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Goodbye Jesus

Things Fundies Say On Facebook

Brother Jeff

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Naughty god! Stop violating free will! Crazy bastard's always doing shit like that. He won't violate free will to save souls, but he WILL do it to slaughter Egyptians or get secondhand goods sold on CL.


I'd be more amazed if they were selling a vulva-shaped couch or a hostile cat and it went that fast. Tables are always quick to go.

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Goodbye Jesus

Oi, what IS it with people and nutty religious aunts? Seriously, I have one too! Is there some nutty religious aunt gene we have yet to discover?


I've got one too. Mine's so obsessed with the end times, she's forever jetting off to Israel to "keep tabs on developments". WendyDoh.gif

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Found out this today god is violating free will on craigslist. Who knew?


After less than 24 hours on Craigslist we just sold the end tables and coffee table! Thanks, God!


Hmph. Guess we didn't pray hard enough when we were trying to sell our house on Craigslist for 3 F-ing YEARS. Maybe god is more into selling furniture. glare.gif


You forgot the magic formula.


1. Pray for what you want -- your house to be sold at a reasonable price.

2. If you get it, thank God!

3. If you don't, God either said no or not yet. Thank God, and wait while continuing to pray.

4. If your house is sold later (3 years later), God previously told you not yet, but in His own timing executed his will. Thank God.

5. If your house never sells, then God intended you to keep it. His ways are above our ways, donchaknow. Thank God for this as well.


Isn't it frustrating that this same formula can be carried out for just about ANY prayer you can think of?

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Found out this today god is violating free will on craigslist. Who knew?


After less than 24 hours on Craigslist we just sold the end tables and coffee table! Thanks, God!


Hmph. Guess we didn't pray hard enough when we were trying to sell our house on Craigslist for 3 F-ing YEARS. Maybe god is more into selling furniture. glare.gif


You forgot the magic formula.


1. Pray for what you want -- your house to be sold at a reasonable price.

2. If you get it, thank God!

3. If you don't, God either said no or not yet. Thank God, and wait while continuing to pray.

4. If your house is sold later (3 years later), God previously told you not yet, but in His own timing executed his will. Thank God.

5. If your house never sells, then God intended you to keep it. His ways are above our ways, donchaknow. Thank God for this as well.


Isn't it frustrating that this same formula can be carried out for just about ANY prayer you can think of?


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I don't know if this was posted before, I didn't go through all 33 pages of this thread.

Here is what my cousin posted on facebook this week. He got 24 people like this.


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I don't know if this was posted before, I didn't go through all 33 pages of this thread.

Here is what my cousin posted on facebook this week. He got 24 people like this.

LOL! So bad! "We all do dumb things. Riding a unicorn, sitting on its head, doesn't have to be one of them."

Gawd. Some people.

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One of my friends posted this link:


I guess that is her choice to bring the baby into the world. I don't think I would have. Anyways, the reason I have posted this article is the comment underneath that was posted 6 hours ago and had 839 "likes".




