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Why do atheists in fundy mails have so much more fun than I do?

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Why do atheists in fundy mails have so much more fun than I do?


Perhaps your copy of the Atheist Manifestoâ„¢ is missing a few pages?


Besides, isn't your alter ego straight?



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I'M GAY?!?!?!? Damn me, why am I always the last to know these things?

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TBH, if I have an alter ego it probably looks like this



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Okay, I've got a particularly weird Sunday to report for 12/30/07...


Started fashionably late (translation: slept in past 1 p.m.). Had breakfast, then ran three boxes of wine and liquor bottles over to a local recycling depot. (I've been tidying up the basement, and these are bottles that I had saved but decided to not use for brewing... Wrong types of bottles, or labels stuck on with glue impervious to solvents, reason, anguished pleas and/or brute force).


Then I picked up some wood for an upcoming project, and a box of concrete screws.


Upon my return home, Red and I went out back to the garage, and installed a small section of sill plate and two 2x6's to replace two wall studs that had completely rotted away at the bottom. Essentially, we lifted a small section of the garage roof using a piece of lumber and the jack from the trunk of my car.


After about three hours of measuring and cutting and drilling, I'm pleased to say that the northwest corner of my garage is feeling much better, thank you.


I, on the other hand, was rather chilled. I took a long bubble bath and spent the rest of the evening in bed, reading The God Delusion.

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Sadly, I must attend church. It starts at 11am here in the Upper Midwest.


Right now, I am posting my random mind scat here while my wife is playing PS2. She is dressed and ready to teach CCD & I am still feeling like a colt trapped in the afterbirth.


I am doing it for two reasons: 1) I love my spouse and 2) I have two elderly neighbors that can't attend anymore. I take their offering for them, and return with a bulletin and a copy of the Catholic version of the NY Times.


I wish I could sleep in, but protocol dictates otherwise.


After that hour of hell, I will fix lunch and then go my high school and grade papers so I can tell my students whether or not they shall be exempt from the semester tests I must give this week. I will turn on podcasts of the Infidel Guy and Freethought Radio to detoxify my mind from the Catholic toxin I've slurped for that hour of my life I'll never get back.


Remember, men, if she ain't happy, then you ain't happy.

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Sadly, I must attend church.


I am still feeling like a colt trapped in the afterbirth.


I wish I could sleep in, but protocol dictates otherwise.


After that hour of hell


the Catholic toxin I've slurped for that hour of my life I'll never get back.


Remember, men, if she ain't happy, then you ain't happy.


Forgive my insensitivity, but it doesn't sound like making her happy (going to church) is making you too happy any way. You might want to consider an alternative approach.....


Just sayin'...

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Get rid and marry a stripper from Reno... :fdevil:

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Personally I wouldn't consider strippers reliable marrying material. I am not opposed, however, to dating one and getting as much crazy as you can before it all goes south on you. Just don't make it a life goal. LOL


Me, I'm redesigning my family web site (switching from WordPress to a full CMS) and getting ready to go see some friends for xmas/birthday gift exchanging and wine drinking. Another fruitful, fun, productive and yet relaxing Sunday morning.

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I'm getting ready to go shopping with a new girlfriend. Can you say, new wardrobe? :D

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I'm descaling appliances and taking down Christmas, while doing some project planning for 08 marketing at the Holistic Centre...

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Forgive my insensitivity, but it doesn't sound like making her happy (going to church) is making you too happy any way. You might want to consider an alternative approach.....


Just sayin'...


No, I understand and I think you're right. I don't know what else to do as of now. I am thinking, but it's pretty hard when you live in a small town where everybody knows everybody.

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Forgive my insensitivity, but it doesn't sound like making her happy (going to church) is making you too happy any way. You might want to consider an alternative approach.....


Just sayin'...


No, I understand and I think you're right. I don't know what else to do as of now. I am thinking, but it's pretty hard when you live in a small town where everybody knows everybody.


not to mention............NORTH DAKOTA????............wow - probably not a lot of atheist/agnostic people to hang out with up there either.....


yeah, that's a major decision. My wife heathened along with me. I have no basis of comparison with your situation.

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Surfing the web and hanging out here catching up on posts I don't have time to read during the week! Hows that for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Slept in till 1:00pm while the parents went to church...oh the joy! Planning on keeping the pj's on till bedtime rolls around again...why bother change now? Love this ex-c life :grin:

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Forgive my insensitivity, but it doesn't sound like making her happy (going to church) is making you too happy any way. You might want to consider an alternative approach.....


