goodjob.gif




The Apostle Paul had some stern words for those like End who claim to be living by grace, but who are actually using God's grace as an excuse to cover up their sinful ways. (Emphasis is mine.)


Romans 6 : 1 - 14.


Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ


What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?

By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.

For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin—

because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.

For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.

10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

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...and before he starts claiming he isn't sinning (i'm not sure he will, but to cover the grounds) - he should read Ephesians 4, 29. 

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Look doubters on the edge and see the face of your christian apologetics. Your defenders. 


I've read this entire thread and I've seen rational deconstruction of a christian argument. Then, when asked some questions, the staunch christian defender ignores said questions and quickly resorts to that powerful, christlike love we all hear about. Cursing, name calling, and excuses. 


If you need any more evidence that there is no such thing as a christian god, nor holy spirit, then this wonderful thread provides ample amounts of evidence.

Bob, in case you don't know WHY Christians worship Christ, it is because WE are NOT Christ,...lost sinners. Thanks for pointing this out to the crowd why we should look to Christ.



I've just re-read End's response to Bob and realized that I'd completely missed these incredible blunders!  eek.gif



Ok, Christians are NOT Christ... but by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ lives within each true Christian believer.  

So does End truly believe that Jesus lives within him?  From what he's written here, probably not.  End seems to be looking to a Christ who's 'someplace else' and who's NOT living within him.  If he believes that Christ is 'elsewhere' and not living within him, that belief is not part of Biblical Christianity!



No true christian is a lost sinner... any more.  

Does End truly believe that he's still a lost sinner?  If he really is a Christian, then he cannot be a lost sinner.  He can only be a saved one!  So which is it?  Is End a lost sinner or a saved sinner?  He doesn't seem to know which.  And if he believes that true Christians are still lost sinners, then that's heresy!



Looking to Christ is ok for those who have faith.  But for those who don't, the best way these people can see Christ is in the behavior of the true Christian.  

So, if End is saying that the faithless should look to Christ...then he's not telling it right!  The faithful rightly look to Christ.  But the faithless cannot do this until they are FIRST convicted of their sin and realize that they must look to Jesus to be saved from their sins.  How does this happen in this forum?  How are the faithless convicted of their sin in this forum?  By the true Christian members showing them Christ in their Christ-like behavior.  That's how.


If End's behavior agrees with how the Bible says a true Christian will behave, then this is the most persuasive testimony for the truth of Christianity. 





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...and before he starts claiming he isn't sinning (i'm not sure he will, but to cover the grounds) - he should read Ephesians 4, 29. 


Good point Bob!


And don't forget 1 John 1 : 8 - 10.


8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


If End claims he isn't sinning, then he's making God out to be a liar.


So unless he confesses his sins he's still living in the filth of his own unrighteousness.

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