When I was 17 I found out I was pregnant in November. I was shocked but happy, as my now husband and I were already planning to get married in the spring. I was really sick with the pregnancy from day one, and I just chalked it up to morning sickness. In January, I was hospitalized, and nearly died from E-coli. In February, I elected to have the maternal serum screening. About a week after having the blood drawn, I received a call from my ob saying that I had elevated fetal protein in my blood stream which is an indication of downs syndrome as well as spina bifida. However, the nurse also informed me that it was not unusual to get a false reading because this test must be done in a very narrow time period of gestation to be accurate. I felt certain that my due date was incorrect, therefore presenting inaccurate test results. I was scheduled for a 3d ultrasound with the maternal/fetal specialist. I arrived to my appointment with a feeling of certainty that all was well, and prepared to learn the sex of our first child. I mean, in my head, I was young and active, and healthy, so what could possibly go wrong, right? Boy was I wrong. We were called back to the room, and the technician began the ultrasound. Within the first few minutes the room became completely silent. When we asked the sex of the baby, she wouldn't tell us. She left to consult with the doctor, then came back in needing to take more images. At this time, I began to worry. After collecting several more images, she walked out of the room without saying another word, and immediately following the doctor entered. He then also stated that he needed to take a few more images. After doing so, he very rudely informed us that our "fetus" unfortunately had a very severe birth defect called anencephaly. In the first stages of gestation, the brain normally forms, however our child's did not. She had only a brain stem. Her skull also didn't fully develop, and stopped just above the eye sockets. He said that we should terminate immediately, and then proceeded to pull a prescription pad from his pocket, and prescribe me a medication to induce labor. At this point, I asked him to stop, and just allow me to go home. I could not even begin to absorb the information I had just been given, let alone make a snap decision to end my child's life. He protested, but I stood firm. He tried convincing me that I was risking my life by continuing my pregnancy, but I knew that MY GOD was in control, and if he wanted to take me with my daughter, he would do it regardless! I felt that I was not the one to decide how many, if any, breathes my daughter would take on this earth. I pulled all my strength together, and walked out of the office. I went home, and cried for the next 2 days. This was on Friday. At this point, I had not felt any fetal movement at all. On Sunday, I knew where I needed to leave my worries, so I went to church with my daddy. When the preacher asked for prayer request, I stood and begged for him to please pray for my baby, at which time he asked all of the mothers in the congregation to lay hands on my stomach as the church prayed God's will over me and my unborn child. At that very moment, my daughter moved for the very first time, and I knew that it was the answer I was searching for. In that very moment, God proved to me that despite what the doctor said, there was a valid life inside of me. On Monday morning, I went for a follow-up with my doctor, at which point I demanded another ultrasound in which everything was pointed out to me, and also, I wanted to know the gender. I asked what the risks to me would be, if I chose to continue the pregnancy, to which he said none at that time, so I asked that I be treated as any other patient, and continue my prenatal care as normal. He was totally fine with my decision. As my due date became closer, my blood pressure began to increase. He informed me that he was going to watch me closely, and as long as it wasn't too high, we could continue, but if my health became at risk, then he would intervene. I agreed. At 33 weeks, I went in for a check-up, at which point my blood pressure was dangerously high, so as he had said he would, he stepped in and made the decision to induce. I was ok with this decision, because at 33 weeks, she had a fighting chance if they were wrong. Unfortunately, they weren't. On May 11, 2002 I gave birth to my sweet angel Hailey Renee Stephens. She weighed 3 lbs, 4 oz, and was absolutely perfect, except for the brain. The diagnosis was correct. My angel lived for approx. 4 1/2 hours, the majority of which I was in recovery and unable to see her. During that time, she did get to meet all of her family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents. When I was finally taken from recovery to a room, and the doctors had updated me on her situation, I was finally given my angel. She was soooo beautiful. She died in my arms shortly after. I couldn't understand why I was being punished. The next day was mother's day, and boy was that heart breaking. I have always heard that hind-site is 20/20, and now I understand. I am now the mother of 2 perfectly healthy beautiful children, who I appreciate so much more because of Hailey. I don't take them for granted, I am not careless with who or what I expose them too! God made me a better parent by placing Hailey in my life. Also, he prepared us for tragedies that were yet to come. In 2006, my husband lost both of his parents, suddenly, within 4 months of each other. I can honestly say that he was able to get through because we had suffered the greatest loss ever. People often ask if I regret not terminating her, to which I can say with all certainty no! She gave me a greater appreciation for life itself, and I would do it all over again. My children have pictures to look at, as do I, and I have the comfort of knowing that there is an angel in heaven who belongs to me. My OWN PERSONAL GUARDIAN ANGEL! I hope that Christian has a long happy life, and that he continues to inspire people all around the globe!


I couldn't believe she found out the fetus did not have a brain (google anencephaly -- but prepare yourself). She goes on about how beautiful it was and how her family got to meet it -- I can only imagine they were in horror but were too kind to admit it.


How is an unborn malformed fetus this sanctimonious? Does she feel as strongly about the billions of humans in putrid living conditions right now?