Just sayin'...


No, I understand and I think you're right. I don't know what else to do as of now. I am thinking, but it's pretty hard when you live in a small town where everybody knows everybody.


not to mention............NORTH DAKOTA????............wow - probably not a lot of atheist/agnostic people to hang out with up there either.....


yeah, that's a major decision. My wife heathened along with me. I have no basis of comparison with your situation.


Plus, I live in 'a hub' of only 1300 people in the western end of the state (about 80-100 miles from Montana). The closest towns are almost 20 miles to the east and 35 miles to the west and there is vast openness in every direction. We are talking RURAL!


Yeah, I really feel alone in some ways. In fact, we both do. Even though both of our families are in the same state, we are separated from them by over 200 miles in the same general direction. She loves church because she needs the social contacts, while I can do pretty well in hermitage. Right now, I am looking for new jobs closer to home and maybe then I'll be able to find friends who are a little more like-minded with me. And maybe she can, too.

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I recorded a black metal guitar track and watched some NFL playoffs while my Dad and family were at church, it definitely beats going every Sunday like I used to do.

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Karate classes are back on after the holiday break. Life is good.


Went out for coffee after class, then picked up a few things at the store. Upon returning home, we laid out a lovely spread of Mandarin oranges and assorted junk food.


Then I spent about an hour tinkering with my new Bonade inverted clarinet ligature, and selecting studies for my Grade 4 exam in June.


Still to come: Supper (I smell some lovely fish cooking downstairs) and some violin playing.

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Good morning Fellow Heathenites*.


This fine, church-free Sunday morning I woke up late (7:45 AM), threw on my Pandora tunes and made bacon and peach pancakes for me and the kids. Right now we are all on our computers for a bit before we head out the door for my sisters house, where I will attempt to rescue her laptop from the throes of a nasty virus and then enjoy a nice day with the family, some of whom are indeed Christian but not the fundy-preachy, bigoted type.




About the word heathenite. Funny story behind that. Chris, a Christian friend of mine when I was in my twenties who was from Texas one day started talking about how he loved to watch "Heathenite." We questioned Chris on what exactly "Heathenite" was and he just kept repeating it "You know, Heathenite!" Finally we got it out of him. He was referring to watching the show Heat Of The Night, which was forbidden fruit at the Southern Baptist Christian non-profit organization where we worked and lived. We were laughing so hard and poor Chris just stood there all befuddled because he could not for the life of him say the name correctly with his Texas drawl. Somehow that word has stuck with me all these years and still brings a trollish grin to my face...

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Personally I wouldn't consider strippers reliable marrying material. I am not opposed, however, to dating one and getting as much crazy as you can before it all goes south on you. Just don't make it a life goal. LOL


Me, I'm redesigning my family web site (switching from WordPress to a full CMS) and getting ready to go see some friends for xmas/birthday gift exchanging and wine drinking. Another fruitful, fun, productive and yet relaxing Sunday morning.


LOL late teen, early 20s flashback! I dated a stripper for about an entire month (lol long time back then), it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's all nice an stuff when all you want is poon, but if you start to develop feelings above the waist line... Not good dating material at all. It's not really what I would call a "warm fuzzy feeling" watching a gross looking older man shove bills into her g-string...


Funny actually to me now looking back. :)

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Good morning Fellow Heathenites*.


This fine, church-free Sunday morning I woke up late (7:45 AM), threw on my Pandora tunes and made bacon and peach pancakes for me and the kids. Right now we are all on our computers for a bit before we head out the door for my sisters house, where I will attempt to rescue her laptop from the throes of a nasty virus and then enjoy a nice day with the family, some of whom are indeed Christian but not the fundy-preachy, bigoted type.


I am fixin to take the atv out in the woods again, taking extra gas and hanging in the woods most of the day. Found a spot yesterday with a nice fresh water creek, might see if I can catch some brim.


BTW Kelli, it's good to see you are getting more comfortable with yourself, enough to put your pic in your avatar. I remember when I first started talking to you, it was like "pulling teeth" to get you to post a picture of yourself, now you show it casually. That's good, I'm glad you are building confidence. Something happen to you to make you 100% less shy? Not a bad shot of you either btw.

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Going to go shopping. I need groceries and other stuff. If I have any time left, I just commenced with an online course and I just might start reading my texts.