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I couldn't believe she found out the fetus did not have a brain (google anencephaly -- but prepare yourself). She goes on about how beautiful it was and how her family got to meet it -- I can only imagine they were in horror but were too kind to admit it.


How is an unborn malformed fetus this sanctimonious? Does she feel as strongly about the billions of humans in putrid living conditions right now?


Oh my... I definitely should not have google searched that.blink.pngsad.png


I don't understand why someone would want to birth a child just so that it could die. I also don't understand how someone can still look at this positively... It's like she's saying "yeah, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, so everything else just seems like nothing. Thank God!"

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That's ghastly. I guess it's her choice, but holy cow that's ghastly.

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A brief exchange with a fundy I had recently:



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Ha ha, that's like the Seinfeld episode where George places a stack of dollar bills in front of the waitress. He tells her, this is your tip. The stack can either grow or shrink depending on the quality of service I receive. Good luck!

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A brief exchange with a fundy I had recently:





TOTAL PWNAGE!!!!! Wish I could be that open on FB.

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TOTAL PWNAGE!!!!! Wish I could be that open on FB.


Thanks mcdaddy. My openness on FB is very new and still pretty limited as I haven't come out to everybody yet. But yeah, it feels good to be able to be me :)

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'brood of vipers' OMG, what the hell is this person?

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She sounds like she is casting a spell on you!

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I love how agnostic/atheists know the bible better than Christians, generally. But since we aren't lead by the HS in all truth, it's pretty much irrelevant to them.

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I recently posted and article on my facebook page regarding some innocent people who were burned to death in their own home for "witchcraft" in Limpopo (.http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Witchcraft-is-a-religion-20120414#.T4wJ_LN5qsA.facebook )The article also talked about and explained about witchcraft as a religion. I commented that what happened to those people was a result of ignorance and hatred. A friend I have known for 16 years, who I thought I knew anyway, replied with this little gem:


There are three gifts that God gave to every human being at the point of conception, 1: A purpose for their lives. 2: Talents. 3: Free will. You chose whether to use your talents to fulfill your purpose or to gratify your lusts. (You choose what to make of yourself and where your ultimate destination will be.) The greatest of them is Free Will, and it is irrevocable. God will not take them back as He is our Father not a Puppet Master.


This seemed to me tacky, arrogant and just fucking stupid to post having nothing at all to do with the article and or what my comment was. Gratify your lusts? the only lusts I see gratified in the article is the bloodlust of the christian nut cases who killed innocent people in the name of their batshit craziness. She sounds like shes trying to use this choices/free-will bullshit to blame the victims because they were not good with teh jeebus. It was never verified in the article that these people were not christian and most likely wasn't the case. I found her response extremely offensive and I'm really considering unfriending her. We have a long history and she and I have always gotten along well, religions and politics never having been an issue all these years. But it seems that she has drank the batshit crazy kool-aide and is now supporting the extremist christian right and has been forwarding christian spam of the most idiotic and hateful type to me. This is how i responded and it was a struggle to be civil.


Yes, we are given choices in this life, those which you have outlined apply only to one group of individuals. We as human beings have the choice to be hateful, bigoted and judgmental or to treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves, to grant others the same rights and freedoms that we enjoy or to deny them and become the worst kind of hypocrites. To see people through the narrow minded filter of "us and them" or to see see them as individuals worthy of respect as we would wish them to see us. I make no apologies for falling firmly into the latter category.


I fully expect some Total bullshit response,most likely scripture, from her.

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A brief exchange with a fundy I had recently:

Oh, how quickly our Christian kin turn away when someone dares admit that the emperor is wearing no clothes!


Brood of vipers? Pearls to swine? Wow...I don't even know how to comment on this hyperbolic Christbot verbal assault.


Did you unfriend or did she?

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One of my friends posted this link:


I guess that is her choice to bring the baby into the world. I don't think I would have. Anyways, the reason I have posted this article is the comment underneath that was posted 6 hours ago and had 839 "likes".