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I am fixin to take the atv out in the woods again, taking extra gas and hanging in the woods most of the day. Found a spot yesterday with a nice fresh water creek, might see if I can catch some brim.


BTW Kelli, it's good to see you are getting more comfortable with yourself, enough to put your pic in your avatar. I remember when I first started talking to you, it was like "pulling teeth" to get you to post a picture of yourself, now you show it casually. That's good, I'm glad you are building confidence. Something happen to you to make you 100% less shy? Not a bad shot of you either btw.


Sounds like fun. I could use some time enjoying nature right about now. I miss it.


Thank you for the compliments, I could really use them right now LOL.


I am much more comfortable, yes. I've not changed in the face nearly enough to make me happy with it. I do get stares quite a bit when I'm out and about. My attitude is that I'm a work in progress. Don't like it? Fuck off. I've been told by someone in the plastic surgery industry NOT to get anything done with my face yet because my facial bone structure will work very well with the hormones and I'll likely be very happy with the results, nose aside. I most likely will be getting Rhinoplasty, but that's probably all I will need. I won't look like Reese Witherspoon, probably more like this.jpg as far as face shape and lips from what I am told. If I do I will be really happy! I can't say I'm not getting impatient though. My face is definitely beginning to fill out. After not much happening in the face department I noted that I was growing chipmunk cheeks about a week and half ago... My face is way behind the breasts. My current av? Yeah, those are real. No padding, no kidding. Wish my face would catch up.


Anyway, I go to my office, grocery stores, department stores, casinos (work), nightclubs (work), HSBC Arena in front of thousands of people (work), transmitter sites having to talk one-on-one with utility company employees and tower crews... If I were still shy here, I'd *really* have a problem...

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I've not changed in the face nearly enough to make me happy with it. I do get stares quite a bit when I'm out and about. My attitude is that I'm a work in progress. Don't like it? Fuck off. I've been told by someone in the plastic surgery industry NOT to get anything done with my face yet because my facial bone structure will work very well with the hormones and I'll likely be very happy with the results, nose aside. I most likely will be getting Rhinoplasty, but that's probably all I will need. I won't look like Reese Witherspoon, probably more like this.jpg as far as face shape and lips from what I am told. If I do I will be really happy! I can't say I'm not getting impatient though. My face is definitely beginning to fill out. After not much happening in the face department I noted that I was growing chipmunk cheeks about a week and half ago... My face is way behind the breasts. My current av? Yeah, those are real. No padding, no kidding. Wish my face would catch up.


Anyway, I go to my office, grocery stores, department stores, casinos (work), nightclubs (work), HSBC Arena in front of thousands of people (work), transmitter sites having to talk one-on-one with utility company employees and tower crews... If I were still shy here, I'd *really* have a problem...


Women seem to be overly concerned with how they look, overly critcal I mean. Rhinoplasty *might* not be too bad an idea in your case though, since you are essentually trying to "feminize" your face. Don't get me wrong, your face looks fine, the nose is the only feature I see that "could" be fine tuned *if* YOU personally are unhappy with it. But do it soley for YOU and not because you worry what people think.


Just don't go to "Tom's Rhinoplasty", you might end up like this by accident:



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Ahhh sunday morning time to wash my dirty undies and catch up on all of last weeks homework.

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Got up at noon. Partner and I went to karate, and the shipment with everyone's new belts had arrived. (We got tested just before the holiday break). I am now officially an orange belt in Shotokan. :woohoo:


Went to Canadian Tire, then Horton's for a coffee, then a dollar store. Picked up half a dozen cheap minature Mason jars and, upon returning home, tidied up the plethora of spices in the kitchen cupboard. While I had all the spices out on the kitchen counter, transferring them to the new jars, I made a batch of chai.

Chai recipe:
1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns; 6 pods green cardamom; 1 cinnamon stick; 12 cloves; 1 tablespoon fennel; 2 bay leaves; and 2 tablespoons Darjeeling tea. Boil spices in 7 cups of water for five minutes, then take off the heat and steep for ten. Add tea; bring back to boil; reduce heat and simmer for five minutes. Strain; discard spices and tea. Add milk and sweetener to taste. (I usually keep the basic mixture in the fridge and mix half-and-half with hot milk when I want a cup, rather than adding milk to the whole mixture.)

And then I waxed the floor in my office. Ooh, shiny...

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