When I was 17 I found out I was pregnant in November. I was shocked but happy, as my now husband and I were already planning to get married in the spring. I was really sick with the pregnancy from day one, and I just chalked it up to morning sickness. In January, I was hospitalized, and nearly died from E-coli. In February, I elected to have the maternal serum screening. About a week after having the blood drawn, I received a call from my ob saying that I had elevated fetal protein in my blood stream which is an indication of downs syndrome as well as spina bifida. However, the nurse also informed me that it was not unusual to get a false reading because this test must be done in a very narrow time period of gestation to be accurate. I felt certain that my due date was incorrect, therefore presenting inaccurate test results. I was scheduled for a 3d ultrasound with the maternal/fetal specialist. I arrived to my appointment with a feeling of certainty that all was well, and prepared to learn the sex of our first child. I mean, in my head, I was young and active, and healthy, so what could possibly go wrong, right? Boy was I wrong. We were called back to the room, and the technician began the ultrasound. Within the first few minutes the room became completely silent. When we asked the sex of the baby, she wouldn't tell us. She left to consult with the doctor, then came back in needing to take more images. At this time, I began to worry. After collecting several more images, she walked out of the room without saying another word, and immediately following the doctor entered. He then also stated that he needed to take a few more images. After doing so, he very rudely informed us that our "fetus" unfortunately had a very severe birth defect called anencephaly. In the first stages of gestation, the brain normally forms, however our child's did not. She had only a brain stem. Her skull also didn't fully develop, and stopped just above the eye sockets. He said that we should terminate immediately, and then proceeded to pull a prescription pad from his pocket, and prescribe me a medication to induce labor. At this point, I asked him to stop, and just allow me to go home. I could not even begin to absorb the information I had just been given, let alone make a snap decision to end my child's life. He protested, but I stood firm. He tried convincing me that I was risking my life by continuing my pregnancy, but I knew that MY GOD was in control, and if he wanted to take me with my daughter, he would do it regardless! I felt that I was not the one to decide how many, if any, breathes my daughter would take on this earth. I pulled all my strength together, and walked out of the office. I went home, and cried for the next 2 days. This was on Friday. At this point, I had not felt any fetal movement at all. On Sunday, I knew where I needed to leave my worries, so I went to church with my daddy. When the preacher asked for prayer request, I stood and begged for him to please pray for my baby, at which time he asked all of the mothers in the congregation to lay hands on my stomach as the church prayed God's will over me and my unborn child. At that very moment, my daughter moved for the very first time, and I knew that it was the answer I was searching for. In that very moment, God proved to me that despite what the doctor said, there was a valid life inside of me. On Monday morning, I went for a follow-up with my doctor, at which point I demanded another ultrasound in which everything was pointed out to me, and also, I wanted to know the gender. I asked what the risks to me would be, if I chose to continue the pregnancy, to which he said none at that time, so I asked that I be treated as any other patient, and continue my prenatal care as normal. He was totally fine with my decision. As my due date became closer, my blood pressure began to increase. He informed me that he was going to watch me closely, and as long as it wasn't too high, we could continue, but if my health became at risk, then he would intervene. I agreed. At 33 weeks, I went in for a check-up, at which point my blood pressure was dangerously high, so as he had said he would, he stepped in and made the decision to induce. I was ok with this decision, because at 33 weeks, she had a fighting chance if they were wrong. Unfortunately, they weren't. On May 11, 2002 I gave birth to my sweet angel Hailey Renee Stephens. She weighed 3 lbs, 4 oz, and was absolutely perfect, except for the brain. The diagnosis was correct. My angel lived for approx. 4 1/2 hours, the majority of which I was in recovery and unable to see her. During that time, she did get to meet all of her family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents. When I was finally taken from recovery to a room, and the doctors had updated me on her situation, I was finally given my angel. She was soooo beautiful. She died in my arms shortly after. I couldn't understand why I was being punished. The next day was mother's day, and boy was that heart breaking. I have always heard that hind-site is 20/20, and now I understand. I am now the mother of 2 perfectly healthy beautiful children, who I appreciate so much more because of Hailey. I don't take them for granted, I am not careless with who or what I expose them too! God made me a better parent by placing Hailey in my life. Also, he prepared us for tragedies that were yet to come. In 2006, my husband lost both of his parents, suddenly, within 4 months of each other. I can honestly say that he was able to get through because we had suffered the greatest loss ever. People often ask if I regret not terminating her, to which I can say with all certainty no! She gave me a greater appreciation for life itself, and I would do it all over again. My children have pictures to look at, as do I, and I have the comfort of knowing that there is an angel in heaven who belongs to me. My OWN PERSONAL GUARDIAN ANGEL! I hope that Christian has a long happy life, and that he continues to inspire people all around the globe!


I couldn't believe she found out the fetus did not have a brain (google anencephaly -- but prepare yourself). She goes on about how beautiful it was and how her family got to meet it -- I can only imagine they were in horror but were too kind to admit it.


How is an unborn malformed fetus this sanctimonious? Does she feel as strongly about the billions of humans in putrid living conditions right now?


Not to be insensitive, but when I read "he was absolutely perfect, expect for the brain" I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I mean how much farther away from perfect can you be by being born without a brain?

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anencephaly story.



It took me a bit to figure out why this article bothered me so much. Besides the obvious which marmot and others mentioned. The part that got me was this.


She goes in for the ultrasound and finds out about the anencephaly. Then goes to church to pray about it. Everything lays hands and prays and she feels the baby kick and "knew the drs were wrong and she had a viable life inside her". The dr plays along because if there is not current risk there is no medical reason to not let the pregnancy go on. At 33 weeks the baby was born "and I knew it would have a chance".


1) the whole reason you even had the discussion about terminating the pregnancy was because of science.

2) the whole reason you "knew" the baby would have a chance at living at 33 weeks was because of medical science.

3) the whole reason the dr recommended terminating the pregnancy was because these things have a habit of going south very quickly. My best friend nearly lost his wife because her body rejected an anencephalic fetus and caused hemorageing. Mom lost so much blood she passed out and didn't wake up till about 48hrs later.

4) the baby kicking was probably a response to having to many people putting pressure on her uterus, and doesn't mean a damn thing.


But because the baby moved we must reject science, despite the fact that the science and the drs were correct. The baby died anyway. Yes let's just risk our own health for the sake of bring a child into the world knowing it would die within hours.


arrruagh :banghead:

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A brief exchange with a fundy I had recently:


'brood of vipers' OMG, what the hell is this person?


A mean old uninformed grandma. See below...


She sounds like she is casting a spell on you!




I love how agnostic/atheists know the bible better than Christians, generally. But since we aren't lead by the HS in all truth, it's pretty much irrelevant to them.


It was so predictable that she would go to an ad hominem attack the second the facts caught up to her.


Oh, how quickly our Christian kin turn away when someone dares admit that the emperor is wearing no clothes!


Brood of vipers? Pearls to swine? Wow...I don't even know how to comment on this hyperbolic Christbot verbal assault.


Did you unfriend or did she?


Here's what makes this even more sad. Jane is the grandmother of an atheist friend of mine. My friend put a fairly innocuous anti-religious statement on his wall. His grandmother Jane (who is not a friend of mine) was being obnoxious on his post. After 24 hours of inactivity on the post, she tried to get in the last punch with the "let's remember here the TRUTH of the matter is:" quote. That's when I stepped in to call bullshit on her.


So, when she was calling us swine and vipers it was directed at me AND her own grandson.


Very sad indeed.

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also sounded like a typical gradeschool playground thing.


Two kids arguing about something.....then older kid tries to get the last word in cause they know better....then third party steps in and agrees with younger kids. Older kid gets pissed because they were just proven wrong in detail and has no response to that.


"We'll your just a do do head" came to mind when I read that.

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A brief exchange with a fundy I had recently:




Xians don't want truth, facts or honesty...they want you to believe in Jeebus! :-)

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